
The Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress went deep into the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate to review the performance of procurators' duties


  In order to strengthen supervision of judicial work and promote judicial organs to strictly enforce the law and administer justice impartially, the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress for the first time carried out the performance of duties on the posts of procurators of the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate.

  On August 27, Song Zhe, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress, Ma Qinglian, secretary of the Dongzhou District Political and Legal Committee, and seven other people came to the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate to investigate the performance of procurators' duties by way of visits and discussions. Members of the party leading group of the academy attended the meeting, and procurators Wang Duan and Zhang Kai accepted the deliberations of the district people's congress.

The Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress went deep into the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate to review the performance of procurators' duties

  At the forum, the leaders in charge of the two post procurators who were subject to review first introduced the natural situation and performance of the two post procurators, other party group members made supplementary evaluations, and Guo Wei, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the court, made a comprehensive evaluation of the two post procurators.

The Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress went deep into the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate to review the performance of procurators' duties

  After listening to the deliberations of the participants, Song Zhe, director of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress, made a concluding speech. Director Song first fully affirmed the evaluation of the performance of procurators by the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate. He stressed: Reporting to the PEOPLE's Congress on the performance of their duties is the statutory duty and obligation of procurators on posts; and the NPC Standing Committee's appraisal of procurators' performance of their duties is the best test of procuratorial work, the greatest concern and care for the growth and progress of cadres and policemen, and also a major test for every procurator to solemnly swear an oath to the Constitution to fulfill his commitments when the people's congress is appointed. He demanded that procurators participating in the appraisal should further enhance their initiative and consciousness in accepting supervision by the people's congress, and complete the work of performing their duties in accordance with the requirements of the district people's congress standing committee and with high standards.

The Standing Committee of the Dongzhou District People's Congress went deep into the Dongzhou District People's Procuratorate to review the performance of procurators' duties

  Guo Wei, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the people's procuratorate, said that carrying out the work of evaluating the performance of duties by procurators on posts is not only an important measure for the people's congress to perform its supervisory duties and promote judicial fairness in accordance with the law, but also a concrete embodiment of the importance attached by the standing committee of the district people's congress to supporting procuratorial work and caring for procuratorial personnel. While carrying out the work of appraisal and appraisal of the performance of duties, we will take this as an opportunity to strengthen the building of the procuratorial contingent, combine the appraisal work with the study and education of party history, and with the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, ensure that the procuratorial contingent is loyal to the party, can win the battle, and fight a hard battle, and earnestly push the procuratorial work of our procuratorate to a new level, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality and leapfrog development of the channel.