
You are only "one step away" from the Tango ball | Argentine Tango Popularization Course

author:Elvita Wei's life sticky note

You are welcome to attend the "One Step Away" Argentine Tango training course, organized jointly by the Financier Club and Diego Tango, where you and the Tango Ball are held.

You are only "one step away" from the Tango ball | Argentine Tango Popularization Course

Popular Class Teaching Hours:

April 14, 2019 - May 5, 2019 (8 lessons, 1.5 hours per lesson)

Class Time:

April 14, 15:00-16:30, 16:45-18:15

April 21, 15:00-16:30, 16:45-18:15

April 28, 15:00-16:30, 16:45-18:15

May 05 15:00-16:30, 16:45-18:15

Course fee: 1800 yuan for 8 lessons of the popularization class

Registration Hotline:


WeChat registration: Tangochinoclub


Financial Guests Coffee Club

No. 3 Dingzhang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing


Chinese-Argentine tango forerunner Diego Ma

Champion of the Chinese division at the World Tango Championships in Argentina

Senior Lecturer of Tango in Argentina

Promoter of Argentine tango culture

We look forward to welcoming you!

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