
Precious cultural relics of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of students

author:Xinmin Network

The launching ceremony and first lecture activity of "a hundred things entering a hundred schools, a hundred lectures and a hundred years" was held yesterday in Shanghai Middle School, and the precious cultural relics collected by a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China walked out of the site of the first congress and came to the students' classroom. The first lecture was specially scheduled for the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on October 25, when Feng Zhigang, principal of Shanghai Middle School, rang the class bell; Xue Feng, secretary of the party committee and director of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China, opened the box for the cultural relics; and the staff of the memorial hall introduced the process of circulation, collection, and protection of cultural relics to the students around the M1903 rifle in the collection of a major memorial hall of the Cpc, and told the story of Li Zengxiang of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army who shot down a US fighter plane on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea with only this rifle and five bullets. He also specially invited veterans of the Centennial Lecturers' Group to talk about their personal experiences in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. As an important measure to carry out party history study and education activities in colleges, middle schools, and primary schools. Relying on the joint conference mechanism of off-campus activities, Shanghai promotes the cooperation between the museum and the school in on-site teaching activities, creatively transforms the resources of revolutionary cultural relics into high-quality resources for ideological and political education in schools, promotes the party's innovative theories and revolutionary traditions into the campus and classrooms, and promotes the unity of knowing the school and loving the school and loving the party and the country and socialism.

Precious cultural relics of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of students
Precious cultural relics of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of students
Precious cultural relics of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of students
Precious cultural relics of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of students

Chief reporter Liu Xin photo report