
Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart

author:Retire to see the world jack

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The summer of tlbz is similar to the autumn of dalu! The view from the window in the morning evokes my nostalgia for autumn.

Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart

Occasionally there are unknown leaves falling in the room, really have a little taste of autumn! Living in the mountains, the summer winds are blowing, and there is really a little bit of coolness. Oh, the season of early summer. Time flies so fast that it's summer in a blink of an eye. Isn't that the same with the years?! Think of some sadness. I like to use this kind of situation and time to think and find something that needs to be seriously thought about.

Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart

Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart. The lush years of youth, the wanton emotional madness, the ignorant young heart, in that age of strong sadness for the new words, there is often self-pity that people are thinner than yellow flowers, but they also look forward to the pride of not being happy with things and not being sad with themselves. It was a time of often self-amorous and self-righteous, sad and soaked days that thought that Huai Cai did not encounter, like a cotton T-shirt in the rainy season, a wet patch, and when the sun came out, there was still a little reluctance to dry it, because those little sorrows, like green vines, were just clinging, not the trunk, and what he needed was a little recognition and a little understanding. It is also a need to keep it.

Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart

Time is magical, it can quietly cover up some flaws, when the years are far away, everything hazy so cute! This seems to correspond to the summer youth! Now the days are beginning to remove impetuosity, return to the most realistic present, and take every step steadily, even if the original dream may no longer be worth adhering to, it still has the original simplicity and persistence. No matter where I am at this moment and what kind of life I live, I hope to maintain my initial attachment and initial kindness in my heart. I used to think I could give up something, but when I really wanted to do it, the amplified emotional loss overwhelmed the mind that thought it was strong but actually had no endurance. I used to think that every turn back represented reluctance, unwillingness to take another step forward, thinking that this would make me forget the vows I had made, but after a period of time, I realized that giving up was not as simple as I thought. It's a habit to look back. Now I am reluctant to turn back often, and the seemingly resolute surface is actually the weakness of my heart, and I can't stand the tug of turning back! Maybe I will never look back and look nostalgic, because I remember the phrase "turn into a sea without love and hate." Imagine, no matter what the situation, what kind of time, and friends at a certain time together, will still be the same as then, smile like a flower, even if there are subtle wrinkles of the annual ring memory hidden in the gap between smiles, I think, that is also the most beautiful giving and embellishment of the years! I'm also looking forward to that kind of scene! hehe!

Treat the years, but also know how to be grateful, for every inch of time there are surprises and joys, I am attached to my favorite Covers and friends, you let me realize that no matter when and where, you can make my smile bright still! Such moments and inner abundance no longer need to be embellished with prosperity! Oh, the view from the window made me think of this, and it was recorded without much thought! Oh,--- Jack! At the Grand Hotel Taipei.

Gently raise the smile at the corner of your mouth and enter the beautiful corner of your heart