
Film critics in the 1980s

author:Xinmin Network
Film critics in the 1980s

In the mid-1980s, I worked in my hometown of Wencheng, Zhejiang. Two gentlemen often ask me to watch movies. One is Mr. Wang Jiadi, the creative officer of the county cultural center, and the other is Mr. Wang Guimiao, a chinese medicine theorist who was my teacher when I was studying at the Health School. The two were forty or fifty years old at the time, dressed in a uniform manner, Lanka in a mountain suit, a shiny pen in the jacket pocket, and the old man was heavy. Every time they meet, the two gentlemen must say: "Are you free?" Watch a movie with me. ”

They are both members of the local film critics team and have tickets on hand. Watching movies for free, I can't wait for it. "Two Kings" watch movies, and the style is very different. Teacher Wang Guimiao gushed like a "trumpet tube", holding a glass teapot in both hands (probably a jar of medicine in the pharmacy), and whenever he saw something wonderful, he held his head high and grunted and drank tea. Teacher Wang Jiadi is a "stuffy gourd", who never says a word, always smoking, one after another; in the place where the cone is standing, the smoke is so thick that I and my neighbors roll their eyes with tears.

"Two Kings" take me to the movie, not in vain, after watching to talk about the perception. A word will work, a word will work. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and in front of the two predecessors, I am not polite, and I can say whatever I want. At that time, I was not a film critic, but some of my perceptions often appeared in the film reviews of "Two Kings" in the way that "the audience so-and-so thinks".

The "Second King" joked with admiration and called me a "super film critic" outside the editor. I rejoice.

At that time, film culture was very active, from provinces and cities to the whole country, down to the counties and districts almost all of them had film critics. The local film critics team was formed in the early 1980s. There was no venue, no funding, it was just a loose organization affiliated with the film company. The cinema is specifically responsible for printing and distributing the mimeographed publication "Shadow Selection Series" from time to time. The film criticism team initially consisted of only six or seven people, most of whom were from the cultural department, but also from other units. I have contact with them, I often talk about movies when I talk small talk, and I like to deny movie characters.

In April 1986, the film critics were adjusted, and I finally had the opportunity to officially "regularize". I remember that I was also in the film criticism group with Su Zhe, a young literature lover. Su Zhe was a few years younger than me, a young man of five years and three thick, wearing a pair of crepe crepe gold wire glasses. After people came, I called him "Little Sister Su". The most affordable treatment of being a film critic is that you can watch movies for free. Whenever a new film arrives, the cinema gives each critic two movie tickets in advance and sends them to the desk in an envelope.

The ticket delivery was an uncle I called him "film company", yu jug that was a very quiet person, speaking softly and slowly. In fact, I saw him when I was a child, when he was still a young man sending movies to the countryside, and a group of our little farts cheered and shouted at him: "The film company is coming, there are movies to watch!" Later, I went to work in the county cultural department, and his relatives were considered to be a systematic person, and they often met each other, and I couldn't change my mouth and called him a "film company", and he didn't think so, and shouted for more than ten years, so that I still don't know his real name.

Since I was a teenager, I have been a super movie enthusiast. Long-term subscription to the "Popular Film" magazine, half a year to bind a volume, treasure-like collection at the bottom of the bookcase. The small burrow, not very spacious walls, ceilings are plastered with movie posters; Wang Xingang, Liu Xiaoqing, Da Shichang, Si Qinggaowa and other handsome men and women are swaying in the room. Movies played in the theater have been watched almost every time, and I can't bear to drop half a scene. I also have a unique kung fu, that is, the films I like can be watched repeatedly, and it is not too addictive to watch N times in a row, which can be described as a hundred times.

The cinema, located in the middle of Jianshe Road, was the most prosperous place in this small third-class county at that time. When night falls, the neon lights flicker here and the crowds are crowded. Movie Square - in fact, it is not a square, that is, a vacant lot, lined with movie posters, one of which is a film criticism column. The film review column sends two or three film reviews per issue, all of which are aimed at the new films currently screened. At that time, typing was still a rarity, and film reviews were copied by which old gentleman with a brush. I was a regular in front of the film critics, and I used to read other people's film reviews; later I became a film critic and also watched my own film reviews. The film review column is often crowded with people, and some people read it aloud.

Publishing film reviews on the film review column was a very prominent thing at that time. At that time, I was in love. One night when I was shopping with my girlfriend, I tricked her into "abducting" her to the movie theater review column, which was equivalent to designing a scene so that she could accidentally see the film review I wrote. Seeing so many viewers stop and watch, the girlfriend's eyes glow, and there is suddenly a little more admiration and admiration in the eyes of feminine love...

Now that I think about it, it is very funny; there is nothing more vain than this.

The beauty of writing film reviews is that it is free, there is no fixed box or pattern. I like thrilling detective films when I was a child, and I remember the first film review I wrote, which was the feeling of "The Mysterious Buddha". When I wrote this review, I was still in high school. When it came to the film review team, I was obsessed with it, and the focus was still inclined to thrilling detective films. Films such as "MeishanQi Case" and "508 Doubtful Case" were released, and I have written film reviews. When Shancheng screened "The Mystery of the Forest", now that I think about it, this movie is actually made in general, but the case is intricate and complicated, which is enough to satisfy my appetite. I remember that night without sleep, I wrote a book in the dormant room, sprinkled a thousand words, and waved it. This film review was later recommended to the city for exchange by film critics throughout the city.

Film critics rarely organize activities, and most of them are in a state of sit-and-see. I was impressed by an informal tea party, which was when the movie "Juvenile Delinquent" swept the country, and after we went to the theater to watch the movie, we specially went to the county cultural center to drink tea and discuss the artistic characteristics and social significance of the film. It was an era of innocence, only a cup of tea, everyone opened the sea and the sky, talked about everything, it can really be described as a mountain flowing water meets zhiyin. After the meeting, the cinema launched a special issue to collect relevant film reviews into a book.

After the 1990s, the film critics gradually withdrew from the stage of history, so that they disappeared. The film criticism group in the 1980s, equivalent to the current "film salon", although short-lived, is unforgettable. It is not only my cultural imprint, but also the common cultural memory given to people by the fiery era of the 1980s! (Fu Xiaochun)