
Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

author:Film Magazine

The horror elements of Europe and America have always been full of tricks, zombies, hallucinations, monsters, supernatural, and some inexplicable phenomena.

Man is a strange creature, and although he knows that he will be scared to death, he still can't help but want to see it.

Recently, a sequel to ghost stories co-produced by Stephen King came back —

The second season of "Ghost Show"

Creepshow Season 2

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The drama is known as the American version of "Liaozhai", which is the childhood shadow of many European and American countries after 90 years, and the series was originally written by the film master George W. Bush. A. Romero co-produced with Stephen King.

Like the first season, the show adopted a comic + live-action shooting model, and Stephen King's black humor ran through the series from beginning to end.

There are all kinds of brain holes that pay tribute to the horror films of the last century, each story condensed to 20 minutes, short and concise, very suitable for passing the time.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Director Gregory Nicktro, a professional horror film director.

When he first debuted, he worked as a makeup artist in many horror films, such as "Piranha 3D", "Death Is Coming 4", "Death Diary" and so on.

Later, he transformed into a director, and his representative works include "The Walking Dead".

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The first story in the first episode is called "Model Child".

Jojo is a little boy who loves demons and ghosts and loves horror stories, and his favorite holiday is Halloween, the bedroom is full of skull masks, and monster toys, and he usually dresses up as Dracula at home.

Special proclivities make Jojo a freak at school, and his classmates don't like to play with him, often ostracizing him, but fortunately, he has a mother who loves him very much.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The mother supports Jojo to have her own hobbies and never interferes to stop it, but in fact, when Jojo's mother is seriously ill, she can only spend the few days left to accompany her son as much as possible.

At night, mother and son snuggled up together to watch a horror movie, and the mother told Jojo: "Movies are our means of transportation, as long as we turn on the movie switch, we can be together forever." ”

Not long after, his mother died, and Jojo had to live with his aunt and uncle.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The kind aunt was very nice to Jojo, but the uncle was a grumpy maniac.

Because of his unsatisfactory work, his uncle often the family, and he despised Jojo's hobby of liking ghosts, so he rushed to Jojo's room and smashed all the toys.

He is even more likely to abuse his wife, beating her to bruises, watching his aunt continue to blame his mistakes on himself, Jojo is both sad and helpless.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

That night, Jojo dreamed that his mother had crawled out of the grave and handed her a book from the TV frame, which was the comic book of "Ghost Show".

Jojo suddenly woke up and found that the comic book was next to him, and the title of the page that opened read "Victim Model, Uncle Kevin."

Jojo was surprised and delighted, and immediately placed an order the next day to buy.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The next day, he received the assembly parts of his uncle's toy, and he assembled the toy without saying a word.

When he tried to twist any part of the toy, his uncle downstairs let out a scream.

Jojo's revenge officially begins.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

He threw the toy on the radiator and baked it, causing his uncle to start a high fever;

He also unleashed his beloved Gilman monsters and zombies, flattening his uncle, and eventually, his uncle was cut in two and fell into a pool of blood, all of which Jojo secretly controlled.

When the aunt rushed home in a panic, Jojo showed an eerie smile...

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Wave after wave of horror atmosphere, casually clicking on an episode will have unexpected surprises, such as the second episode of "The Dead and Breakfast".

Mrs. Spencer was once a fearsome perverted murderer who hacked and killed countless travelers in her own family hotel.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Papa and Sam are the grandchildren of the old lady, who inherited the hotel, designed the mansion as a murderous mansion, and invited guests to seek treasure and explore.

Due to the poor management of the brothers and sisters, the business of the hotel has become worse and worse, and the reputation has plummeted.

Sam suggests that it is better to sell the old house, but Little Pa disagrees, she worships her grandmother madly, and believes that there are always people in this world who like some perverted and bloody things.

So, she proposed to find a female Internet celebrity to stay for one night, live broadcast the whole process, and promote the hotel by the way.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

The female Internet celebrity who just entered the hotel was very disgusted with the old decoration, she kept complaining, all kinds of dislikes, and said that Xiao Pa was uncomfortable, but she saw that the number of rooms booked online was gradually increasing, and she endured.

The female Internet celebrity circled around the hotel, but she was suspicious of the legend of the old lady, after all, even the police could not find the body, and how to prove that the old lady was a perverted murderer?!

Perhaps everything was imagined by the old lady, and Xiaopa was very angry, she did not allow anyone to insult her grandmother, and any doubt was an insult to their family.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Sam took the opportunity to persuade his sister to recognize the reality, Grandma may be what the female Internet celebrity said, just a crazy woman with paranoia, it is better to sell the hotel and stop the loss as soon as possible.

The disillusionment of faith is a terrible thing.

When night fell, Xiao Pa changed into her grandmother's old clothes and carried an axe to the bedside of the female Internet celebrity, ready to scare her.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

In this way, female Internet celebrities believe that this hotel is pretending to be a ghost.

She was ready to record the evidence and post it on the Internet, in the middle of the argument, the female Internet celebrity rolled down the stairs, Xiao Pa chased after it, and in a rage, raised an axe and hacked the female Internet celebrity to death.

However, this scene was broadcast live by the female Internet celebrity's mobile phone, and netizens thought that this was a gimmick of hotel publicity, and they liked it.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Seeing that the number of reserved rooms began to increase again, Sam didn't even think about it, and took the rope on the ground and strangled the little Pa to death, creating the illusion that his sister would commit suicide after killing people.

Since then, the hotel's business has skyrocketed, fans have flocked to it, and sam-made stories have been staged every day.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Sam hid the money in his grandmother's secret room, but accidentally touched the mechanism and fell into the basement, surrounded by Sensen white bones.

Sam is so excited that he can finally prove that Grandma is a perverted murderer, which will bring him more money.

But with a "pop" sound, the basement door closed forever.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

Therefore, the most stupid people are greedy people, and the more greedy people are, the more they will not get good results, and if they do not pay attention, they may also bring the disaster of killing themselves.

Although the audience's tastes are different, and the evaluation of different stories is also mixed, the play starts from the perspective of curiosity, allowing the audience to have a different viewing experience, and also reflects some social phenomena and life philosophy.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

For example, in the story of "pests", the male protagonist is an insect exterminator, who has a long time for his own business, and after each pest control, he leaves some cockroach rat ants in the guest's home.

Once, he received an order to go to the factory to kill insects, but these "insects" were homeless people living nearby.

When he was poisoned in the homeless man's food, he began to hallucinate, and he spent the whole night having nightmares and insomnia.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

In the end, the collapsed male protagonist can only ask the psychologist for help.

In a trance, the male protagonist found that his body had shrunk and turned into a pest, and was eventually beaten into a piece of meat sauce by the psychiatrist.

This episode is more difficult to understand, interested friends can go to brush the drama, from another point of view, there are also many lines of injustice will kill themselves.

Best Thriller of the Season, nothing else to watch

This season is similar to the previous season's painting style, the degree of horror is medium to low, and the point is so far, suitable for small partners who are interested in horror and are timid and afraid of death.

In addition, there are some elaborate bad taste small details, which are suitable for all ages anyway.