
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

author:Ten miles and a hundred fruits

In recent years, there have been many good comedy competition programs, and this year's new "Annual Comedy Competition" has opened up a stage for comedy newcomers, writing sadness with music, thought-provoking, showing the powerful charm of drama, making people feel both advanced and interesting.

There are several impressive works. The first episode of "Sanmao Defense Battle" is very professional, cleverly conceived, the stage is concise, and the characters are vivid. The simple three hairs were divided into the east and west theaters, and it was forced to fight a magnificent battle to defend the amount of hair.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

In particular, the discussion of the three hairs for the hairstyle design is a good combination of body language, and the stage style is very cute.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

The second episode of "Platform" and "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" are all written by the screenwriters of the six beasts, all of which are tributes to the classics, full of sense of culture and humor, no wonder the director Xu Zheng was excited to invite the six beasts to write the movie script on the spot.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

"Platform" vividly presents the well-known "Back Shadow" article on the stage, a box of oranges condenses the deep father's love, and the friction between father and son on the embrace triggers a lot of words and shapes of laughter.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

For example, the father asked to stabilize the focus, and the son quickly converged and said: I'm sorry, I menglang. The final embrace of father and son also makes people realize that love needs to be expressed, and the Chinese parent-child relationship is not expressed enough.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

"This Killer Is Not Too Cold" is rich in literary style, and the plot is thrilling and thrilling, and there are reverse surprises. Both actors have a good vocal background, so that the singing part is not a gag, but a wonderful one.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

Jiang Long's beard shape is very handsome, showing a killer appearance with artistic cells, and this contrast is hilarious.

Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom
Annual Comedy Contest: Quiet bloom

A good work is inseparable from excellent screenwriters and actors, and it must be carefully polished to stand the test of time.

Comedians who are serious about doing art are great, they not only bring laughter to everyone, but also bring feelings and reflections on life. Hope to see them shine on more stages [Rose]

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