
The 2001 super serial film starred in the beautiful fairy sister

author:Big mouth A cow watching movies

Wolf Warrior 2, Rising Planet 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Fast & Furious 8, Resident Evil...

The current series of movies are mostly the product of continuous box office growth, take "Resident Evil" for example, it is for the high box office in the Chinese market and forced to start the finished film project!

In fact, the Chinese film market has always had the tradition of series of films, leaving aside the reasons for the box office, Chinese films are more for the integrity of the film story he coherence! The following will take you to recall the first series of movies "Yangmen Women" after China entered the 21st century.

The 2001 super serial film starred in the beautiful fairy sister

The film is a series of TV movies broadcast by CCTV6 (CCTV Movie Channel) "Yangmen Women's General", which is based on the original TV series version of "Yangmen Women's General", and is divided into the following 15 parts:  

1. "Daughters Should Be Self-Reliant"  

2. "Tianbo Fu Storm"  

3. "The First March of the Female General"  

4. "Fight again on the Golden Beach"  

5. 《Shiro Search Mother》  

6. Haotian Pagoda  

7. "Eight Sisters You Chun"  

8. "Hakuba Heshou"  

9. "Imperial City Shock"  

10. "Catching the Phoenix"  

11. "Love For Muke Village"  

12. Battlefield Romance  

13. "The Chopper of the Gate"  

14. "Mu Guiying Hangs Up"  

15. "The Great Breaking Of Heaven' Gate Array"

The 2001 super serial film starred in the beautiful fairy sister

At that time, the film set off a loyal wind among childhood playmates, of course, in addition to the positive energy transmitted by the plot, the Yang Eight Sister of the Immortal Sister Li Ruotong also made the audience clap their hands and applaud!

The 2001 super serial film starred in the beautiful fairy sister