
Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

author:Konoh E-Renko

[High-energy E Beizi] is today's headline signed author, this article is high-energy E Beizi original, prohibit any form of reproduction, reprint please contact the background, but welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

In the previous article, we talked about the dark Korean entertainment circle (III): the official statement of the real death of Cui Qishi, the "National Queen of Heaven", and now, let's analyze who forced Cui Qishi to die.

Looking back at her short life, you will find that she is the real-life version of Su Mingyu.

Less than a month after Ahn Jae-hwan's funeral, Choi's suicide once again caused a sensation in the Korean entertainment industry, and even made headlines in various media at home and abroad.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Obviously, everyone has defaulted to "online violence indirectly forcing Cui Zhen", and the real reason is that her brokerage company claims to be "depression". So, how severe does "depression" have to be for her to bear to leave her two young children and her elderly mother on a dead end?

With the fermentation of Cui's real events, her tragic life was pushed to the public.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Cui Zhen has had an ordinary but happy life, but everything has taken a sharp turn with the breakdown of his parents' relationship.

In 1985, when Cui Zhen was 17 years old, his father suddenly ran away from home. Her mother, alone, took her and her brother Choi Jin-young from the countryside to Seoul.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

It is also said that the mother could not stand the father's career malaise and indulged in gambling, and ran away with a pair of children in one breath. Cui's parents only officially divorced in 1998

The mother was busy with her livelihood and did not have time to take good care of the psychological growth of the sisters and brothers. As a sister, Cui Zhen took on the responsibility of the family early on, and set up a stall with her mother to support the family.

During the most bitter time, Cui Zhen, who was going to school, had to eat the leftovers of his classmates at school.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

The relationship between the sisters and brothers has always been very good, and the younger brother Cui Zhenying also entered the entertainment circle earlier than his sister

Growing up in an environment of lack of father's love and insufficient maternal love, coupled with the voices of people around her laughing at her origins, strong and sensible, she originally had some inferiority in her heart.

Even after her debut, there were always people who laughed at her for being "ugly and village-like."

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

At that time, Cui Zhen, who was already very inferior, had an iron heart to get a facelift, and after she was rejected by borrowing money from her mother for plastic surgery, she also cried and pleaded for a while.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

At that time, Cui Zhen was called Cinderella Cinderella, and later some people mocked her as "Azuma (Big Aunt) Reira". In the show, Choi Also revealed that plastic surgery is a "heart-wrenching memory" for her.

But what really made her depression explode was the three-year and nine-month morbid marriage.

As we said above, Cui Zhen quit the entertainment circle in order to marry Zhao Chengmin.

In fact, at first, Cui Zhenzhen's mother did not agree to this marriage, but Zhao Chengmin was very insistent, and even took a large number of drugs to "force him to die", and finally moved Cui Zhen, despite his mother's objections to marry him.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

It is also said that Cui was really afraid that Zhao Chengmin really committed suicide, so he had to marry him. Zhao Chengmin fell in love with Cui Zhen at first sight on the set, and the two quickly established a romantic relationship

Now it seems that before getting married, Zhao Chengmin had already exposed his twisted psychology and violent tendencies.

Shortly after the marriage, Zhao Chengmin retired due to injury, and after that, his career has not improved, and he actually attributed the reason to "marrying Cui Zhen, the broom star". Especially after Cui Zhen gave birth to his first child, the contradictions between the two escalated and they often fought.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Cui Zhen's re-entry into the headlines of the entertainment version is because she has been abused by domestic violence for a long time, and even when she was eight months pregnant, she was pushed down the stairs by Zhao Chengmin...

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

At that time, there were also rumors that Cui Zhen committed suicide because he could not stand domestic violence

Maybe it's like all women who are abused by the family, both afraid of their husbands and a little Stockholm, or maybe it's just because of Choi's real desire for family that she didn't initiate a divorce.

It was not until Zhao Chengmin filed for divorce that Cui Zhen chose to end the marriage relationship with Zhao Chengmin in 2004.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

There are reports that when her husband proposed divorce, Cui Zhenzhen also cried and said that he did not want to.

In 2002, before the divorce, Cui Zhenzhen also suffered a cyber violence.

