
Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

Tea, which is both a traditional and fashionable drink, has been popular for thousands of years and accompanied people through the four seasons. Tea is appreciated by both elegant and popular, it is both grounded and adds poetic beauty to life.

The fragrance and lusciousness of tea are highly sought after by the ancients, even in the coldest seasons. And in the ice and snow, cooking a pot of hot tea, bathing in the tea smoke and aroma that wafted up, feeling at ease, warming the body and heart, I felt that winter was not so annoying.

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

When the snow falls, the temperature is lower, and it is also felt like staying at home at this time.

The north wind is tight at sunset, and the cold forest is silent.

Whoever talks about the Dharma is really a smallpox.

Oh pen is difficult to post, knock on the bed and make tea.

Zen Pass can be closed early, and there should be few passengers parking.

- Kiyoshi Osu, "Twilight Snow"

It was late afternoon, the north wind was howling, the temperature had plummeted, and in the dry woods, even the noisy crows were silent, as if they had been frozen. Who is talking about the Dharma? Snowflakes are falling from the sky, smallpox and snowflakes, it is really difficult to distinguish. In the temple, Osu Gong was also too cold to write, he wanted to write, he was holding a pen, but it was still difficult to post, cold and trembling, knocking on his bedding, or boiling tea, so that it could be warmer. He hoped that the temple would close sooner so that visitors would not disturb each other. In such weather, it is easy to be alone, to make tea, and to be happy. No matter how cold the weather is, it is not afraid.

In winter, resting at home, not hungry or cold, and then a pot of hot tea, is a happy and comfortable career.

The grass is full of people, and the heart is more than enough.

The wind is high and the wild is sloppy, and the frost is late foot garden vegetables.

Suhuo warm tea basket, bright lamp to vegetarian book.

The royal winter has no purpose, and the pot of medicinal liquor is full of pots.

--Song Zhang, "Winter Book Affairs Two Songs".

Although the accommodation was simple and the conditions were not very good, the poet was very satisfied. The north wind is cold, everything is depressed, but the vegetables in the garden are very rich. The tea basket containing the tea is always warmed by fire, and you can read a book under the bright light. There are poems and tea, and it is also very good. There was no other reserve this winter, but the brewed medicinal wine was full of pots. Hot tea and hot wine can drive away the cold too.

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

Tea is not only warm, but also a fragrant and elegant companion.

When the tea is boiling in the middle of the night, it is the cold window Bamboo Xueming.

Gande lonely can grow old, and his heart should be peaceful throughout his life.

--Don Sikong Tu, "Five Even Poems, Part I"

Late at night, when the tea soup was boiling, the poet was startled, and he looked around, and it was the middle of the night, the chill was cold, and the snow in the bamboo forest was reflected in a clear light. As long as you are not afraid of loneliness and can endure loneliness, this life is also peaceful in your heart, easy to be content and grateful. And a pot of hot tea won't make him too lonely.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Lu You, in his reclusive life, can also find his own fun and elegance.

The sunset is sparse in the forest, and the green mountain is my home.

When I returned, I made myself tea in front of the small stove lamp.

——Song Lu you, "Self-Law And Cloud Return"

This was where he lived, and outside the sparse woods at dusk, flying over jackdaws, at the foot of the green mountains, was his home. Coming back from the outside, what's the most interesting thing? Of course, it is boiled in front of the stove, steaming, both thirst quenching, but also warm heart and stomach, tea aroma makes people intoxicated.

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

And he also wrote another poem about boiling tea, which is full of the joy of life.

Night window father and son sencha, a little green light cold knot flowers.

There are no barking dogs in the village, and there are crows in the garden.

This is a picture of the life of an ordinary father and son in the countryside, very ordinary but also very warm. Father and son were frying tea under the lamp, and the dim green lamp was already full of lights. The tea is overflowing, what will they talk about? The night was so silent that there was not a single bark in the village, like the night of ancient times, and in the moonlit forest, the jackdaws chirped once or twice from time to time. Winter nights are the coldest, but staying with your family and making a pot of night tea is a joy to behold.

Tea is highly respected by the world, but its temperament is the most peaceful and calm. People who like tea are also like this.

