
He was so old, he was born to be my grandfather

author:Takeko 1218

Before going to bed at night, my 6-and-a-half-year-old son hugged me and asked me:

"Mom, will anyone die?" Can people live again after death? Why do people die? ”

"Everything in the world has its own life, every thing comes to this world has its own mission, we must cherish it, cherish everything we feel, cherish our relatives and friends." 」

"Can that man not die?" Do people die when they get old? Will you die when you're old? Will I never see you again? I don't want you to die. "[Tears] [Tears] [Tears]

Coax the child to sleep, and suddenly remembered in his heart

"Grandpa is an Old Man"

As long as I can remember, Grandpa was an old man.

He was so old, as if he had never been young.

He was so old, he was born to be my grandfather

He was so old, as if he had been born to be my grandfather.

But I never really thought he would die one day.

I always thought that no matter how old a person is, he can always live for another year, right?

He was so old, he was born to be my grandfather

And one day he died.

It's like the courtyard wall of the earthen stacks,

There is a lot of wind and rain, and one day it will collapse,



He was so old, he was born to be my grandfather

I know very little about his life,

He said something, and I don't remember much.

He was so old, he was born to be my grandfather

Like he loves me a lot,

I just called him Grandpa!

The heart is full of trepidation, parents are old, sometimes they are always afraid that one day they will never find them again, every time they think about it, the heart is like a tight hand, always forcing themselves not to think, tonight in the middle of the night, but suddenly by the child directly poked into the heart, tears!