
"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

author:Rabbits that raise sheep

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

"Sudden Holiday" as a B station solo drama, the rating is also a proper high score.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

"Sudden Holiday" starred by Kan Qingzi, the plot of the story script is around Liu Lian, played by Kan Qingzi, and Ni Hongjie plays Liu Lian's mother, who also died at the beginning of the plot, and the later appearances are all in Liu Lian's memories, in the sudden death of his mother, Liu Lian did not cry, nor did he show that he was sad and mournful, but Liu Lian's memories behind let the audience see that in fact, Liu Lian cared about his mother's death, and was unwilling, but it was already so, he could only accept it in addition to accepting.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

But why did Liu Lian behave like she had no feelings at the moment of her mother's death?

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

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In fact, many times, sadness and sadness will not appear, people are gone, the living people will continue to live, life will not give you a chance to breathe. This era is very fast, and if you are not careful, you may not be able to catch up with the pace of the times.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

Although "Sudden Holiday" looks like a comedy, it seems to be showing joy in it, but in fact, it is sad.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

There is such a clip in "Sudden Holiday", Liu Lian's mother died for a while, Liu Lian rented out her mother's room, gave it to a girl, and the tenant in the kitchen wanted to make a meal for Liu Lian, but the back was obviously unsuccessful, and the kitchen made a miasma of black smoke, Liu Lian, who had just returned, saw it, just said something, and the tenant himself did not want to go, called the cleaner to help clean, but threw the Disco ball left by Liu Lian's mother to Liu Lian.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

Liu Lian, who came back, could not see the Dis Ball, some anger, some irritability, learned that it was the tenant throwing, and some helpless, and here, the tenant can also be disgusted by some places, first of all, to understand that he is a tenant, again is a third of the owner of this house, and any little real common sense, should also know that the master does not throw away things, must have his own reasons and stories.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

Later, Liu Lian himself found the Disco ball left by his mother in a push of garbage, where he held the Disco ball and cried, unable to let go for a long time.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

When looking for it, all I saw was Liu Lian's full reluctance and love for her mother.

This is very realistic with all of us in reality, on the surface indifferent to all performances, but when it is really not necessarily the time, it is full of concern. This is life, this is the love that cannot be spoken and cannot be expressed.

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

And in "Sudden Holiday", watching Liu Lian look at a person who wants to do whatever he wants, it seems to be free, but in fact, who does not want to be accompanied by a person. Of course, you can go crazy by yourself, do whatever you want alone, watch a movie alone, go out shopping alone, etc., but when you sit down by yourself, you will find how lonely the world is!

"Sudden Holiday" Kan Qingzi's Liu Lian makes people see the thousands of holes in life

Liu Lian is so, so is everyone. Occasionally, I will think that the people who have left, the people who can no longer be seen, the people who have met, and the people who do not know, where are the people? Who is it? What are you doing? Or, in the next moment, who will you meet?

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