Che Ma Chang An Dao, who knows the great hidden heart.

The barbarian monk left the ancient mirror, and the Shu guest sent the new violin.

Sunburn medicine bamboo fast warm, pound tea pine courtyard deep.

When Si Jun visited each other, the snow was like a mountain shadow.

- Tang Huang furan, "Looking for a Virgin"

In Chang'an, where traffic is busy, Dai Is a great hidden in the world. In his yard, there are ancient mirrors and new pianos given to him by friends. Bamboo is drying herbs, and someone is mashing the tea under the pine trees to prepare to cook it. The scent of the incense was refreshing, and the poet came to look for the virgin, and to see the snow in the mountains in the distance, which was the north of the mountain. Spring has not yet come, but it is full of vitality and ease. I wonder if the poet will be envious?

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

Snow water sencha, is a must. But not everyone can appreciate this taste.

The old party home of the account is sold, and the unknown Qing is in Sencha.

Then they should return and burn the pine leaves, and finely crush the gun flag to boil the snowflakes.

——Song Yao Mian, "Ten Memories of Snow Slopes in the Snow"

Living a noisy and extravagant life at an old friend's house, they don't know that the most elegant thing in the world is to make tea. I should go home, sweep the pine leaves to burn the fire, and make a pot of good tea. Like-minded people are true friends.

If a guest comes, if you can't drink alcohol, you can also cook hot tea for hospitality, which is no less than drinking.

Cold night guests come to tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling fire first red.

Usually the same window before the month, only plum blossoms are different.

- Song Dulei, "Cold Night"

On winter nights, guests came and made tea as wine. The red flames reflected, the water in the pot boiled, and the house was warm as spring. The moonlight shines in front of the window as usual, but a few plum blossoms bloom quietly, suddenly adding a touching feeling. The fragrance of tea, the fragrance of flowers, the color of the moon, talking freely on such a winter night, how can it not be a great joy in life?

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

The friendship in tea is as timeless as clear tea.

At the beginning of the laughter, he had no ability to be an official, but because he was a distant poet.

I owe feng yan with jun jiao, and I know that I am a monk alone.

Guest pillow dreams of listening to the night rain, homesickness is absolutely autumn lights.

When the old plum blossoms are under, Shi Ding divides the tea and boils ice together.

--Song Xu Jisun, "Sending Friends in The Arms"

The poet humbled himself that he did not have the talent to become an official, but because he became a petty official, he was far away from his friends. Hongyan, who wanted to write letters without sending a letter, understood that the only thing I was thinking about was the monks in the temple. Wandering outside, waking up every night, listening to the sound of night rain, homesickness is hard to help. When will we be able to boil tea with ice in the stone ding, share the tea, and share the years as we did in the original, under the flowering plum tree? The poet looks forward to that day. Boiling tea in winter is a beautiful memory.

The poetry of winter is not only in plum blossoms or moonlight, not only in snowflakes or tea, but more importantly, there is someone to accompany you.

I love to explore the plum creek by the moon.

Junai sweeps the boiled tea branches on the snow.

Junxing, my heart is broken.

--Yuan Liu Minzhong, "The Tallest Building, Ciyun Answers ZhangXianyi"

I like to look for plums to visit the moon, and you like to sweep the snow to make tea. You have fun, and so do I. Accompanying each other, there is always poetry, painting, and warmth in life.

Make a pot of hot tea to warm the cold winter

Winter is getting deeper. The tea aroma of the ancients wafted through the winter until spring.

Seocho such as plum early cham spring, who will be the dragon phoenix will be immortal.

The flowers in the cooking cup are still white, and the dust in the chest is poured out.

- Song Pan Ya, "Tea"

In early spring, tea trees sprout, like plum blossoms, dispelling the chill of winter. At this time, a pot of tea is boiled, the old is greeted with the new, and the milky white camellia flowers float in the tea cup, washing away the dust in the heart and flooding with bright hope.

Winter is over. Spring returns to the earth. The winter that accompanies tea and is warmed by tea has also become a warm memory, haunting the heart and not going away for a long time. It is not only the aroma of tea, but also the most sincere affection in the world, and gratitude for life, and the perception of the years, which are endless and endless.


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.