
Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

author:No liver no play

Hello everyone! Everyone is welcome to tune in, no liver no game! I'm crazy~

Previously, the madman shared the order of cultivation of the heroes of the four tribes, but many players who watched the number would ask which one the gods and demons occupied. Then today, the madman will publish another article on the cultivation and sharing of the god and demon hero. Of course, this part is more suitable for civilian players, Kryptonian, please pull it all up!

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

Gemini: The current God Magic Pool T0 level hero, whether you are 0 Kr or V10086, a white Gemini is definitely there. Now the game version can be said to be the dream version, and gemini is the hero that every boss has to be on. Guaranteed Gemini station, mythological grade is a must. Gemini 3 red open a shield, melon seeds nervous players exclusive first to give 20, followed by slowly chase 30.

Phoenix: The main force of single-team push charts, but as new heroes continue to appear, many features have replacements. However, in terms of multi-team pushing charts, the importance of the phoenix was brought up again. Recently, there have been skins for the phoenix, and everyone should not miss it. Phoenix 203's training degree madman personal feeling is enough, have the ability to chase Phoenix 30 again.

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

Demon Fear: A demon that can be exchanged in the high-level arena, and the only demon that can be white-horned at present. Crazy people can only choose one more energy system to choose from when practicing fear of demons, and it will be much more convenient to push the map. But since the core of the demon is the four skills, rather than exclusive furniture, the improvement of equipment is more important.

Chun Ji: If your dinosaur has been replaced with white, then you can continue to change Chun Ji, and Chun Ji is a cheap demon, and the activities are often sent, so it is easy to white. Haruhime will generally appear with heroes such as the Bone King and the Living Man, and use the invincibility of the skill to output the heavens safely. Furniture triggers big moves to increase teammate speed, with higher priority than exclusive.

Ice Demon: A single demon can lead the hero of the team, and there is already a very mature ice dragon lineup push map. Controlling the presence of the core of the team, exclusive 30 is the threshold for use. People often compare foxes with ice demons, and crazy people think that if they have the ability or do ice demons, the game control is the real king. Fox is more comprehensive, less expensive, and more suitable for civilian players.

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

Charm Demon: Since the first group adjustment, the heat of the Charm Demon has not been as high as before, but it is still impossible to deny that the control of the Demon is still one of the best. The last piece of the puzzle in the Demon Energy Team, but there are actually many heroes to replace. If you want a powerful control unit, enchantment can do it. Exclusive priority is higher than furniture, exclusive 30 brings qualitative change.

Rigoletto: You can graduate with a single purple. If you can borrow a rigoletto stably, then you don't have to do it, and if you can't borrow it, you still need to take one. The hero of the dream has just ascended, and almost all the bosses will be on the courtiers. One of the characters of the highly injured squad of the regimental boss, the complete lineup has not been developed on the current push map.

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

The above few are necessary to practice, or worth doing, the following gods and demons everyone will do according to their ability.

East Throat: Once blown to the sky hero, but the madman believes that East Throat is just the hero of the local tycoons. The absence of east throat for civilian players does not affect the game experience at all. If you want to do the East Throat, work directly in the direction of 309, and almost 303.

Witch: Similar to East Throat, it has not been online for a long time, but it has been adjusted many times. The current witch output is still stable, and there are big guys in chapter 35 who use high-level witches + 4 garbage to pass the picture. Again, civilians don't have to affect the gaming experience.

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

Monkey: The old cheap demigod, if everyone changes monkeys every time they do an event, the monkeys should now have several stars white. There was once a group of players who used monkeys to push the map, the threshold for the monkey pushing the map is still very high, and 30 exclusive is a must, which greatly improves the survival ability of the monkey. And the furniture also makes the monkey trick a super life-saving skill. Therefore, the monkey of 309 is called the God of War Demon, otherwise it is just a stone monkey in the mountain. Common heroes of PVP.

Sword and Expedition: The god and demon are the things in the pool, and the civilians 3 white will graduate

Heavenly Punishment, Clock, Thor, Time Demon, Devouring Demon: These heroes are often seen in the NPC on the opposite side, and the PVP is also a hero who is often full of local tycoons. These heroes are designed, and the crazy people think that they are for the local tycoons to fight, and we civilian players, the important thing is to play PVE.

The above is the personal opinion of the madman on whether the current 15 gods and demons need to be cultivated. The experience of the madman is more suitable for civilian players to use as a reference, after all, we are playing PVE.

I'm crazy, no liver no game! See you in the next issue, bye bye bye.)

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