
Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

author:Fold the flowers for wine money

In some film and television dramas in recent years, some characters will carry the setting of "suffering from some kind of mental illness".

In the popular Hong Kong drama "Criminal Investigation Diary" some time ago, all the main characters have different degrees of "psychological and spiritual problems". In the play, the setting of Nie Shan, the big gangster-level character , the father of criminal investigation " is: suffering from bipolar disorder.

At the 2017 Related Film Awards, the film "A Thought of Ignorance", which received multiple nominations, tells the story of "a young man with bipolar disorder returning to society".

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

In the Chinese version of the musical Next to Normal, the musical production company Seven Acts of Life features a mother with severe bipolar disorder.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

From these works, we understand to a certain extent the symptoms of bipolar disorders.

However, it is undeniable that in film and television works, in order to achieve the purpose of highlighting the character of the character and expressing the main purpose of the work, the depiction of various psychological diseases such as bipolar disorder will have this certain artistic processing component, which will lead to exaggerated or weakened treatment of certain symptoms.

For example, some of Nie Shan's "grumpy" personalities in "Criminal Investigation Diary" are used to portray the character's identity and personality characteristics.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

The movie "A Thought of Ignorance" uses the onset of Ah Le's bipolar disorder played by Yu Wenle to allude to social issues such as human relations and group indifference in Hong Kong society shrouded by money transactions.

From the perspective of artistic creation, in order to highlight the story and artistic conflict of film and television works, creators use some artistic creation techniques to make the symptoms of mental illness and mental illness serve the purpose of character portrayal, the artistry of the work, and the expression of the main purpose of the work, which is a common means of artistic creation.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

However, some metaphors, exaggerations, and even symptoms of mental illness and mental illness in film and television works will be detrimental to the audience's understanding and understanding of these diseases, and even misunderstandings will occur.

So far, the most realistic and accurate film and television work depicting the condition of bipolars is the third episode of the American drama "Modern Love". In this drama, Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway plays a girl with bipolar disorder.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

In the play, Anne Hathaway truly shows the audience: the symptoms and life of bipolar patients.

The protagonist, Rita Hayworth, played by Anne Hathaway, is a girl with bipolar disorder. In her, the symptoms of a very typical episode of bipolar disorder are exhibited.

Rita Hayworth's bipolar disorder began at the age of 15.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

One day, Rita Hayworth suddenly did not want to get out of bed and stayed in bed for 21 consecutive days. This was her first episode of bipolar disorder, which was dominated by a depressive episode.

Manic episodes and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder severely affect Rita Hayworth's life.

During a manic attack, she is "energized" and does not need to rest. In terms of emotions, cognition, motivation, and body, they all show the characteristics of "positive and energetic".

Go to the supermarket in bright, shiny, fashionable clothes.

The mood was fluttering, and she felt that the people around her were as high as her.

Jeff fell in love at first sight with the man he met in the supermarket, took the initiative to talk and date, and thought he was the "most perfect man".

This is all manifestation of manic episodes in people with bipolar disorder.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

During a depressive episode, she shows "negativity and lack of vitality" in terms of emotion, cognition, motivation, and body.

Didn't want to go out, didn't want to answer the phone. Dress casually and don't want to dress up.

The date with Jeff was perfunctory and reluctant.

Jeff saw that she showed a very big difference before and after, and even asked her: "You don't just have a twin sister, do you?" ”

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

After waking up the next morning, Rita Hayworth, who was in a manic episode, exclaimed: "It's a perfect morning", "Jeff, the most perfect man on earth"...

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

Calling Jeff at 6:30 in the morning and eagerly dating him, the whole crowd cheered.

And when it came time for the appointment, Rita Hayworth was in the stage of a depressive episode...

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

Their date was ruined. In the end, the two broke up unhappily.

Rita Hayworth lives under the alternating effects of countless manic and depressive episodes.

She has done numerous times of psychological counseling, electric shock therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication.

She hid from her family, friends, colleagues and bosses, and only saw people when things were good.

She hopes to compensate for the impact on her life when bipolar disorder occurs with excellent performance.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

In school, she becomes a top student so that she can miss half the time. During a depressive episode, he stayed in the dorm room for a few weeks without going out; during a manic attack, he spent several weeks in the library studying hard and getting excellent grades.

After working, he became a lawyer with excellent professional ability. During the manic attack, she fought hard to solve the case, but this did not make up for her tragic attendance record caused by not going to work during the depressive episode.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

When she was fired again by the company, she finally plucked up the courage to tell her colleagues the truth: she suffered from bipolar disorder.

Before that, she had a very negative view of her illness, thinking, "Who would want to hire a madman?" "No one will accept the real me."

The sincere encouragement and acceptance of colleagues made Rita Hayworth let go of the worries in her heart. She began to tell her ex-boyfriends and former colleagues the truth about her situation.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

In this story, we can see more realistically the lives and problems faced by bipolar people.

Because of his illness, he did not have deep friends, missed men with good feelings, and was fired from the company many times.

Because of her illness and shame, I dare not let my friends and colleagues know her situation, thinking that others will not accept her and will look at her differently.

This is the problem faced by Rita Hayworth in the play, and it is also the problem faced by many people with mental illness in reality.

Psychology: What is Bipolar Disorder? Hollywood movie star Anne Hathaway is here to tell you

Because most people's understanding of mental illness is not comprehensive, and even there are prejudices and misunderstandings, resulting in mental illness suffers from diseases at the same time, but also suffers from the stigma caused by these diseases.

However, mental illness and mental illness are not all terminal illnesses. People with mental illness and mental illness are not all crazy.

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