Bae Byung-so, the first agent who took Choi-jin into the entertainment industry and helped her on the flower road, was killed by Choi-jin's driver in 1994, which hit Choi-jin very hard. Unexpectedly, a few years later, people connected the cause of Bae Byung-so's death to Choi Zhen, which made her blamed.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

After the divorce, in order to win custody of his children, Choi Paid off hundreds of millions of won in debt for Cho Sung-min. Therefore, I had to make a comeback to shoot again.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

"The Last Gossip of My Life", the day before her death, she also discussed the filming of the sequel to the play with the company leaders

Over the next three years, Cui's real life seems to be gradually back on track, busy with work and family every day, and can also show a very happy expression when he is with his two children.

In the months leading up to the 2008 incident, Ms. Cui also applied to the Family Court for her two children to change their surnames.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Soon after the children changed their names to Choi Joon-hee and Choi Hwan-hee, Ahn Jae-hwan's death occurred, and a month later, Choi Committed Suicide, leaving the two children in the care of their mother.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Just two years ago, Choi's daughter Choi Joon-hee suddenly posted several long articles in a row, accusing her grandmother of "son preference" and "often beating her innocently" after her mother's death.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Cui Junxi's ins is also full of particularly negative and world-weary content, including a very strange photo of pretending to hang herself, which makes many netizens worry about whether she will go the old way of her parents and mothers.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

From Cui Junxi's long article, it can be seen that the main contradiction between her and her grandmother is that she wants to enter the entertainment circle like her mother, and her grandmother strongly opposes it out of protection.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

She also offered to "uncover the truth" because "her (Choi's real mother)'s biggest crime has not yet been made public."

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

This is likely to be just an overreaction of the child's rebellious period, after all, the things that Choi Joon-hee experienced during her growth have too much impact on the cultivation of her three views.

However, some people speculate that Cui Zhen's depression until her suicide is directly or indirectly related to her mother's attitude towards her.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Choi Joon-hee has inherited Choi's true appearance

Cui Zhen's life was bumpy, the influence of her original family led to her innate sense of inferiority, the desire for family caused her to endure the misfortune of her married life of domestic violence, and two major online public opinion violence exacerbated the degree of her depression...

In this way, Cui Zhenzhen's "suicide due to depression" seems to be unreasonable.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

However, soon after the same company Zhang Ziyan committed suicide, in her public "list of unspoken female artists", Cui's real name was prominently listed.

In addition to family, marriage, online violence and depression, is there any other reason for Cui Zhen's death that has not been made public?

If it is only depression, then how to explain the strange serial suicide tragedy of Cui's real family coincidence?

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Spell: A family written down by a death note

Cui's real suicide, like opening Pandora's box, strange and unexplainable things began to happen in a series.

In the early hours of the morning of The day of Cui Zhen's death, two women imitated her death method and hanged themselves in the bathroom.

Transgender artist Zhang Caiyuan said that he seemed to be able to understand Cui's true mood, and then committed suicide that night.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Even more paradoxical is that less than a year after Cui Zhen's death, her grave was stolen from a vandalized urn, and the monitoring of the cemetery failed, causing the police to catch the criminal 10 days later.

Unexpectedly, the criminal said that Cui Zhen Tuomeng asked him to take out the ashes, which looked normal but behaved like a god, which was inevitably suspicious.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Although the criminals found it, the ashes could not be verified for DNA, and it was not possible to check whether they had been dropped.

On March 29, 2010, Choi's younger brother Choi Jin-young committed suicide due to depression.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

There are a few coincidences here, Choi Jin-young and Choi really died of the same cause, both died in the bathroom hanging, and both died at the time of their deaths at the age of 39.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Cui Zhenying's brokerage company said that after they made an appointment at the crematorium, they found that even the crematorium, the sisters and brothers were the same No. 15.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Coincidence here is not the end.

Since the divorce of domestic violence, Cui Zhen's ex-husband Zhao Chengmin's wind evaluation is very poor, especially when Cui Zhen died, as long as Zhao Chengmin appeared, he would be accused and insulted by Cui Zhen's relatives, friends and fan netizens.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

After Cui Zhen's death, Zhao Chengmin also competed with Cui Zhen's family for inheritance and custody of children.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Later, he had new feelings, but on January 6, 2013, Zhao Chengmin used the same method as Cui Zhenzhen and Cui Zhenying and died in his bathroom.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

It is rumored that Zhao Chengmin chose to take his life simply because his girlfriend at the time proposed to break up, coupled with the pressure of life. But this reason was questioned by Zhao Chengmin's mother, because zhao Chengmin had not been found to have a tendency to depression before.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

What makes people think about it is extremely frightening that when Zhao Chengmin died, he was also exactly 39 years old.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Cui Zhenzhen, Cui Zhenying and Zhao Chengmin all hanged themselves in the bathroom at the age of 39.

