
10 things you probably don't know about suits

author:Snowy sunshine

In fact, there are many stories about suits, and today we will tell 10 things about suits that you may not know.

On June 23, 2011, the U.S. network premiered a legal drama called "Litigation", formerly known as "Legal Mind". Former sitcom writer Aaron Korsh made a show about a college dropout named Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) who passed his bar exam but didn't have a law degree. He inadvertently gives an interview to Pearson Spector Litt's partner, Harvey Spector (Gabriel Machte), who, despite knowing Rose's secrets, hires him as a partner based on Rose's ability to remember legal facts and wants to give him a second chance in life.

Over the course of seven seasons, the lawsuit became "a love show disguised as a legal drama," with the focus on the relationship between Mike and Harvey. Megan Markle, who is about to become a member of the royal family, plays Mike's fiancée and colleague Rachel Zane. The long-running tv series is not only one of the highest-rated TV series in the United States, but also one of the highest-rated tv shows in cable TV, so much so that the cable network has renewed it for an eighth season.

10 things you probably don't know about suits

On August 30, 2017, the show set a milestone of 100 episodes. The final six episodes of season seven will air on March 28 and Markle and Adams will depart on April 25, when the network will air a two-hour season seven finale featuring Mike and Rachel's wedding. (Markle's real wedding to Prince Harry will take place on May 19, when she will receive the title of Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales) However, Durexhir and Catherine Haiger will join the cast for season eight, with Gina Torres (lawyer Jessica Pearson) leaving the show at the end of season six but returning to make a cameo appearance, where she will get her comeback sometime next year. Here are 10 things you might not know.

1 The play is based on the life of Aaron Kosh.

Before becoming a TV writer and showrunner, Aaron Korsh worked as an investment banker on Wall Street, the original career of a character in a suit series. "I work for a guy named Harvey, I have a good memory, and I've played with marijuana," Korsh told Collider. He left Wall Street and moved to Los Angeles to become a writer's assistant. He told The Hollywood Reporter: "Based on my experience on Wall Street, I wrote a normative article that was intended to be an hour and a half follower (show), but as I wrote this, I began to realize that it was an hour show. ”。

As a first-time actor, Kosh felt inexperienced, which only helped to develop the characters in the play. "I think it was the first day on set, shooting at the pilots, and I was inside thinking, 'What am I doing here?' I'm a liar, and that's the basis for Mike to be a liar. ”

2Patrick Adams thinks the show makes viewers "feel good"

In an interview with Mr. Fashion, Adams admitted that suits don't completely change the rules of the game when it comes to TV shows, "but it's one of those shows that people like to interject between shows that change tv." There's a show that's going to change the way I think about art, life, myself and my family, and there's a show I just want to watch because I love these people and they make me feel good. He also dubbed the show "Guilty Joy" and said it didn't change much throughout the season.

Adams said: "It ended up being pretty much the same thing we've been doing for seven years. He also said the show lacked violence and sometimes deep emotion, such as when Mike's grandmother died. "You touch the depths and then drag it back. That's the rhythm of it. People like to feel like they're close to pain and suffering, and then they like to feel safe, everything is fine, and we can joke right away. ”

Three. Gabriel Mach's real family influenced Harvey.

Gabriel Macht explained to the TV fan that he came from a family of lawyers: his sister was a former assistant district attorney in the Bronx; his aunt and cousin were family lawyers. He said: "I've been around here all my life, so I've observed bits and pieces along the way. ”。“ I felt like when I got the script every week, I didn't have to go to Wikipedia and try to figure out what those terms meant. Because all I have to do is pretend to be good. ”

4 Megan Markle auditioned in an H&M dress.

Today, Megan Markle is known for her expensive designer fashion. But when she auditioned for the role of Rachel, she had to change her wardrobe at the last minute. As Vanity Fair reported, she appeared at the audition in casual clothes, but she realized she needed to look more like a lawyer by profession. "She rushed into an H&M company and bought a small black dress for $35," the article read. Sure enough, someone asked her to change into that dress, and she didn't even try it. Thankfully, this is a good fit. ”

5 At first, Jessica would be murdered.

Gina Torres, who plays Jessica Pearson, told The New York Times that the reason she left the suit was because her contract expired and "my personal life needs to be taken care of." Her family, including then-husband Lawrence Fishburne (the couple separated in late 2017 after nearly 15 years of marriage), lived in Los Angeles, but New York City decided to shoot the show in Toronto. Kosh's idea is to see Jessica and boyfriend Jeff Malone (D.B Woodside) move to Chicago and have the somewhat crazy Larry Marsden (Colin Glazer) kill her.

"I don't think we're going to see it, we're going to hear it," Korsh told Hollywood Reporter. "It's going to break everybody down, and then we're going to do a two-year jump... I think it's going to be a twist that you can't see. You may have seen Jessica choose to leave, but not that she died on it. She survived and came back occasionally for cameos.

Kosh said: "I don't think we often wear suits to give people happy, uninhibited endings, so it's a bit unexpected that episodes eight, nine, and ten all end with a happy ending." ”。

"I don't think people die in suits," Adams told The Gentleman. "Essentially, it's still an aspirational show, and it's too hard to watch these guys wrestle with it."

6MARKLE's VITALMIX is like another actor.

Markle, who describes herself as a foodie, brought her Vitalmix to Toronto and used it to feed the cast and crew. The Adams family lives in Canada, so every day they arrive in Canada, Markle and the crew celebrate in Georgia Bay. "When we talk about Georgia Bay and Canada Day weekend, me and my Vitalmix, we really had food for everyone that weekend," Markle told Esquire. "It's one of those things that I don't think I can travel without my vitamin beauty." It's like an advertisement. But I use it every day to make pesto or shakes. ”

7 People all over the world are talking to Adams about the show.

The show's fan base is made up of enthusiastic fans, especially those who have opinions about Mike and Rachel's Romeo-Juliet-style relationship. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Adams said: "I never thought that a story about six people working at a law firm in New York would attract the interest of people around the world. ”。“ A few years ago I was travelling through New Zealand with a backpack and stopped to help a Swede who had sprained his ankle. He looked up at me with his eyes wide open, and all he could say was how much he wanted Mike and Rachel to get things straight. ”

8 So it makes sense that a Korean version of the suit is in the making.

Starting in April, KbS2TV in South Korea will premiere its own version of the suit.

9 Kosh is ready for Markle's departure.

In November 2017, Markle became engaged to Prince Harry, but a few months ago, when Kosh learned the relationship was serious, he began writing letters to Prince Harry on the show. "It's clear from about a year ago that I knew this relationship was developing rapidly," Kosh said. "I don't want to bother, so I don't want to ask, 'Hey, what's wrong?' What are you going to do? "As the season progresses, I say I'd rather have something good going on in Megan's life, which could mean she's leaving the show, so let's plan it." In 2018, Markle did announce that she would be leaving the show, retiring from show business, and living with her prince in the UK.

10 Adams didn't want Mike to be "the other lawyer on TV"

Like Markle, Adams will retire from the show after the end of season seven. He told The Hollywood Reporter that Mike has come a long way from the beginning of the show to becoming a legal lawyer. Adams said: "I have a voice in my head saying that we have told his story and if he stays a little longer, Mike will become another lawyer on TV. ”。“ It wasn't quite right for him. I don't think my life is quite right either. ”