
Exclusive | not only producer Zhang Meng was taken away, tencent in the third quarter 59 people were dealt with by anti-fraud investigations


On October 26, in response to the industry rumors that Tencent video producer Zhang Meng was taken away, Tencent confirmed to First Finance. Tencent responded: Recently, Tencent found in the anti-fraud investigation that Zhang Mou, the producer of Tencent Video Film and Television Project, violated the company's "high-voltage line" and was suspected of violating the law, which has now been handed over to the judicial organs for handling, and the police have now filed a case for investigation.

At the same time, Tencent denied that the online transmission involved yin-yang contracts and other claims, saying that it was "a false rumor".

According to public information, Zhang Meng is a senior project producer of Tencent Video, working in the canopy studio of the film and television content production department. Previously, it was reported that at the launching ceremony of Tencent Video's new film "Ru yue" yesterday, Zhang Meng, as a producer, did not attend. Not long ago, Tencent Video's hit online drama "You Are My Glory", Zhang Meng is one of the chief producers of the show. Earlier, he was the chief producer of the legacy drama "Ghost of Qiannu" (now renamed "Only Ask about the Vicissitudes of Love in This Life") starring Zheng Shuang. However, people close to Tencent Video revealed to the first financial reporter that "Ghost of Qiannu" is not a self-made web drama of Tencent Video, and on this project, Tencent is the purchaser rather than the producer, and has nothing to do with the Yin-Yang contract.

In addition to Zhang Meng, today's first financial reporter exclusively learned that Tencent's recent anti-fraud investigation found more than one case of Tencent video producer Zhang Meng.

At Tencent, anti-corruption is conducted by an internal investigation by an anti-fraud team. A person familiar with the matter exclusively revealed to the first financial reporter that every quarter Tencent will conduct internal anti-fraud investigation related notices, yesterday Tencent had sent a full email, reporting the progress of the previous 3 judicial cases (involving 11 people) and 28 cases handled by the company in the third quarter of 2021. However, Zhang Meng's relevant notice did not appear in the letter of the staff, and the relevant investigation may be reported in the fourth quarter.

CBN exclusively learned that in the third quarter of this year, Tencent dealt with a total of 59 people in the anti-fraud investigation.

Among them, 13 people were dismissed or blacklisted by the company for violating the "high-voltage line" provisions of the "Sunshine Code of Conduct", 3 of the 13 people were transferred to the public security organs for handling for suspected illegal acts, and 4 outsiders involved in the case were also dealt with by the public security organs. 6 suppliers were blacklisted and never cooperated.

9 people were punished with "heavier violations" for violating the "heavier violations" provisions of the Sunshine Code of Conduct, with demerits, real-name criticism, the current performance appraisal was Need to improve or Underperform, and they could not be promoted in the current period.

Another 37 people were punished with "minor violations" for violating the "mild violations" stipulated in the Sunshine Code of Conduct, with demerits, false-name criticism, and the current performance appraisal must not be higher than Good.

The email said that in recent years, Tencent has been preventing and severely cracking down on violations of the "Sunshine Code of Conduct" and trampling on laws and regulations through various channels, but there are still a very small number of people who have failed to resist the temptation of interests, used their power to make acts that harm the interests of the company, hurt the trust of customers and partners in Tencent, and even tried the law step by step into the abyss of illegal crimes, and were imprisoned, causing irreparable harm to employees themselves, including their families, and hoping that all employees would take a warning.

According to the first financial reporter, Tencent will also strengthen the internal audit and internal control work, while further strengthening the requirements for managers, managers need to actively play their due role in the risk management work of the department, if the case occurs and the department manager neglects management, Tencent will strictly pursue the responsibility of the direct and indirect management of the personnel involved in the case.

A Tencent employee previously told the first financial reporter that Tencent has always had strict requirements for "accepting bribes or kickbacks," "engaging in commercial competition with the company," "conflict of interest or related party transactions with the company," and "violations of law and discipline," forming a high-voltage line known to everyone in the company, and often emphasizing it in internal emails. For employees who violate the "Tencent high-voltage line", the company will dismiss them, never hire them, and permanently store them in their personal files, and for external companies involved in the case, they will also be included in the company's blacklist and will never cooperate. Once it is discovered that there is a suspected violation of the law, it will be transferred to the public security and judicial organs for legal responsibility, and at the same time, it will closely cooperate with the public security organs to crack down and arrest the external personnel involved in the case.

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