
After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

author:China Youth Network

The U.S. 2021 recruitment ad collapsed.

How bad is it? In the more than 20 days since the release of YouTube, the number of plays is only more than 1.5 million, the number of likes is less than 5000, the number of points... 100,000+...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Another result of clicking more than 20 times the number of likes is that the video comments section has been scolded to close...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Many people also said that compared with the recruitment advertisements of China, Russia and the United States, the American version really made people want to join the army more...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

So, what is the situation of the US military's advertisement this time?

To sum up in the words of the evaluators, it is "imposing political correctness, detrimental to the american military style, the storyline is old-fashioned, and there is basically no resonance."

See below for details.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Promotional image of The Calling, the latest U.S. recruitment advertisement

In May this year, the Pentagon's official military recruitment website and its YouTube account "GoArmy" released a series of "The Calling" recruitment ads.

The series of advertisements consists of five animated short films of more than two minutes, which introduce the growth stories and journeys of five American soldiers.

The protagonists of these five stories are Emma, a white woman, Richie, an African-American woman, An american woman, Jennifer, a Latino woman, and David, an Asian man.

Just by looking at the composition of this personnel, there is an american "political correctness" connotation.

This is not the most exciting part, and there are more "highlights" in the specific content of each short film.

Let's take, for example, the short film of Emma, the most viewed white woman, which tells this story:

Emma, a girl from California, grew up in a gay family with two mothers.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Emma considers herself to have a "typical childhood," such as practicing ballet and playing the violin.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Sometimes, Emma would follow her mother-in-law to the streets to take part in protests about sexual minority rights.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

However, when Emma was six years old, one of her mothers fell seriously ill and was diagnosed by doctors as half-dead.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

But after a long period of rehabilitation, with a strong will, this mother of hers successfully stood up...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Then, her two moms got married, and she was inspired by the scene.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

As a result, Emma became the first place in high school through hard work and successfully entered a prestigious university for further study.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

When she graduated, she saw the photos of the two mothers in her mobile phone and suddenly felt a sense of strength.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

It is worth noting that the asian male David's painting style is somewhat different from the other four animated short films, the scene is simple, the action is stiff, the characters are rough, and there is a feeling of low-cost children's animation.

According to the Council on Foreign Relations' "Demographics of the U.S. Military, released last July, whites make up more than 70 percent of the U.S. military, compared with a 5:1 ratio of men and women in the military.

As a result, the largest number of white men did not appear in this "The Calling" recruitment ad...

Some people deliberately put the recruitment advertisements of China, Russia and the United States together for comparison, and this comparison is directly divided.

China: Iron Discipline!

Russia: The power of bullets!

USA: I have two moms...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

China: Our soldiers are disciplined!

Russia: Our soldiers are incredibly powerful!

USA: If we use the wrong gender pronoun for our soldiers, they will be mentally broken...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

China: Medal of Honor

Russia: Call of Duty

United States: "Pony Paulie"

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

China: Glorious War Movies.

Russia: Epic War Movies.

USA: Disney Animation Channel.

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

China: I'm strong!

Russia: I am stronger!

USA: I'm lost...

After watching the US military recruitment advertisement, netizens: Americans want to come to China to join the army...

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League