
Bazhou's characteristic agricultural and sideline products take advantage of the "opportunity" to break into the market

author:Tianshan Net

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Tianshan Network reporter Du Jianhui correspondent Sun Shihan

On the morning of October 14, the cargo department of Korla Airport was busy carrying and loading boxes of pears and peaches. Since the beginning of this year, the cargo volume of agricultural and sideline products at Korla Airport has exceeded 7,000 tons.

"At present, the freight of agricultural and sideline products is in a low peak period, and the daily shipment of pears, peaches and mutton is about 30 tons." Wang Jun, director of the cargo department of Korla Airport, said that the total freight volume of agricultural and sideline products last year was 9,018 tons, and this year is expected to exceed 10,000 tons.

Bazhou's characteristic agricultural and sideline products take advantage of the "opportunity" to break into the market

On the morning of October 14, at the cargo department of Korla Airport, staff were carrying peaches. Photo by reporter Du Jianhui

Since the listing of Luntai White Apricot in May this year, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture has successively opened 8 special flights for agricultural and sideline products such as "Xinmei", "Korla Fragrant Pear" and "Bayinbrook Grassland Sheep", and fresh fruits and high-quality livestock products have become a new advantage for the development of air cargo in Bazhou.

Bazhou's characteristic forest fruit products and high-quality livestock products are rich in variety, Korla fragrant pear, Luntai white apricot, Ruoqiang red jujube and other characteristic forest fruit planting area of nearly one million mu, Bayinbrook black-headed sheep stock of one million.

In recent years, Bazhou Linkong Economic Service Center has vigorously cultivated the aviation market, improved the efficiency of air cargo, smoothed the export channels of agricultural products, and enabled high-quality agricultural products with Bazhou characteristics to appear in major markets across the country for the first time after being listed.

At present, there are 42 cities in Bazhou with special agricultural and sideline products air transport special flights, realizing air interconnection with many prefectures and cities in Xinjiang and major domestic consumer markets.

The reporter learned that fresh white apricots can not withstand long-distance transportation, easy to rot and deteriorate, in the past, it was difficult to have a breakthrough in the export of white apricots, and sales were mainly in the local market and surrounding cities, which restricted the export of white apricots to a certain extent. "With air cargo flights, Bai Xing can get to Shijiazhuang City in 4 hours." Li Jian, head of the Village Fire E-commerce Company in Luntai County, said.

Bazhou's characteristic agricultural and sideline products take advantage of the "opportunity" to break into the market

Korla airport staff loaded with white apricots on the wheel platform on June 8. Correspondent Jing Lijun photographed

"This year, the sheep I have sold plus the orders I have received, a total of 6,000 sheep sales, sales are expected to be more than 10 million yuan, compared with last year is not a problem." Tao Dengfeng, general manager of Bazhou Xinjiang Taonongge E-commerce Co., Ltd., said.

In the past three years, Bazhou has introduced various policies for the development of the airport economy, with a total of 260 million yuan in financial subsidies, realizing the deep integration of the logistics chain, trade chain and value chain, and the airport economy has become the main battlefield and new highland for promoting the linkage development of korla hub economy, gateway economy and mobile economy.

"We will consolidate the existing achievements, continue to build a 'bridge in the air', help rural revitalization, let more characteristic agricultural and sideline products take the 'opportunity' to go to a broader market, promote the high-quality development of Bazhou's airport economy, and let farmers and herdsmen of all ethnic groups get benefits." Shao Xin, head of the development section of the Bazhou Linkong Economic Service Center, said.