
My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma

author:Chen Meowth who tells the truth

Hello everyone, I am Chen Meowth who tells the truth story, welcome to see today's story:


My name is Chen Jing, I am 43 years old and still unmarried.

It's not that I don't want to get married, it's not that no one dares to marry me because I have a Ph.D., it's because of that bad luck 9 years ago.

Happy for 8 months, but left a lifelong "trauma".


9 years ago, I was 34 years old.

As a female doctor, she is not the nerd that everyone thinks, but a girl with feelings and literary style.

Before this, I had a relationship, fell in love for 7 years, and it was time to talk about marriage, but the man finally gave up because my career plan could not match him.

Soon, he found a girlfriend in the local area.

As for me, I cried for three months and didn't come out of the shadow of hurt.

The conflict between me and my ex-boyfriend is that he doesn't want to be in Beijing, feels that the place is too stressful and doesn't have a good quality of life; and I like everything here, staying in Beijing, is my childhood dream.

None of us can convince anyone, and besides, none of us is willing to give in.

I had to break up with the pain.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


It was during that time that Luo Yonglin came into my life.

The bridge of understanding, just like the TV series, is ordinary and absurd.

But in my life, it really happened.

On a rainy night, I had just come out of research (numbing myself often overtime because of a bad mood for lovelorn), rode my bike, and walked in the rain without a raincoat.

But at the moment when I was not distracted, I was rubbed by a turning car.

I fell heavily to the ground.

Looking up, a very old Audi was parked in front of me.

A forty-seven or eight-year-old man came up to me and asked, "Girl, are you all right?"

Because I was in a bad mood, I said viciously: You say that I am okay, can't your eyes see?

But he said: I have an urgent matter, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you to the hospital for a check-up, you go to the hospital yourself, as for the cost, I will compensate.

Then he gave me a call and hurried away.

But without taking two steps, I turned my head again and asked for my phone.


I cried angrily, with the rain, and finally I couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

Not just because I was hit, but also because I was dumped.

I cursed as I went to a nearby hospital.

In fact, I felt that there was nothing wrong physically, but because I was in a bad mood, my legs unconsciously walked into the hospital.

After a few minutes, the doctor said it was all right, and now the person was too squeamish and had just broken a little skin.

Ordinary people will feel happy when they hear this sentence, after all, they are not hurt; but when I hear this sentence, I cry again. "Why am I always unlucky?", I asked myself over and over again.

I was alone on a hospital bench and sat for a long time unwilling to return to the rental house.

Half an hour later, a strange number called, and I did not answer.

But the other party kept calling, and out of desperation, I answered the phone, and a man's voice asked me how I was doing.

At this time, I remembered the experience I had just experienced.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


To vent, I decided to let him take on it.

We added WeChat to each other, and I sent him the inspection fee, and then, I also sent him the address and told him that his bicycle was also broken.

The implication is that I want him to send me home.

After about 30 minutes, the strange man really came.

Seeing my pear blossom with rain, he was busy apologizing. Still without speaking, I got into his car and went straight back to my rental house.

The next night, a brand new bicycle appeared on my doorstep. I'm wondering, who misplaced it?

Just then, I received the man's WeChat.

I thought: It seems that I have met a stupid man.

I replied to WeChat, he asked me if I still hurt, I said it still hurt, he apologized to me again.

But to be honest, I was no longer in pain, and nothing had happened. Looking at his humble, pitiful look, I got a pleasure that I had never had before.


But in the next two days, the more I thought about it, the more guilty I became.

"How did I become what I am now?", I asked myself over and over again.

After much deliberation, I decided to ask this stupid man out and say sorry to him.

But as soon as we met, I was stunned, he gave me a large bouquet of flowers, said wish me a recovery, let me cry and laugh, but still told the truth.

I bowed my head and said: The person who should say sorry is me, because I have just been dumped and am in a bad mood, so I vented my anger on you, and then I took out the money to buy a bicycle and prepared to return it to him.

But he said: It doesn't matter, venting out is better than holding it in your heart.

I was relieved that the people who looked silly were not stupid, but the pattern was just big.

I can't help but appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

When chatting, there are so many common languages.

Like me, he also likes the buds in spring, the big trees in summer, the snow in winter, the maple leaves in autumn...

Since then, our ties have gradually become closer.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


The three views are the most fatal attraction.

We are not only full of curiosity and longing, joy and expectation for nature, but also in life, we also yearn for poetry and distant places.

At work, he gave me an unprecedented boost.

At work, whenever I encounter difficulties, I will talk to him, and he can easily help me solve them.

Later, I was promoted.

He also taught me how to manage the team, how to get along with leaders or subordinates...

Unconsciously, I admired him more and more, and I longed for him to be my lifelong reliance.

In fact, I don't know much about him.

All I knew was that he had a very old Audi car, and I didn't know anything about his family and work, and he never talked about it. Maybe he doesn't have a wife at all, because a man with a family can't have that much time with me.

From the tone of the phone call from others, it can be determined that he is a top manager, and he is also a domineering president.

But for me, he was extra gentle.


What I was looking forward to, still coming.

One night on the weekend, he asked me out for dinner, and he was in a very bad mood and drank too much.

I asked for his home address and prepared to send him back, but he wouldn't go back anyway, and he had to go to the hotel.

So I helped him open the room and sent it to room 602.

Right here, he playfully held my hand tightly.

I whispered: I'm not leaving, bring you a glass of water to gargle.

