
The pace of youth has never stopped

author:The big world of information

The May Fourth spirit lasted for more than a century

Someone asked where the former youth had gone

Compared to the past

What has changed in today's youth?

Today, let us enter a new era of youth

See how they passed on the May Fourth spirit

You see, I took the baton

A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's responsibility.

Zhu Laisheng's mission is to let the people of Dale Village use electricity and use electricity well.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 1987, Zhu Laisheng was carrying out the transformation of the agricultural network

In 1987, the 34-year-old Zhu Laisheng participated in the transformation of the agricultural network in Dale Village, Xindeng Town, Fuyang District, Hangzhou, with vigor.

Plan lines, set up power grids, troubleshoot...

He personally experienced everything, nearly ten meters of telephone poles, Zhu Laisheng and colleagues stood up one by one.

Tired or not? Bitter or not?

Zhu Laisheng said that he only felt happy and proud.

Today, Zhu Laisheng is no longer young, but he has cultivated a new force for the transformation of the power grid in Dale Village - apprentice Ni Yuyao.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2019, Ni Yuyao was carrying out the transformation of the rural network

Taking over the baton in the hands of the master, Ni Yuyao threw herself into a new round of rural network transformation project in Dale Village.

"Our mission is to get electricity and electricity in the countryside." This teaching of the master was always remembered in Ni Yuyao's heart.

Today, 32 years later, it is no longer difficult to get on the electricity, but it is still a task that must be treated carefully at all times.

Ni Yuyao took up the burden of intelligent line transformation.

Successfully completed the installation and operation of the first intelligent switch in longyang area where Dale Village is located, realized the transformation of the first intelligent line in Xindeng area, and Ni Yuyao and his partners took the first step in the transformation of intelligent lines in Xindeng area.

From Zhu Laisheng to Ni Yuyao, with the efforts of generation after generation, Dale Village has achieved leapfrog development in both the degree of line insulation and the level of intelligent power grid.

The baton is passed steadily.

Light up the island with electricity

Speaking of the 1980s, the electricians in Zhoushan were most impressed by laying cables on the island.

At that time, the islands and towns of Daishan Island were electrified, and diesel generators were successively equipped with diesel generators to start spontaneous power supply for a limited time.

"Then our main task will be to find a way to make the islands as much as possible to use electricity, so we will put into operation generator sets on each island one after another." Jiang Weicheng, who participated in the laying of submarine cables on the island that year, said so.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 1983, Jiang Weicheng and his colleagues were laying island cables

It was 1983, and the 22-year-old Jiang Weicheng and his colleagues ran between the islands every day, in order to bring the islands into the era of electrification as soon as possible.

At that time, the technology was not developed, the equipment was relatively backward, and the environment of Shanghai Island was more special, and the work was very difficult.

It is said that power construction is a line on the mountain, but the power construction on the island is to lay a cable in the water.

At that time, there was no large-scale mechanization and automated laying equipment, relying on a pair of pulps and a pair of hands.

Workers at that time recalled: "I remember when laying the submarine cable from Daishan to Changtu, it would be in the late autumn, and our workers who laid the submarine cable would carry the submarine cable with their bare hands, wade into the water, and use the most primitive method to lay it little by little." ”

The hardships and hardships of that time were unimaginable today, and in the era of technological backwardness, it relied on the tenacity of a group of people who did not accept defeat.

It was also through the efforts of this group that in February 1983, the long-coated submarine cable was laid. At this point, Changtu Island and Daishan Main Island have been electrified, and Changtu Island has officially bid farewell to the history of diesel power generation.

With the development of the times, the technology of submarine cable laying has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the working method of a pair of oars and a pair of hands in the past has completely become history.

In March 2017, the first 5,000-ton new submarine cable construction ship in China, Qifan 9, docked in Fujian.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2020, the public speech is strong in the overall command of the island cable laying

"Compared with the rafts of the past, the vessel has a strong endurance, comfort and safety have been qualitatively improved, and it can meet the 60-day continuous construction work of 60 construction workers." The State Grid Zhoushan Power Supply Company said excitedly.

Gong Yanqiang, who knows the hard work of his predecessors in the past, is extremely pleased with the rapid progress of technology today.

On May 4, 2020, the 34-year-old Gongyan Qiang participated in the laying of the 220 kV third circuit submarine cable in Yushan as a project manager, and coordinated the command and management of the project.

The submarine cable from Zhoushan to Yushan Three-circuit Road greatly meets the growing demand for energy use in the construction and development of Yushan Green Petrochemical Base, which is of great significance for accelerating the construction of Ningbo Zhoushan Port and Zhoushan Pilot Free Trade Zone, and promoting the better and faster development of China's marine economy and blue industry.

"I'm very proud to be part of a project like this." Gong Yanqiang said so.

