
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth

author:New Capital Education

In order to further implement the "Guiding Opinions of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education on Further Improving the Quality of Classroom Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools" and the "Basic Requirements for Classroom Teaching in Various Disciplines of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in Sichuan Province", implement the requirements of the provincial and municipal "Notice on Organizing and Carrying Out the Selection of Excellent Courses in Basic Education in 2021", promote the reform of classroom teaching, improve the quality of basic education, and promote the integration and innovative practice of information technology and music discipline teaching. The Academy of Education of Xindu District Education Bureau responded positively, attached great importance to it, and carried out the selection activity of "Basic Education Quality Course" for music disciplines in primary and secondary schools in Xindu District.

Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth

On September 28th, under the leadership of Xu Tao, a music teacher and researcher in primary and secondary schools of the Educational Science Research Institute of Xindu District Education Bureau, the music responsibility team leaders of primary and secondary schools in Xindu District gathered at Fanjiang Primary School in Xindu District to participate in the 2021 Xindu District "Basic Education Quality Class" Selection Activity Kick-off Meeting and District-level Training Meeting. During the meeting, teacher Xu Tao, a teacher and researcher, led the participating teachers to carefully interpret the documents, clarify the ideas of the activities, implement and arrange the preliminary selection preparation and post-recording work of each school and each area in the early stage, and conducted the "boutique class" recording technology training.

Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth

From September 28th to October 10th, in order to enable all teachers to understand the spirit and selection requirements of the selection activity of the "Basic Education Quality Course" as soon as possible, Teacher Xu Tao, a teacher and researcher, led the responsible team leaders of each district to guide the promotion of each school's activities.

Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth

Under the leadership of Teacher Xu, the primary and secondary schools in the district are enthusiastic, actively organize and participate in all staff, give full play to the subjective initiative, have strong cohesion, and form a strong learning atmosphere among the music teachers in the district.

Through solid and accurate training, the teachers clarified the requirements of the "basic education quality course", carefully prepared the lessons in accordance with the spirit of the document, carefully polished the lessons, and actively thought about how to create an innovative classroom that integrates information technology and music discipline teaching, and fully prepared the teachers to ensure the best results of recording.

Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth
Select "high-quality" classrooms to promote teaching growth

On October 11, with the joint efforts of music teachers in the district, a total of 68 high-quality "boutique lessons" were recorded and participated in the district-level selection. Based on the evaluation indicators of the 2021 ministerial quality class and adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, the professional evaluation committee selected three high-quality "fine classes" of Jiang Yaxin, teacher Jiang Yaxin of Tianyuan Primary School, "Yao Dance Music" of Teacher Li Huan of Wulongshan Campus of Chengshiwai, and "Xiao Youmei and Huang Zi", teacher of Athletics Beijing of Bihe Middle School, and they will represent Xindu District to participate in the selection activity of "Basic Education Quality Class" in Chengdu in 2021. With the joint efforts of the Academy of Education of Xindu District Education Bureau, Mr. Xu Tao, a music teacher and researcher in Xindu District, and all music teachers in Xindu District, the selection of "Basic Education Quality Courses" in Xindu District has come to a successful end.

After the end of the activity, the teachers said that the selection activity of the "Basic Education Excellent Course" made everyone feel the team spirit of the music teachers in the whole district, the unity and cooperation, mutual help and mutual assistance, and the unlimited love for the cause of music education. "One person can go fast, a group of people will go further." It is believed that through this activity, the teaching practice of every Xindu music education dreamer will never stop, and feel the true meaning of happiness education while exploring the ideal music classroom.