
Why does the General Administration of Customs of China ban Taiwan pineapples?

author:Old Shaw said insects

Recently, China Customs banned taiwan pineapples from entering, which really detonated the entire two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

According to the notice of the General Administration of Customs, since 2020, mainland customs has repeatedly detected quarantine pests such as Ocean Hips Mealybug Planoccus minor, New Pineapple Gray Mealyoccus neobrevipes and Sarsa Black Round Shield Silkworm Melanaspis smilacis from pineapples imported from Taiwan.

This is the reason why the General Administration of Customs has banned the entry of Taiwan pineapples, and some people do not understand, is this not just a few insects, putting aside political things, let's understand what these quarantine pests are.

Quarantine pests refer to dangerous pests that are prohibited from being carried in goods entering and leaving the country in accordance with legal procedures.

According to the National List of Agricultural Plant Quarantine Pests, the Law on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants Entering and Leaving the Country, and the Directory of Quarantine Pests of Imported Plants of the People's Republic of China, the prohibition of the General Administration of Customs is justified and well-founded. The main purpose is to prevent the introduction of foreign pests and ensure the safety of Agricultural and Forestry Production in China.

Planococcus minor of the oceanic gluteal, Dysmicoccus neobrevipes of the new pineapple gray mealybug, and Melanaspis smilacis are insects of the order Hemiptera. Among them, the ocean rump mealybug and the new pineapple gray mealybug belong to the family of mealybugs, with more hosts and strong adaptability to the environment, mainly harming citrus, longan, cherry, banana and other cash crops.

Sarsaparilla black round shield fly belongs to the hemiptera shield pod family, similar to the ocean gluteal mealybug, endangering cash crops and flowers.

These kinds of insects harm cash crops, using a stinging mouthpiece to suck the sap of plants, causing the yield of cash crops to decrease, and in severe cases, even causing the death of the entire cash crop plant. At the same time, it will bring other diseases to the plant, and the disease will also harm the cash crops. The honeydew secreted by the insects also attracts ants, which also affects cash crops.

Insects have strong reproductive capacity, when the lack of external natural enemies and other factors constraints, there will be a large-scale outbreak, if introduced to China, may have a significant impact on many domestic cash crops. There are already many such examples, such as the American white moth, pine wood nematode disease, etc., and the losses caused to our country are astronomical.

It can be seen that the ban of the General Administration of Customs is not out of thin air, and the prohibition of the invasion of foreign pests is entirely for the purpose of protecting the ecological security of our country, and there is no need to link it with politics for speculation.

The general customs ban is actually not deliberately true to Taiwan, if the United States and Japan imported agricultural products into China are found to have these harmful organisms, the same will be banned from entry. The same agricultural products exported by China to Europe and the United States have these pests, and they will also be banned.

With the development of the economy, people's living standards gradually improved, the requirements for safety are getting higher and higher, only by doing a good job in quarantine work, can we ensure the ecological security of our country and promote social harmony and stability.

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Why does the General Administration of Customs of China ban Taiwan pineapples?

Mealybug hazards

Why does the General Administration of Customs of China ban Taiwan pineapples?

Shield bug hazards