From manual laying to mechanized operations, from diesel power generation to island-wide electrification, today's Zhoushan power construction is getting faster and better. Electricity lights up the beautiful Zhoushan Islands.

The same is the enthusiasm

Dongyuan, an important industrial town in Qingtian County, Lishui, the 35 kV Dongyuan substation is quietly located in the corner of the town, where the power can be changed and transported, just like people coming and going.

One day in December, Xu Congping went outdoors as usual to paint the multi-oil switch. He was wearing a thick gas mask, the cold wind was blowing, but a layer of hot sweat appeared in his palms.

"Remember, if the equipment is corroded, everything will be in vain, so you must be careful when painting!" Xu Congping remembered what his master had told him, and he did not dare to have a slack in his hands.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2002, Xu Congping carried out painting maintenance outdoors

Four hours later, Xu Congping successfully completed the task, this is the first time he has independently completed the equipment painting work, the master is serious on weekdays, and he did not skimp on his praise at this time. Xu Congping grinned happily for half a day.

It's 2002, and he's 31 years old.

After nearly 20 years of circulation, Dongyuan has become somewhat strange. It did not "get older", but more "younger", and the voltage level was increased from 35 kV to 110 kV.

Gu Feng is an operation and maintenance worker, only 25 years old, he is 6 years younger than the "little young" Xu Congping at that time.

Unlike his predecessors, Gu Feng no longer needs to paint the switches outdoors.

As the equipment was iteratively upgraded, the switch was moved indoors.

Nowadays, Gu Feng only needs to open the trolley switch indoors to check whether the contacts have discharge phenomena, apply conductive paste, and conduct visual inspections and records.

Advances in technology have liberated manpower and promoted the development of electricity.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2021, Gu Feng carried out equipment maintenance indoors

"It's okay here, right?"

"Nothing. Go, next place. ”

It's 2021.

From 35 kV to 110 kV, from four hours of outdoor painting to daily indoor maintenance.

The difference is the upgrading of technology, the same is the seriousness and enthusiasm for work.

Electricity weaves a bustling scene

Huzhou Weaving is a well-known entrepreneurial new city on the south bank of Taihu Lake, and the sound of looms is the representative of Weaving. The work of the loom is inseparable from the boiler, and when it comes to the changes in the boiler in the weaving, Wu Xinhui can have too much say.

In 1988, Wu Xinhui began to work and has been responsible for low-voltage operation and maintenance and marketing. When I first joined the work, the whole weaving was still a coal stove, which was neither convenient nor hygienic. At that time, Wu Xinhui was looking forward to the early use of the electric boiler in weaving.

In 2003, Wu Xinhui's wish came true.

Oriri ushered in the first electric boiler, and he was responsible for the expansion and transformation of power supply supporting equipment.

"The electric boiler has no smoke and fire, no cinder troubles, can control ironing treatment, and the price is affordable." Wu Xinhui said excitedly.

Since then, Wu Xinhui has been committed to the promotion of electric boilers. Since 2011, he has been responsible for the promotion of coal-to-electricity conversion.

After four years of efforts, Wu Xinhui led the team to complete more than 7,600 electric boiler transformation projects, accumulatively completed the replacement of 103 million kWh of electricity, saved 55,000 tons of standard coal, reduced emissions of 0.2 million tons of soot, 221,000 tons of carbon dioxide, and 0.1 million tons of sulfur dioxide, which greatly promoted the transformation and upgrading of the weaving industry and energy conservation and emission reduction.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2007, Wu Xinhui was expanding and transforming the supporting equipment for coal-to-electricity power supply

With the popularity of electric boilers, while the textile industry is developing rapidly, the electricity load is also growing rapidly.

In the summer of 2012, there was a shortage of electricity supply.

But this time, the first line is Wu Xinhui's apprentice, 25-year-old Tao Yejie.

Since joining the workforce in 2007, he has volunteered to take charge of the upgrading of power supply equipment.

From July to November, the continuous shaft repair, the summary project from December to February, and the equipment transformation from March to June were the "24 solar terms" of his life from 2012 to 2015.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2015, Tao Yezhao was carrying out the shunt transformation of low-voltage distribution network lines

In the past three years, a new 110 kV substation has been added in Zhili, and the diversion transformation of the middle and low voltage distribution network lines has been completed, which has met the compound growth demand brought by "coal to electricity" to the greatest extent.

Nowadays, Tao Yejie has followed the footsteps of his master and devoted himself to the construction of charging stations, the installation of freight piles along the street and other electric energy substitution work, adding new impetus to the development of weaving.

From a flat street to a children's clothing town, the development of Weaving is inseparable from the relay struggle of several generations, and Wu Xinhui and Tao Ye are a pair of masters and apprentices, and their youth is written into this picture of inheritance and dedication.

When I grow up, I become you

In 1998, there were so many stories to remember in the year.

