
┃ The popularity of the adult exhibition declined on the first day of the exhibition, and the Taoist sexual culture attracted the elderly audience

author:Oriental Net
┃ The popularity of the adult exhibition declined on the first day of the exhibition, and the Taoist sexual culture attracted the elderly audience

Photo caption: Yesterday was the first day of the adult exhibition, and the audience was mostly young people. / Morning reporter Yin Liqin

April 10 news: Yesterday, the 4-day 12th China International Adult Health and Reproductive Health Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the "Adult Exhibition") was launched in Shanghai. This year, the adult exhibition was moved to the Shanghai Multinational Procurement Center in Putuo District.

Compared with previous years, the explicit Performance of Japanese actresses at the exhibition is gone, and boycotting vulgar culture has become the consensus of the vast majority of merchants. However, perhaps because yesterday was a professional visitor day, the overall number of visitors has decreased compared to the first day of the exhibition last year.

Blow condoms into interactive activities

At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, the adult exhibition opened at the Shanghai Transnational Sourcing Convention and Exhibition Center. "In previous years, There have been Japanese actresses who have come to help, and I don't know who will come this year." Xiao Huang, who queued up at the entrance to enter the venue, communicated with his companions. The reporter circled the exhibition hall several times in the morning, except for a few exhibitors who invited models or show girls to come to the scene, and did not see the shadow of Japanese actresses.

The models or show girls at the show do not have any exaggerated dress or performance, just stand or stand, quietly displaying the exhibitors' various products. Even if there is an interactive activity with the audience, it is limited to inviting two male compatriots to the stage to "talk" and the competition to blow condoms, and the winner can get a set of sex toys and a hug from the live model.

At 3 p.m., Japanese actress Sakurai Bu appeared. According to the reporter's understanding, this is the only Japanese actress at yesterday's exhibition. The exhibitors revealed that they originally planned to invite 5 actresses to combine, but in response to the call of the organizer "civilization to participate", in the end, only Sakurai Bu was invited to come, and did not hold the actress's performance or catwalk activities as in previous years, limited to holding Sakurai Bu's handshake signature meeting in the closed glass room, and those who bought Sakurai Bu posters or 400 yuan set of sex toys could queue up in turn to get signatures.

Civilized participation in the exhibition and resistance to vulgar culture have become the consensus of most exhibitors. "We didn't ask models to wear three-point or bikinis, they were sexy, feminine but elegant." Miss Xu, a staff member of another international sex toys company, told reporters, "Although we are doing relatively open products, all the images we launched, including video, audio advertising and interactive activities with the audience at this exhibition, are not open on a large scale." In a word, we must do the right thing and do an open industry, but we can't do it in a vulgar way, but through normal and scientific channels to promote things that should have been open but are not yet open."

Male audiences account for 80%.

This year's adult exhibition was moved to the Shanghai International Sourcing Convention and Exhibition Center for the first time, and the exhibition period was extended from the previous three days to four days. Yesterday was the first day of the exhibition and the first professional visitor day. According to the reporter's observation, the overall number of visitors to the exhibition yesterday decreased compared with the first day of the exhibition last year. "Probably a third less than the first day last year." Miss Zou, who was doing show girls at the scene, told reporters.

According to the analysis, this may be related to yesterday's "Professional Visitor Day". With the weekend approaching, the exhibition is expected to heat up. Yesterday's "professional audience" was mostly a young group, the proportion of men accounted for about 80%, and the number of young women who went to the exhibition alone was not large. However, a "Taoist Sexual Culture Exhibition" held at the exhibition site attracted many elderly audiences, most of whom were "fans" of Professor Liu Dalin and Dr. Hu Hongxia, china's chief master of sexology.

Dr. Hu Hongxia told reporters: "Sexual culture itself is definitely not a vulgar thing, I emphasize that women should not only pay attention to the beauty of clothes and faces, but also pay attention to sexual health, which is a very scientific thing, even more important than the beauty of appearance." We must instill the concept of sexual culture in the audience on a formal, traditional basis. ”

┃ The popularity of the adult exhibition declined on the first day of the exhibition, and the Taoist sexual culture attracted the elderly audience