
Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

author:South Plus client

People's mediation is an important force and grasp of grass-roots social governance, playing the role of the "first line of defense" for maintaining social harmony and stability, and the individual mediation studio is an important part of the organizational form of people's mediation.

In 2019, the first people's mediation studio in Chashan Town named after the individual mediator, the Qiuji Personal Mediation Studio, was established in Hanxi Water Village. On October 15, the reporter learned from Chashan Town that after more than two years of operation, the studio timely and effectively resolved the problem of mass petitioning, further improved the diversified resolution mechanism of contradictions and disputes, and achieved the good effect of resolving contradictions at the grass-roots level.

Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

Nurture a personal brand mediation studio

There are 6 staff members in the Qiuji Personal Mediation Studio, including 3 full-time mediators, who are composed of village cadres and legal advisers, and all petition cases or disputes that occur in the village can go to the mediation studio to seek mediation.

The person in charge of the studio is Luo Zhuqiu, member of the general branch of the party in Hanxi Water Village and deputy director of the village committee. In 2011, Luo Zhuqiu began to take charge of the comprehensive management and stability maintenance work in the village, and often participated in the coordination and handling of contradictions and disputes among the masses. More than ten years of mediation work has accumulated a lot of mediation experience for Luo Zhuqiu, and he has a better understanding of the psychology of the grass-roots masses.

Luo Zhuqiu introduced that the recent mediation was a case on compensation for work injuries. A company in the jurisdiction contracted the renovation work to the contractor, and the contractor subcontracted the water and electricity process to Zhang. However, Zhang Mou suddenly fell ill on the 3rd day of work, and the rescue was ineffective and died. Afterwards, Zhang's family found the company and the person in charge of the contractor to claim compensation, but the compensation issue could not be agreed.

Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

After understanding the situation, the Qiuji Personal Mediation Room considered whether there was a major dispute over the labor relationship in this case, and the time and effort required to apply for the recognition of work injury, arbitration or litigation, it recommended that the two parties settle from the perspective of benefiting both parties.

The studio adhered to the position of centering, grasped the focus of the problem, sought common ground of interests of both sides, and conducted full communication and pros and cons analysis with both sides in accordance with the principle of fairness, justice and openness. Through many times of communication and coordination, the two sides finally reached an agreement to compensate and settle.

Luo Zhuqiu said that there are many similar cases, as well as disputes between employees and employees of enterprises, conflicts between neighbors and so on. Sometimes there are cases where after the court's judgment, the parties are not satisfied with the judgment and are unwilling to implement the judgment. In this regard, Luo Zhuqiu believes that "to do a good job in the people's mediation work, we must not only know the law and understand the law, but also have feelings and righteousness, always take the satisfaction of the masses as the fundamental criterion for measuring the work, and comprehensively use laws, policies, education, guidance and other methods to maximize the legality, rationality and reasonableness of the mediation results, so that the people can feel the warmth of the rule of law." ”

Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

Innovative Development New Era "Maple Bridge Experience"

He Guodong, deputy director of the Chashan Town Legal Service Institute, told reporters that the personal mediation studio plays an important role in maintaining social stability and resolving grass-roots contradictions. Chashan will take the construction of personal mediation studio as an important part of mediation work, based on local reality, highlight the characteristics of "Guanshi Wanxi", and establish and cultivate personal brand mediation studio. At the same time, establish and improve the various work systems of individual mediation studios, actively carry out professional skills training, and encourage and support full-time people's mediators and "five olds and one law" personnel (old judges, old procurators, old police officers, old political and legal cadres, retired old teachers of colleges and universities and senior practicing lawyers) or local highly respected people, excellent grid members, etc. to establish or participate in personal mediation studios.

In recent years, Chashan has continuously improved the construction of mediation studios at the town, village level and public security stations, improved the construction of industry mediation organizations and enterprise mediation organizations, and ensured full coverage of mediation organizations. At present, there are 33 people's mediation committees and 3 mediation studios in the town. As of the end of September this year, there were 126 full-time and part-time mediators in the town, and the township-level investigation committee guided and regulated other mediation organizations in towns and villages to complete 1523 mediation cases, successfully mediating 1446 cases, and the successful mediation rate reached 94.9%.

Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

Next, the Chashan Judicial Sub-Bureau will continue to adhere to the people-centered concept, innovate and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, based on the actual situation of local contradictions and disputes and the professional expertise of mediators, improve the network of people's mediation organizations, innovate the form of people's mediation organizations, and resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner, so as to promote the prevention of major risks, the resolution of contradictions and disputes, and the improvement of grass-roots governance as a whole, and further enhance the sense of security and happiness of the masses.

Innovative development of "Fengqiao experience", Chashan continues to deepen the people's mediation work

[Reporter] Yau Xiangming

[Correspondent] Chen Bo Chen Jiemin

【Author】 Qiu Mingming

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value


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