For Chen Xin, that was the first year he officially joined the work at the age of 19.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 1998, Chen Xin was carrying out emergency repair operations in the distribution network

Three years later, the young Chen Xin became the "pioneer" of the state grid Hangzhou Lin'an District Power Supply Company's distribution network without blackout operation. This is a relatively unfamiliar field, and "blackouts" mean higher job requirements. Many "old people" in the company carried his heart for him, but this young man in his early twenties had the courage of "the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger".

He studied hard and down-to-earth, presided over the development of lin'an power grid 10 kV distribution network live operation insulation glove operation method project, cable blackout operation project, and compiled more than 30,000 words of standardized operation instructions. In this way, Chen Xin has become an "old scalper" of Lin'an's uninterrupted power operation from a green and charged person, and has taken the Lin'an power grid all the way into the era of no power outage.

The young apprentice Yu Jian joined the live operation family of the State Grid Hangzhou Lin'an District Power Supply Company in 2019, when he was only 22 years old.

This year, Lin'an Power Grid ushered in the attack of the strongest typhoon "Lichma" in recent years.

"Use all the live operation equipment that can be used, and let the affected villagers get electrified as soon as possible!"

The master's words echoed in his ears, and the young Yu Jian had a career that he wanted to engage in for the rest of his life.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2019, Yu Jian carried out non-blackout operations in the distribution network

Different from the non-blackout operation of the distribution network twenty years ago, lin'an power grid now has a series of intelligent live equipment such as live operation robots and bypass switch cars, and the little apprentice Yu Jian learned with relish.

"Every day we have to learn how to operate these devices, although we will also make mistakes, but the master is very happy, saying that it is not terrible to make mistakes, and what is terrible is that I dare not ask and dare not make mistakes."

Twenty-three years later, another young charged man rushed to the road of pursuing the light of his dreams.

Every plant and tree has feelings

Damu Mountain Tea Garden, tea picking is just in time, 10,000 acres of tea leaves waiting for the tea workers to pick.

Songyang is a well-known green tea distribution center, every year to the spring tea period, tea merchants from all over the country gathered in the tea market, tea picking and processing in full swing, electricity demand increased sharply, forming a "spike" load phenomenon, easy to cause tripping problems.

"The spring tea period is most afraid of power outages." We must do a good job of maintenance and inspection to ensure that everyone smoothly passes through this year's tea picking period. In 2006, 32-year-old Liu Yueming told his apprentice Yang Binlin.

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2006, Yang Binlin conducted an insect trap lamp inspection in the tea garden

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Damushan Tea Garden has not been systematically developed, and various route equipment are distributed in all parts of the 10,000-acre tea garden, all relying on manual inspection, and the spring tea picking season often encounters rainy weather, and the roads in the tea garden are often muddy. "I remember the first time I followed my master to the Damushan Tea Garden, some of the insect-attracting lamps in the garden could not be used normally after experiencing wind and rain. So my master and I checked the situation of the insect trap lamps one by one and replaced them with new ones. Yang Binlin recalled.

This task seems simple, but as a novice, Yang Binlin does not dare to slacken off.

In order to ensure the normal power supply during the tea picking period, and in order to live up to the trust of the master, Yang Binlin played a twelve-point spirit to treat each step of operation.

With the efforts of the two masters and apprentices, there was no problem with the use of electricity for tea picking this year.

In Yang Binlin's own words, "In the past, I was a tea picker, and now I am a tea guard." ”

The pace of youth has never stopped

In 2021, Wu Dongping and colleagues installed insect trap lights in tea gardens

In 2021, it is another year of spring tea, Yang Binlin is still running in the front line of tea protection, but this time, he is no longer an apprentice but a master.

Like more than a decade ago, in the huge Damu Mountain Tea Garden, Yang Binlin and his apprentice Wu Dongping shuttled through a field of green.

In front of a new insect lamp, they stopped.

Yang Binlin held the pole of the insect trap lamp and personally demonstrated to Wu Dongping how to check the insect trap lamp.

While demonstrating, he said to Wu Dongping: "In the past, insufficient power supply capacity led to line tripping, but now with the development of the times, we have increased our efforts to support and ensure the processing and production of spring tea, and the phenomenon of frequent tripping has become a thing of the past, but our service will never stop."

What the master had said to himself in the past was now conveyed the same meaning to the disciple by himself.

From the ordinary tea production area to one of the largest green tea distribution centers in the country, generations of electric tea caretakers have ensured the stable development of the Songyang tea industry, protected the electricity and protected the livelihood of tea, and every grass and tree has a feeling.

Continue to be brilliant with inheritance

Write a chapter with your blood

With the youth of me, build a country of youth

Young people, never stop

Source: Zhejiang Electric e home

Contributed by: Li Rong Media Center Huang Lin

Lishui Company Chen Zhizhou

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