
"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

author:Amazon Kindle

"How would you choose to say goodbye to 2020?"

Some people say they want to write a letter to themselves; some people have to deal with stranded items on the "unfinished" list; some people plan to go to a New Year's Eve concert; some people are still struggling with how to "get off the list"...

After reading everyone's "grand plan", Xiao K chose to publish a "reader examination paper" in the last push in December to test everyone's reading situation this year. After all, little K has been diligent and conscientious to stick to the good books that have been intimate and caring for a whole year, and it is time to show your true strength!

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

The examination papers are divided into ABC volumes (déjà vu feeling), including the knowledge points of popular books, kindle function points, phenomenon-level network hotspots, etc., which are interesting and hardcore! The number of correct answers determines what type of reader you are, so take a test

Volume A: Knowledge in the Book

1. Legend has it that 10 out of 100 people can read a book, which of the following books?

A "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

B "Dream of the Red Chamber"

C "Ulysses"

D "Remembrance of the Watery Years"

2. What type of book is A History of Nose-Digging?

A nose-digging encyclopedia

B Suspense novel

C Serious popular science reading

D Comic Book

3. Which of the following books should I read at home during the epidemic to satisfy my curiosity?

WHAT IF: Quirky and Worrying Questions

B "Biography of Einstein"

C Immunization

D "Fascinating Material"

4. Which of the following books can effectively help treat "procrastination"?

A "Break Away"

B "Multi-dimensional Thinking"

C "Fateful Choice"

D "The Twelve Laws of Life"

5. Which of the following sentences is not from Liu Cixin's "Three-Body Problem"?

A your fearlessness comes from ignorance.

We are all worms in the gutter, but there is always someone to look up at the stars.

If you see a wall, you can't see the end from the top up and down to the left and right, and you can never reach the boundary. That's death.

D I love you, what does it have to do with you? What does the destruction of you have to do with you?

6. The undisputed queen of detective fiction Agatha Christie's sea, land and air trilogy, which of the following is not in it?

A "Massacre on the Nile"

B "Murder in the Clouds"

C Murder on the Orient Express

D "Roger's Doubts"

Correct answer:

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

Volume B: Reading Hotspots

1. Which of the following celebrities counts as a master of "Versailles literature"?

A Ouyang Xiu

B Li Bai

C Li Qingzhao

D Du Fu

2. The frightening terrier "Climbing the mountain together?" "From the annual hit drama "The Hidden Corner". Which work of the author Zijin Chen is the original novel?

A "Long Night"

B "Undocumented Crimes"

C "Tracker"

D "Bad Boys"

3. When we mention the "Criminal Law History Classroom urged by more than 10 million people", which of the following authors and their works refers to?

A Brief History of Human Torture, By Marc P. Donnelly

B "The History of Punishment" Luo Xiang

C A Short History of Human Beheading, Francis Larson

D BBC Documentary Script Series David Reynolds

4. Regarding louise Glick, winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature, which of the following descriptions is wrong?

A Louise Glick began writing poetry at the age of 10.

Louise Glick created a new way of poetry– the "Group Poetry" poetry collection.

C Louise Glick studied poetry writing from 2 American poets laureates.

One of the most prominent features of Louise Glick's poetry is the incorporation of classic myths, allegories, and the Bible from Western literature into poetry.

5. Which character in a famous novel best fits the identity of "hit worker"?

A Zhuge Liang

B hole Ethylhexyl

C Camel Shoko

D Qingwen

6. The 2020 barrage "Ye Qing Hui" expresses a kind of joy that people are facing things that were once familiar (people, film and television dramas, animation, games, etc.). Which of the following ancient poems also expresses the feeling of "youth"?

A hair short melancholy whitening, Yan wanjiu borrowed red.

B the prime year does not come again, and it is difficult to get another morning.

C Singing in the daytime must indulge in wine, and youth is a good companion to return home.

D advises the king not to spare the golden robe, and advises the king to cherish the youth.

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

Volume C: Kindle Test Centre

1. During World Book Day, Amazon China released the 2020 National Reading Report, showing that nearly 50% of readers read ______ books per year.

A3 book

B5 book

C10 copies

D10 copies or more

2. What is the biggest obstacle to developing concentration when reading?

A selection of books tangled maniacs

B forgot to bring the Kindle

C Wang Xingren/Cat Star people are making trouble again

D Conceive Circle of Friends

3. Watching "One Hundred Years of Solitude", four masterpieces and other difficult tomes, which function of the Kindle is necessary?


B Quick flip book


D font adjustment

4. Which of the following features is new to the 2020 Kindle?

A note export

BKindle read aloud

C search keywords

D-book in-house clock

5. How do I get free books, buy specials, and read good books for free on my Kindle?

A follow the Kindle public number - limited time free to pick up the event

B pays attention to the Kindle public number - the treasure of the town store activity

C Follow the Kindle public account - promotional newsletter activities

D Follow kindle public number - KU members for a limited time free to read

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

How many of the above 17 questions have you answered correctly?

Come and follow the number of questions you answer correctly

See what type of reader you belong to!

Reader type

Answer 1-5 questions correctly

Hit the worker-type reader

It seems that you did not spend much time to study this year, it may be that work, exams and other life events occupy too much time. However, on the occasion of hard work, it is recommended that you combine work and leisure, pick up the Kindle at any time, and enjoy the tranquility of the book for a moment

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"
"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

Answer 6-10 questions correctly

Potential stock readership

This year you have guaranteed a certain amount of reading input, stick to it, and strive to read more good books! I believe this is also your next plan, after all, you still have a lot of potential, continue to refuel!

Answer 11-15 questions correctly

Only high eight bucket type readers

Only eight buckets high, learn rich five cars said that it is you! It seems that you really take reading as a good habit and have been practicing it. As a bully in the reading world, you insist on reading different kinds of books, whether it is tomes or brain-burning masterpieces.

"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"
"2020 Reader Exam Papers" "Warning! Very fierce!"

Answered more than 16 questions correctly

YYDS type readers

That's right, you're the legendary "Forever Drop God" reader! I believe that whether you wake up early, before going to bed, travel, queue, leisure time are reading, if you are willing to share your annual book list in the comment area, let more people join the great cause of reading!

Say goodbye to the best way to 2020

Reading, too, is one of them wow

Follow @Amazon Kindle, reading is different from not reading, life is very different! With a Kindle, refuse to be disturbed and feel an immersive reading experience.