Just as I was about to turn around, he rolled over and rolled off the couch.

I bent down and pulled him, but he put his hands around my neck, and I threw my toes on top of him.

Then he kissed me on the cheek.

And I, without any resistance, commanded me to meet in my heart.

That night, after rolling the sheets, he went to sleep, and I stared until dawn.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


At five o'clock in the morning, I walked out the door.

For several days in a row, we never had contact.

I miss him very much, but dignity and face do not allow me to do so; perhaps, he is also struggling.

A week later, I still received a text message from him.

The opening statement is simple, but very seductive:

You know, Jing? From the first time you apologized to me, I liked you and felt that you were simply cute. That night, I was not frivolous, but an outpouring of true feelings. Hope you can be my veritable girlfriend.

Looking at this sentence, my heart has already been galloping. It is also from this sentence that I judge that he is single or divorced.

That evening, we came together again.

Only talk about the wind and the moon, not about trivialities.

It wasn't long before we were living a real cohabitation life.


But happy life, always a little trance.

Living together, I learned that he is the president of a group, and he can get tens of millions of annual salary and dividends, which is a standard diamond king.

But I never understood why he drove the old car all day.

Every night before going to bed, we always have endless words, just like two reservoirs open the floodgates to release water, endless, this is called "wine every confidant a thousand cups less" bar.

Perhaps, this is the best love.

Despite his gold, I never spend his money, it's my self-esteem.

He was really nice to me, cuddling and cuddling at every turn, taking a bite out of a baby.

Women have no resistance to these, and I am no exception.

Think about it, a domineering president with a lot of gold, but so gentle to you, unprincipledly pet you, hurt you, love you, will you also be as completely fallen as I am?

But for some reason, sometimes there is a very strange emotion in the heart - uneasiness.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


One day, he left his briefcase at home.

I remember last night, he was still saying: Tomorrow remind me, be sure to bring good information, because there are important meetings.

The next day I overslept (I was close to work, so I got up late) and saw his briefcase on the shoe cabinet, calling him but no one answered, so I took a taxi to find him.

But the front desk told me that Luo Zong was not there, and he went to the airport to pick up his wife who had returned home.

I was confused, but I didn't say anything, and I had ten thousand whys in my heart, how could it be?

But I was still not at ease and went straight to the airport.

There, I watched as he happily wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter.

I suddenly felt that the sky had collapsed, and afterwards, I didn't know how to go home.

That night, he did not return to our house.

I called him a lot, and he didn't answer, like the world had disappeared.

Like Xu Zhimo's poem "Softly, I'm coming; softly, I'm gone...

Because I had been completely immersed in the pain, curled up on the couch like a fool, crying for a while, stopping for a while.


At one o'clock in the morning, he replied with a text message from me.

Saying that he was temporarily going to a foreign country for business, he would not come back, and he might have to stay for several days.

Seeing this, I sneered.

Tell him, I know it all, don't lie anymore.

He went on to say: I have no feelings for my wife anymore and am getting ready for a divorce, give me some time.

You say that men are ridiculous and ridiculous, regardless of whether the IQ is high or low, in the face of girls outside of marriage, it is the same excuse, it is really funny.

Looking at his affectionate look for his wife today, where is the emotional breakdown? This kind of excuse is just a lie to fool the fool and be sweet.

But I'm not.

Since I was a child, I have experienced my father's betrayal of my mother, so I hate the third party from my bones, and I hate a man like him even more.

But today, I passively became the person I hated the most.

Although I was deeply affectionate and could not bear to leave, I knew that I had to make a renunciation, even if I cut off a piece of flesh on my body, I would give it up.

My name is Chen Jing, Ph.D., and I slept with a man with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars 9 years ago, leaving a lifelong trauma


I thought that when I ran away, he would look all over the world.

But in fact, not only did he not look for me, but he also blocked me.

Or, let me be completely dead to this person.

For half a year, I didn't know how I got through it.

Whenever I miss him to the bone and can't help but contact him, I will scold myself and use the most vicious language to keep myself the most basic sobriety.

Time is the best healing agent.

This sentence is not bad at all.

After a year, I slowly adapted to the days without him and began to learn to watch everything in the world alone, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Friends and leaders around me have also introduced me to boyfriends, but everywhere I am, I can't go on.

It's not that they're not good enough, it's that my "wounds" haven't healed.

This trauma is not superficial, nor physical, but deep inside.


No matter who I associate with, I compare it with him.

Just like Liu Chenyu, who was introduced to me by Zhang Jie in the previous stage, people are obviously younger, handsome and more promising than him, but I always feel that he is not good enough, for example, it is not as good as Luo Mou to make more money, not as good as Luo Mou to understand me.

No matter what kind of men people around me introduce me, I will unconsciously follow Robbie and then pk them off.

No matter how many advantages people have, I can always find countless shortcomings.

But where in the world are there perfect people?

Why is it so persistent?

Come to think of it, I should be "sick".

Over the years, relatives or friends around me have introduced me to many boyfriends, but none of them have entered my eyes.

Deep down, I always wanted to find someone exactly like Luo, but this was simply unrealistic.

It took a long time and I gave up.

I told myself that if I couldn't find someone like him in this life, I'd rather go it alone.

After thinking about it, the mentality slowly improved.

This year, I'm 43 years old and still unmarried.

But I have accepted the life of a person, it turns out, a person, is also very good!

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