
This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

author:Bluestone Films

Follow the good movie "Bluestone" and don't miss it!

Cinema has the ability to dream, to make all the impossible possible.

Today, Xiao Chu wants to introduce a brain-burning movie that makes people look confused - foggy.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

However, in the process of watching, you will not feel greasy because of its brain-burning, but will be deeply attracted by its layers of carefully designed questions.

The male protagonist of this film is a big handsome guy, and the performance in the movie is extremely wonderful, and the confusion and confusion of a man who has lost his memory for two years are very well interpreted.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

It is a pity that the excessive appearance and bad luck did not make him angry.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

Sometimes it is also a mistake to have a high appearance...

The main place where the film story takes place is in a hospital called St. Jude,000, and the male protagonist is admitted to the hospital because of poisoning.

The male protagonist's illness is a bit serious, which can be seen from two points.

First, Jeremy, the man's attending doctor, said that he had died and his heartbeat had stopped for two minutes.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

Second, although the male protagonist came back to life, he lost two years of memory.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

Jeremy asked him, what is the year this year? The man replied that it was 2000, but this year is already 2002.

Of course, the male protagonist is very confused, he does not know why he has lost his memory for two years.

But what was even more overwhelming to him was that he had a wife! But two years ago he didn't even have a girlfriend...

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

For this wife, he was not mentally prepared.

Appearing in front of the male protagonist is a sweet-looking blonde woman who cares deeply about him, not only in words, but also in actions.

However, for the male protagonist, she is a strange woman.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

The male protagonist sat still and refused her intimate actions one after another.

The woman could not accept the indifference of the male protagonist for a while, and turned and ran.

But after a while, Jeremy told him that your wife Anna had come to see you, and who knew that it was a royal sister Fan woman with short hair and leather clothes!

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

So who was that woman just now?

Although the male protagonist is more confused, but looking at this cold royal sister who is obviously the original wife, he does not dare to speak out...

Jeremy, Royal Sister and the male protagonist are chatting, and Jeremy suggests that Anna help the male protagonist recover his memory.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

But the royal sister brought him a shocking news, his brother Pete is dead!

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

Jeremy left halfway through, leaving only the royal sister and the male protagonist.

However, just now, although the awkward but not to the cold atmosphere plummeted by dozens of degrees, the royal sister suddenly turned around and gave the male protagonist a slap, and said that he pretended to be amnesiac, and the performance was very powerful!

The male protagonist is really amnesiac and is beaten to the point of confusion.

Before leaving, the royal sister also told the male protagonist that his brother was killed by him!

So, the two years of memory he lost not only killed his brother? Married? Got an extramarital affair?

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

The male protagonist is really "foggy".

Seeing this, in fact, everyone knows nothing about the plot. As the audience, we are completely from the perspective of the male protagonist - the perspective of ignorance.

However, this is the strength of "Foggy", which brings everyone to the perspective of the male protagonist, eager to retrieve the lost two years of memory, eager to seek the truth of the matter.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

In order to better treat the male protagonist, he was sent to have a full body scan.

However, lying on the machine, he found someone hiding in the shadows trying to murder him!

He screamed and struggled to get up, only to find himself in a strange hospital bed.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

The white-haired doctor who came stopped him from shouting, who is this doctor? Where is he again?

The male protagonist constantly asked questions to the white-haired doctor, trying to figure out the situation he was in.

He learned that this year was 2000, and he had been sent to St. Jude's Hospital two years ago because of a car accident and was currently single.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

There was no Dr. Jeremy in the hospital, no doctor Newman who sent him to scan, only Clayton, a black female nurse he still knew.

He told the white-haired doctor about his situation, his confusion, but the white-haired doctor did not believe it.

He also found out that he saw Anna, but two years ago Anna turned out to be a trainee nurse! The two should also not know each other.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

He loudly wanted to explain everything he had experienced to the white-haired doctor, but the white-haired doctor gave the male protagonist a tranquilizer.

This fight, the male protagonist found himself back in 2002.

This time, the male protagonist found that he originally had the ability to travel between time and space in 2000 and 2002...

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

The film adopts flashback and reverse order shooting methods to restore the whole story, with some memories and fragments sporadic flashed by the male protagonist.

The male protagonist kept shuttling back and forth between the two time and space, constantly groping, and finally knew his relationship with two women and why his brother died.

It turned out that in 2000, he and his brother's fiancée, the sweet woman, got involved, and happened to be discovered by his brother.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

During the quarrel between the two, the male protagonist accidentally pushed his brother downstairs.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

In order to destroy the corpse, he originally wanted to take the car with the corpse to sink his brother to the bottom of the sea, but he was interrupted by the person who went to the beach to steal love.

He had to take his brother to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, there was another car accident, and both were taken to the hospital.

Unfortunately, the elder brother in the intensive care unit muttered that he was killed by his brother, was discovered by the force intern nurse Anna, that is, the royal sister in 2002, and recorded it with a recording recorder, so she threatened the male protagonist with this and became a rich young grandmother...

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

When the male protagonist gradually recalls the memories of these two years and what he did to his brother, he has a disturbed conscience and intends to use the ability of time and space travel to change all this in 2000 and affect 2002.

However, all his efforts were unsuccessful, and his brother still died, killing an innocent patient.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

No matter how you go back to 2000 to make changes, it seems that you can't reverse the facts that have been established.

It seems that the matter is over, but the picture changes, and the male protagonist lies on a hospital bed.

At 8:02 on July 30, 2000, Keitel Simon died.

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

It turns out that all these so-called time and space shuttles are imagined by the male protagonist at the time of death, and his purpose is the same as his purpose of traveling through time and space - compensation!

Between 8:00 and 8:02, the compensation time from 2000 to 2002 is the time of the man's death.

And the characters he visualized in 2002 are all the characters he saw in the blur when the car accident occurred, including Anna who was holding a pager to call the emergency center, and Dr. Newman on the side...

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

We will also find in a photo later that the image of Dr. Jeremy is the father of the male protagonist.

When the male protagonist is hurt in his heart, when he wants to seek comfort, when he wants to make up for his relationship with his brother, and when he wants to save his brother, the first thing he thinks of is his father!

This is a brain-burning but not greasy movie, it talks about time travel and dying time!

But so what?

There is no regret medicine in the world, and there is no time in the world to start over, whether the male protagonist is the father who is transformed into a doctor for help, or he is dying

How many times I have traveled through time and space, I can't get it back.

Moreover, all this was his own imagination.

Xiao Chu said at the beginning that the film has the ability to create dreams and make all the impossible things possible, but in reality, it is impossible.