
The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

author:Marvel movies

"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," starring Anthony McKay and Sebastian Stein, has aired.

Although after the fifth episode aired, it felt like there were still many holes that had not been filled, but fortunately, the finale handled the various characters well.

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

While exposing Sharon Carter as a "power broker", it also left a huge suspense for fans at the end of the play.

Many people want to know, who will be the person who talks to Sharon in the Easter egg?

According to the unexplored source of the external network news, the original scene will be directly related to "Spider-Man: Heroes No Return".

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

This rumor is not necessarily reliable, just look at it!

Just take a look at it first, before the official confirmation, don't take it seriously!

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

According to people familiar with the matter, "Hunting Winter" originally had a clip at the end of the play, and the identity of the person on the other side of the phone would be disclosed.

And this mysterious person is Norman Osborne, played by William Dafoe.

He has bought the former Stark Building, which is now oscorp enterprise.

He touched something glowing green and said, "Let's start with it all." ”

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

While it's not known if the above rumors are true, William Dafoe's Green Devil will most likely return in Spider-Man: Homeless.

A number of villains, such as Jamie Fox's Electric Lightman, Alfred Molina's Dr. Octopus, and Thomas Harden Church's Sandman, are all accused of returning, playing characters not from previous universes, but from other multiverses.

Not only that, but Charlie Cox is rumored to also appear as Matt Murdoch.

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

In a previous interview with Marvel, Zoie Nagelhout, co-executive producer of "The Hunt for Winter," also explained the decision not to let Sam and Bucky know Sharon's true identity in the end.

Nagelhout said: "The clash did not involve Sam and Bucky, her target was not them. She is going her own way, doing her own tasks. There was no need to complicate her relationship with those people. ”

"She can help them, or she can be a capable broker." For us, the character has a duality, which is interesting. ”

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

Emily Wankap also analyzed her character's final transformation.

"Obviously, she has a bigger plan, and it's for the greater good. As someone who plays this role, I understand that. ”

"She no longer trusts the government, she wants to put pressure on them. What does this mean? I do not know. But we'll see. ”

The person who talks to Sharon on the phone, will it be him?

The suspense left at the end of "Winter Hunt" has the opportunity to be associated with the movie "Captain America 4", the future drama "Secret Invasion" and "Armor War".

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