
"Ten thousand thanks can not express gratitude" Liaocheng traffic police did what? He brought the whole family to thank him

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Li Huailei correspondent Guo Bufei

“...... The speed of the traffic police, the strong sense of service, the consideration of the details of things, if there is no such thing can not really be experienced, I want to say from the bottom of my heart: Liaocheng traffic police warm people's hearts, enthusiastic to help the people to send true feelings. Saying 10,000 thanks cannot express our inner gratitude..." On the afternoon of the 12th, Mr. Wang, a resident of Yanggu, and his family sent a pennant with the words "Liaocheng traffic police warm people's hearts and enthusiastically help the people send true feelings" to the hands of the second brigade of the Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of the Liaocheng City Public Security Bureau to thank them for their sincere assistance. "Thank you for the life-saving grace of the people's traffic police, and our whole family has come to thank you..." Mr. Wang said emotionally.

"Ten thousand thanks can not express gratitude" Liaocheng traffic police did what? He brought the whole family to thank him

It turned out that on August 7, Mr. Wang's 3-year-old son suddenly fell ill with emergency, breathing difficulties, and the situation was urgent. He drove his son to the city hospital, at 8:34, after he got off the highway under the Liaocheng West Overpass, he did not know the way to the hospital, the child's condition was very critical, and in a hurry, he dialed the 110 police number and got in touch with the command center of the traffic police detachment of the Liaocheng City Public Security Bureau.

"Ten thousand thanks can not express gratitude" Liaocheng traffic police did what? He brought the whole family to thank him

The command center police receiving personnel comforted Mr. Wang, through real-time monitoring of the command forward at the same time, and the brigade lighthouse squadron leader Li Hengjian got in touch, 3-year-old children breathing difficulties urgently need to be sent to the hospital, Liaotang Station front street intersection vehicle congestion, need to go to meet. "Police intelligence is the order, time is life", police officer Zhang Jingbo, auxiliary police officer Chen Hongxian drove the police car to meet the father of the sick child, turned on the police lights, sounded the siren, all the way along Liaotang Road, Dongchang Road rushed to the direction of the city hospital, only 3 minutes to the sick children and parents safely and smoothly delivered to liaocheng people's hospital.

The diagnosed child suddenly suffered from acute laryngitis, and due to the timely escort of the police car, the condition was avoided from further deterioration and there was no danger to life. The police officers who had been guarding outside the ward silently left the hospital and returned to their posts on duty after listening.

"Ten thousand thanks can not express gratitude" Liaocheng traffic police did what? He brought the whole family to thank him

After his son recovered, Mr. Wang has always kept in mind the emergency assistance of the traffic police, and afterwards he specially sent a pennant after inquiring from many parties, and also wrote a long thank-you letter to express his deep gratitude to the duty.

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