
The happiness you want is always there

author:Blank BJS

Recently, netizens shared a circle of friends of a customer growing vegetables on the balcony.

Customers were seen planting cucumbers on the balcony in April.

The happiness you want is always there

On June 24th, I saw the cucumbers planted at auction by customers.

The happiness you want is always there

On June 28, we saw a customer cucumber being stolen.

The happiness you want is always there

A few days later, I saw a picture of a meme on the cucumber seedling that was not allowed to be stolen.

The happiness you want is always there

Netizens said that the time they saw laughter, it was so funny... Hahaha, suddenly feel that growing vegetables is so interesting, 2B youth is more joyful. My clients are really cute, hahaha...

Netizens have shared on the Internet, and it has won the echo of a large number of netizens.

The reason why netizens find it interesting to grow vegetables is because the people who grow vegetables let everyone see happiness.

The happiness you want is always there

Happiness seems simple, but it seems difficult to be happy.

When we were young, happiness was always with us, and when we grew up, we felt that there was nothing happy in life.

Happiness has become a luxury.

01 Lose yourself

I've seen a saying that sometimes we even lose ourselves for a while, blur who we are, and forget where we want to go. Those feelings condensed because of confusion are like a low song, constantly chanting the sorrow of silence.

The happiness you want is always there

In this world of drunken fans, we are most likely to lose ourselves, and we are like headless flies, touching the east wall and the west wall.

If you lose yourself, you lose your direction and fall into repeated wandering.

@Daguan Psychological Counseling Center summarizes the four phenomena of self-loss:

The first is "I'm big", the expansion of the ego;

The second is "I'm small", a shrinking of the self;

The third is "I am chaotic", the confusion of the self;

The fourth is "I have nothing", self-nothingness.

The happiness you want is always there

Self-inflated people are always running in impracticality, they want to ride the wind and waves, but because the ship cannot resist the wind and waves, they can only return to the starting point again and again.

People who shrink themselves are always denying themselves, they want to achieve fame, but because of the fear of retreat, they can only live in arrogance.

People who are self-deranged always have a beard and an eyebrow, and they want to rush out of the siege, but because of the confusion of decision-making, they can only be trapped in the quagmire of the self.

People who are self-nihilistic are always broken jars and broken, they want to change their fate, but they always have an attitude of indifference, and they can only live like the walking dead.

Because of the loss of self, we are plunged into infinite pain, and life is missing happiness.

How can I find myself? How can I live my true colors?

All suffering stems from oneself, or one's own lack of ability, or one's own standards are too high, or one's own thinking is not clear, or one's own mentality is too poor.

Sort out the reasons to find yourself.

If we are always in confusion, we will lose our fighting spirit, lose our passion for life, and eventually evolve into insensitive people.

The happiness you want is always there

Do not be confused, as the saying goes: As long as there is a shore in your heart, there will be a boat, there will be a ferry, there will be a tomorrow.

The sun does not lose its light because of your loss, and the stars do not stop flickering because of your loss. Find yourself, life can shine.

02 Improve yourself and lower your standards.

Zola said that the whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of what is not yet known, in the continuous addition of more knowledge.

In life, we need to constantly improve ourselves, increase our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and thus find the meaning of life.

I was once on a super speaker show and was blown away by a girl's experience.

The happiness you want is always there

Her name is Lei Qingyao, and she is a super orator orator.

She lost both arms when she was three years old, and she didn't know what that meant at the time, but then she came to understand that she couldn't do the simplest things that others could do with their hands.

Fate struck her hard, but she repaid it with a laugh.

When she was six years old, when she was about to go to school, her father asked her to practice writing with her feet.

The feet were thick and short, the pen was round and smooth, and in order to fix the pen, her father tied the pen to her feet, starting from one horizontal and one vertical.

Along the way, Lei Qingyao overcame all kinds of difficulties, the hardships of which were very tolerable, and she finally wrote a distorted "human" word with her feet one day.

The happiness you want is always there

She has since become more active, learning with her feet to wash, dress, eat, sew clothes, and so on.

Ordinary people learn to ride bicycles with their hands, and Lei Qingyao also learns to ride a bicycle without hands.

Ordinary people learn to swim, she not only learns to swim, but also wins swimming medals.

Lei Qingyao said, "As long as you move forward, even if you are creeping, it is all praise." “

In "Super Speaker", everyone is praising Lei Qingyao's beauty, her happiness, she is like a sunflower, she has her own smile.

Lei Qingyao shows her truth, and she must constantly improve her ability to make herself a beautiful landscape and have a happy life.

Injustice, misfortune, and unhappiness will always occur, and everyone should learn to accept it calmly and move forward after recognizing reality.

The road ahead is always bumpy, and when we really can't reach the goal, we can appropriately lower the standard.

Lowering the standard is a recipe for happiness in life.

03 More tolerance, more patience

Some people say: Blame yourself with the heart of the person who blames others, and forgive others with the heart of forgiveness.

In real life, we do the opposite.

Netizens shared one such story.

The happiness you want is always there

At the subway station, everyone is queuing up to buy tickets, and there is a migrant worker in front of him, who does not know how to buy tickets, nor does he know how many lines he has to take.

Because he didn't understand anything and couldn't buy tickets for a long time, the conductor and the people queuing behind him were impatient in their eyes, and even some people began to complain.

Just then, a little boy walked up to the migrant worker, asked where he was going, and told him how to choose the route, and the problem was quickly solved.

The little boy's actions swept away the unhappiness in people's hearts, and the eyes of everyone revealed their praise for the boy.

The happiness you want is always there

Sometimes, life is not a lot of troubles, but precisely because we lack a patience, an tolerance.

Liu Xiang said: If the mountains are high, they are not high, and the water is narrow and not deep.

If you want to have an open-minded life, you need to learn to be tolerant and patient.

The Buddhists have clouds: they plant good causes and get good results. More tolerance, more patience, happiness will always be around.

The happiness you want is always there

Albert Einstein said: True laughter is optimism about life, happiness at work, and excitement for career.

Happiness is never far away, it has always been closely related to life, work, and career.

When you finish cleaning up the messy chicken feathers of the home, then the child handed over a glass of water, and the haze of mood was instantly swept away.

When you feel tired of being a dog at work, then the boss's words of encouragement, tired mood, immediately blow away.

When you are in the bottleneck period of your career, at this time, you will encounter a noble person who points out the confusion and the mood of suffering, and you will suddenly be enlightened.

Happiness is actually very simple, simplify the complex life, put aside distractions, experience with the heart, happiness is still like a shadow.