
Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

author:Tourist memories of Penglai Hai City

Changsha is one of the important cradles of the Xinhai Revolution, and many Xiaoxiang heroes have bravely stood on the tide in that era of reversing the situation, throwing their heads and spilling their blood. Yuelu Mountain is the resting place of dozens of heroes of Xinhai, let us approach them, listen to their cries more than a hundred years ago, and comfort them that the ideals they fought for in those years have been realized in today's China.

1. Yu Zhifeng

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Yu Zhifeng

Yu Zhimo (1866-1907), a native of Xiangxiang, Hunan; went to Japan in 1894 to study textiles, and after returning to China, founded a number of textile factories; joined the League in 1905 and was one of the founders of the Hunan branch; after the murder of revolutionaries Chen Tianhua and Yao Hongye, he advocated holding public sacrifices in Changsha, which was opposed by local officials, so he organized more than 10,000 students to march and bury, were arrested, and were killed. The tomb of Yu Zhimo is located on the north side of the Lushan Temple in the eastern foothills of Yuelu Mountain.

2. Huang Xing

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Huang Xing

Huang Xing (1874-1916), a native of Changsha, Hunan Province; studied at Yuelu Academy in his early years, went to Japan to study in 1902; returned to China in 1903 to engage in education, propagated the revolution, and organized the Huaxing Association with Song Jiaoren and other organizations, serving as its president; joined the League in 1905 as the chief of the Shu Affairs; launched several uprisings in Guangxi, Yunnan and other places, but failed; after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, he served as the chief of the army on New Year's Day in 1912, and then stayed in Nanjing; after the defeat of Yuan in 1913, he fled abroad. Huang Xing's tomb is located in Xiaoyueping, north of Yunlu Peak in Yuelu Mountain.

3. Chen Tianhua

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Chen Tianhua

Chen Tianhua (1875-1905), a native of Xinhua, Hunan; studied in Japan in 1903 and was elected as one of the leaders of the Huaxing Association; in 1905, he joined the League and published revolutionary articles such as "Warning Bell" and "Sharp Return"; in December of the same year, after Participating in the struggle against the Japanese government's "Rules for Banning International Students", he committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea in order to express his determination to save the country by swearing to die. Chen Tianhua's tomb is located next to the Yuelu Mountain Lushan Temple.

4. Cai Yi

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Cai Yi

Cai Yi (1882-1916), a native of Baoqing (present-day Shaoyang), Hunan; entered the Hunan Shiwu School in 1897 and later went to study at the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School; after returning to China, he served as the general office of the Nanning Daowutang and the Guangxi BingbeiDao; in 1910 he served as a senator of the Yunnan Governor's Office and the co-commander of the New Army; after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, he was elected as the governor of Yunnan; in 1915, during Yuan Shikai's house arrest, he was helped by Xiao Fengxian, a confidant of hongyan, and fled back to Yunnan; in December of the same year, he launched an uprising against Yuan Shikai's claim to the throne; and died in Japan in 1916. The tomb of Cai Yi is located near the White Crane Spring in Yuelu Mountain.

5. Liu Daoyi

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Liu Daoyi

Liu Daoyi (1884-1906), a native of Xiangtan, Hunan Province; joined the Huaxing Association in 1904, and later went to Japan to organize a secret group with Qiu Jin and others; joined the League in 1905 as secretary and officer; in 1906, he returned to the Liaison Association of the Party and the New Army, launched the Pingxiang, Liuyang, and Liling Uprisings, and was arrested and killed. Liu Daoyi's tomb is located in Qingfeng Gorge, Yuelu Mountain, and is the joint tomb of his wife Cao Zhuang.

6. Chen Zuoxin

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Chen Zuoxin's tomb

Chen Zuoxin (1885-1911), a native of Liuyang, Hunan; was admitted to the Hunan Benmu Academy in 1905 and joined the League; after graduation, he served as a platoon leader and instructor of the surveying and mapping class of the New Army in Hunan; after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, he and Jiao Dafeng responded to the Changsha Uprising and were appointed deputy governors of the Hunan Military Government; in October, they were killed in a mutiny launched by Mei Xin in the new army. Chen Zuoxin's tomb is located in Xiaoyueping, north of Yunlu Peak in Yuelu Mountain.

7. Jiang Yiwu

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Jiang Yiwu

Jiang Yiwu (1885-1913), a native of Lixian County, Hunan Province; joined the League in 1905 and founded the Jingye Xun Bao; in 1909 he joined the Hubei New Army and joined the progressive military group "Zhenwu Society"; after the Wuchang Uprising, he served as a military adviser to the military government, and for a time served as Huang Xing as the commander-in-chief; in the "Second Revolution" he served as an envoy to E and Yu Zhaofu, and after his defeat, he was arrested and killed on the way to Guangxi. The tomb of Jiang Yiwu is located above the Mid-Levels Pavilion of Yuelu Mountain.

8. Qin Zhen

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Qin Zhen

Qin Zhen (1885-1947), a native of Taoyuan, Hunan; in 1904, he joined the Huaxing Association through the introduction of Song Jiaoren; he studied at the Hongwen College and Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan; in 1905, he joined the League as the backbone of the Huaxing Association and became one of the initiators of the Alliance; before the Xinhai Revolution, he traveled back and forth between the motherland and Japan many times, planning uprisings, avoiding pursuit, and going through hardships; after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, he successively served as the governor of the Xianggui Coalition Army, the counselor of the Grand Marshal's Office, the envoy of Hunan, the vice president of the Legislative Yuan of the National Government, Acting President, Vice President of the Judicial Yuan, Member of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, and Member of the Supervision Commission; after the September 18 Incident, he actively advocated the anti-Japanese resistance; after the victory of the War of Resistance, dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's civil war policy, he began to draw closer to the Communist Party. Qin Zhen's tomb is located in Qingfeng Gorge, Yuelu Mountain.

9. Jiao Dafeng

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Jiao Dafeng

Jiao Dafeng (1887-1911), a native of Liuyang, Hunan; joined the Brotherhood of Elders and participated in the Pingxiang, Liuyang, and Liling Uprisings in 1906; after the failure of the uprising, fled to Japan, during which he joined the League as the minister of investigation; in 1909, he set up the Communist Progressive Association organs in Wuhan and Changsha to propagate revolutionary ideas; after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, he responded to the Changsha Uprising, was elected as the governor of the Hunan military government, and was later killed by the rebels. The tomb of Jiao Dafeng is located on the east side of the Lushan Temple in Yuelu Mountain.

10. Liu Kuntao

Hanging Changsha Yuelu Mountain Xinhai Heroic Celebrity Tomb

Tomb of Liu Kuntao

Liu Kuntao (1887-1918), a native of Liling, Hunan; graduated from the Baoding Army Accelerated School, served as the commander of the cavalry team of the Guangxi New Army and the commander of the cavalry battalion; after the Wuchang Uprising, he served as the commander of the cavalry regiment of the Eighth Division; after the defeat of the "Second Revolution" in 1913, he fled to Japan and studied at Waseda University; in 1916 he was the commander of the First Army of the Hunan Protectorate Army, the commander of the First Division of the Xiang Army, and the garrison of Lingling Town; and he was unfortunately killed in the "War of Defending the French" in 1918. Liu Kuntao's tomb is located next to the Yunlu Palace in Yuelu Mountain.