
Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

author:Komine Film and Television Recommendation

Today, Xiaofeng recommends five very classic American comedies to everyone, each of which can make everyone happy. Here I hope that everyone can give themselves a leisure time after work, watch a few episodes of funny American dramas, and release the pressure, after all, life still has to go on. So let's get started.

Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

<h1>1. Friends</h1>

Directed by: Kevin S. Bright

Starring: Jennifer Aniston / Courteney Cox / Lisa Kudrow

Genre: Comedy

It is a humorous sitcom that began broadcasting on NBC Television in the United States from 1994 to 10 consecutive years (1994-2004). The series consists of 10 seasons and 236 episodes, each of which is about 24 minutes long. It had a record viewership record of 53 million on January 28, 1996, and a record of 52.5 million viewers for the last episode on May 6, 2004.

The story mainly describes a series of stories that happened to six good friends living in New York, from acquaintance to 10 years of life together. Their positions started with Chandler, Chef (Monica), Head of the Museum's Paleontological Zone (Ross), Actor (Joey), Masseuse (Phoebe), Café Waiter (Rachel).

Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

<h1>2. Growing Pains</h1>

Directors: John Tracy, John Passqueen, etc

Starring: Alan Sikh, Joanna Coens, Kirk Cameron, Tracy Gerd, Jeremy Miller, Ashley Johnson

Growing Pains was the highest-rated sitcom in the United States between 1985 and 1992. It is still broadcast on Chinese television screens today. The open-minded personality of the Sivor family left an unforgettable impression on the audience. The show's cast was once hailed as an "A-class cast" by producer Michael Sullivan. As a representative work of family-oriented sitcoms emerging in the 1980s, "Growing Pains" successfully shows us the happy life of a multi-child family in the suburbs of the United States. Filming of Growing Pains began in 1985 and ended in 1992. It was first screened by the American Radio and Television Corporation on September 24, 1985. The true-life version of Growing Pains was undoubtedly somewhat behind the original script, which was caused by the improvisation of the actors, and as a sitcom, he did not always maintain his hilarious character, even interspersed with a few episodes of tragedy, but this did not prevent it from becoming one of the most popular TV shows of the time. In any case, it was a very successful TV series, not only setting a record for ratings in the United States, but also exporting to several countries, and even shaping the direction of its subsequent TV sitcoms.

Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

<h1>3. The Big Bang Theory</h1>

Directed by: James Burrows

Starring: Jim Parsons / Johnny Gerkkech / Kelly Cuco

Genre: Comedy

Release Date: 2007-09-24 (USA)

Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) are a pair of mad scientist otaku with an IQ of over 360 combined. Their scientist friends also include the mercurial Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) and the Indian, who never speaks to women.

Recently, the scientist otaku's opposite door moves in to a beautiful playwright and restaurant receptionist, Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The otaku began to stir, so many ridiculous stories "exploded" among several friends.

Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

<h1>4. Broken girls</h1>

Director: James Burrows

Starring: Kate Dahlins / Beth Beaux / Noah Mills

Release Date: 2011-09-19 (USA)

The dark-haired Max (Kate Daelins Kat Dennings) works at a low-end restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, where colleagues include Han Lee, a small Asian-American owner, Oleg (Jonathan Kite), a meat-talking cook, and Earl, an elderly cashier. The restaurant's new waitress, Caroline (Beth Behrs), is blonde and full of celebrities, and is out of step with the restaurant's grade. Max questions Caroline's identity, learning that Caroline was once the real Miss Qianjin in Manhattan, and that her father went bankrupt and went to work in the store to survive. The soft-mouthed Max takes in the homeless Caroline, and despite his different backgrounds, the same penniless situation makes the two girls good friends.

Although Caroline is in trouble, she is still always thinking of using her business acumen to make a career. She stumbles upon Max's talent for cupcake making and encourages Max to partner with her to open a cake shop. But to realize this dream, they have to manage to raise $250,000 in start-up capital, which seems like a challenge for the shy sisters...

Five Funny and Heartfelt American Dramas: Come And See When You're Sad 1. Friends 2 Growing Pains 3. The Big Bang Theory 4. Broken Girls 5. Modern Family

<h1>5. Modern family</h1>

Modern Family is a television series produced by Twentieth Century Fox Pictures, purchased by the American Broadcasting Corporation and broadcast in the United States. The story revolves around three seemingly unrelated American families, with an "invisible" videographer carrying a camera to record bits and pieces of their lives. The sitcom was shot in the form of a "pseudo-documentary", with most of the footage shots shot with a handheld camera. The story tells the complex and chaotic daily life and emotional world of three typical American families from a unique perspective.

Well, today I will introduce it here, I think that Xiaofeng's friends who write can not forget to pay attention to Oh, pay attention to Xiaofeng, away from the drama famine!

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