And Choi Jin's two agents, one died in 1994; the other agent, Park Mou, also committed suicide by swallowing medicine in the same year that Cho Sung-min committed suicide.

If Cui Zhenying committed suicide because of depression, and Zhao Chengmin was because of excessive pressure in life, then it is really strange that Park, who once worked as Park Youtian's agent and is about to start a new job, committed suicide.

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Park mou is the one who chatted with her until late at night before Choi Real hanged herself. Source: Tencent Entertainment

In just a few years, the people around Cui Zhen left one by one, as if they had been written down by death notes.

In particular, the deaths of Zhao Chengmin and agent Park Mou are not even clueless. It's hard to imagine that there is a huge and dark reason behind this seemingly coincidental pile of events.

After Zhang Ziyan, is it possible that the hidden or hidden encounters of these people in their lives will be revealed?

Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

Sister E concluded

Unfortunately, in a desperate situation, Cui Zhen was completely unable to save himself.

It's not that she doesn't have the courage to refute the rumors, just like An Jae-hwan ming can file for bankruptcy. But what they are afraid of should be that in every unknown tomorrow, they don't know what abyss there is, what invisible torment awaits ahead.

Now we all know that the truth about Cui's real suicide is so complicated, and the malicious and "unknown" rumors are only the last straw that crushed her. In this case alone, perhaps most of the media is right, analyzing Cui's real birth family, the way she gets along with her mother, her unhappy marriage, and the vicious and shallow rumor-monger... Eventually we'll know what caused her despair.

But now, the Li Shengli incident has unveiled a corner of the black curtain, Cui Zhen is more than one, she is only the most famous of hundreds of Cui Zhen.

Countless examples gradually paint a huge shadow, Korean artists on a black soil like strings, rumors and illegitimate meals are just one of the things they need to endure on a daily basis.

What the rumors represent is the malice of "ordinary people", the outermost tentacles of the source of pressure on artists;

In order to chase hot spots and "explosiveness", the media will create continuous public opinion pressure, and will collude with competitors to create "black traffic", which is just a routine operation of the circle, and even in Zhang Ziyan's case, there are well-known media people involved.

The capital represented by the performing arts company is itself the edge of the capital group, and agents such as Li Shengli are brokers of big capital, helping people grab fame and fortune, and turning clouds and rain according to their preferences in the circle. The dignity, fame and body of young entertainers are, in their eyes, objects that capital plays with at will, and they pay tribute to the powerful... And finally, it is the "shadow emperor" of South Korea, where capital and power compromise with each other and act together within the framework.

The shadow of these beasts is like a majestic mountain, and those who touch it are doomed to have nowhere to stay.

We can all portray those scenes in our minds, how Zhang Ziyan, who came from a thin background, endured humiliation and trembled in front of the capital beast; Cui Zhen, who won the Green Dragon Award, was overwhelmed and even the whole family tragedy even if she only faced its tentacles.

And its real power... In addition to bringing the tide of public opinion, spanning the political, commercial and military territory, former President Roh Moo-hyun challenged with a sword, did not he also leave a suicide note to commit suicide.

So looking into the word thoroughly, Moon Jae-in said it unexpectedly made people feel hopeful.

As long as the giant beast snorted, the sky in Korea was dark... But the little brother who had followed Roh Moo-hyun in and out of the Blue House was always determined to defend him.

Jun buried the mud under the spring, I sent the world full of snow, this is a legendary life.

The entertainment industry has a kind of black that is so thick that it cannot be dissolved, so thick that ordinary people can only die on their knees without dignity... Defending Humanity Jae-in, can you let the Korean showbiz industry see the light?

Today's late-night topic is:

Do you think the fate of Cui's family is a coincidence?

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Dark Korean Entertainment Circle (IV): Choi Real, a realistic version of Su Mingyu's life

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