
Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology

author:Blue willow

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology


The common propagation methods of marigolds are sowing and cuttings.

Sowing and propagation

(1) Seedbed sowing.

a. Seed treatment. Soaking seeds for 10 to 12 hours before sowing before sowing can germinate early and increase the germination rate of seeds. Marigold seeds are larger, there are about 320 seeds per gram, germination temperature 19 °C ~ 21 °C, germinate 5 to 7 days after sowing, 25 ~ 30 days can be transplanted, every 7 inches of pot planting 1 tree.

b. Seedbed preparation. For seedbeds, sandy loam soil with loose soil structure, low groundwater table, good drainage and rich organic matter should be selected.

c. Soil can be disinfected with furandan to prevent pests and diseases. To avoid overgrowth in the future, spray 1 chemical herbicide.

d. Sowing depth of about 2 ~ 3mm, after sowing to cover a layer of fine soil, with a fine eye watering can, spray 1 ~ 2 times a day, about 5 ~ 7 days to begin to germinate, about 10 days after the seedlings can be out. When the seedlings have grown 2 to 3 leaves, a thin mixture of nitrogen and potassium can be applied once, followed by once every 7 days.

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology

Marigold "Antigua" series

(2) Sowing in the hole plate.

a. The sowing medium of the burrow disc can be prepared with yellow mud + coconut bran + perlite sifted out of a small sieve, with a ratio of 3:1:1.

b. Spot plate sowing requires on-demand sowing, 1 seed per hole, and 200 seeds can be sown per hole pot.

c. Gently squeeze by hand after sowing to glue the seeds with the medium.

d. Spray water with a sprayer and cover with newspaper or plastic film after sowing, keep the newspaper moist for a long time, and open the newspaper after the seeds germinate.

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology


Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology


Cuttings propagation Select robust, disease-free, first-generation seedlings as cuttings, the length of the cuttings is about 3 to 4 knots, and then treated with "root sun" or dodoranic acid rooting agent, see Table 1, Table 2.

From Table 1 and Table 2, it can be seen that the effect of treating cuttings with "root sun" rooting agent is faster than that of doodling acid roots, and can be rooted 3 to 4 days earlier.

Table 1 Marigold cuttings are treated using "root sun" rooting agent

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology

Table 2 Marigold cuttings are treated using dormant-ting acid rooting agent

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology

Post-cutting management

Water After the cuttings are completed, they should be watered in time, so that the cuttings are closely combined with the soil, and the soil should be kept moist or sprayed 1 to 2 times a day, and the spraying time is about 1 to 2 minutes.

After the cuttings are watered, the shading net should be covered in time, and the shading rate should reach 90% in summer, and the shading rate in spring and autumn should reach 60% to 70%.

Temperature The most appropriate temperature for cuttings to root is 20 °C ~ 30 °C, below 10 °C affects the roots, winter breeding must have a greenhouse to reproduce.

Post-pot management

After transplanting the pot, scientific watering, fertilization, heart picking, buding, foot and leaf cultivation should be carried out according to the ecological habits of marigolds and the growth trend of the growth period.

Watering Marigolds are sensitive to water, intolerant of drought, afraid of water, summer and autumn planting to water 3 times a day, spring and winter planting a day to water 2 times, such as cloudy days can be sprayed on the foliage once can be. Marigolds such as pot bottom long-term water, the root system is easy to rot, resulting in plant death, so watering should master the principle of not drying and not watering, watering is watered thoroughly, and watering must not be accumulated.

Fertilization Marigold likes potassium fertilizer, pay attention to the proportion of fertilizer when fertilizing, its fertilization ratio is N :P:K = 13:8:25, the growth period is applied once every half a month, and chicken manure, peanut bran, etc. can also be applied.

When marigold transplant seedlings have 4 to 5 true leaves, the first hearting is carried out, and if it is to be retained for propagation of cuttings, the plant must grow to 8 to 10 cm tall before the heart can be picked. The first heart pluck leaves 2 to 3 knots on the main stem of the branch, and the second heart can be removed every 13 to 15 days or so, leaving two nodes on each side of the bud. Branching occurs by plucking plants, controlling plant height and plant shape so that they grow short and densely flowered.

Buds Marigolds germinate more buds during the strong seedling stage, and marigolds do not need to bud in normal growth, and only in the case of premature flowering do they take the method of bud thinning to control the flowering period.

Raise foot leaves During the growth period, it is necessary to do a good job of reasonable fertilization, and N, P, K are mixed and applied in proportion. Pay attention to watering, and do not lack water during the growth phase. Water 3 times a day in summer and autumn, and once a day in winter.

Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, especially to do a good job in the later stage of disease and pest prevention work, in order to prevent the feet and leaves from withering and falling off, and ensure that the leaves are clean and strong.

Flower control The flowering period control of marigolds depends mainly on the sowing time. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 60 to 70 days from sowing to full blooming, and during the entire growing season, it takes a long time when the temperature is low, and vice versa when the temperature is high. Therefore, for marigolds to bloom on May 1, they need to be sown on February 20. If it blooms on June 1, it should be sown around March 23, and so on.

Pest control

Diseases The main diseases of marigolds are leaf spot disease, rust disease, stem rot and so on.

(1) Leaf spot disease. Brown spots appear on the leaves, and in severe cases, the brown spots expand to the entire leaf surface, affecting photosynthesis, causing all the leaves to fall off, causing plant death. Prevention and control methods: strengthen field management, timely removal of disease residues, fallen leaves, in order to prevent the spread of the following year. During the growing season, an equal amount of Bordeaux liquid or 0.5 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound is sprayed for prevention, and 600 to 800 times liquid dentate or 800 times liquid methyl tolbuzine is sprayed every 7 days in the initial stage of the disease.

(2) Rust. The early symptoms of the diseased leaves are round yellow water-stained small spots, which are visible on both sides, and the later rounds are enlarged, with vesicular protrusions, the spots are orange-brown to brown, and the edges appear yellow-green spots, with a diameter of 2 to 6 mm. Severely affected diseased leaves are spotted and can be linked to form large, amorphous necrotic areas. Prevention and control method: remove the diseased leaves and the remnants of the diseased plant every winter, burn them centrally, and use Fumei zinc and stone sulfur compound to spray continuously and alternately on a regular basis, which can alleviate the disease.

(3) Stem rot. The affected plants have initial dark spots at the base of the stem near the soil surface, which are brown after enlargement, shrink and rot, and the diseased plants are lodging in severe cases. Prevention and control methods: strengthen management during the onset of the disease, when the air humidity is high, less water or no water, in order to keep the soil in the basin moist as a good fit. Apply less nitrogen fertilizer, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and remove the diseased leaves and old leaves that are in contact with the soil at the bottom in time; spray methyl tolbutazine 500 to 600 times liquid, or potassium permanganate 1000 to 1200 times liquid after the onset of the disease.

Insect pests are mainly leafminer flies, leafhoppers and red spiders. Control method: Spray with 50% dichlorvos emulsion 800 times liquid, spray with 40% Lego emulsion 800 ~ 1000 times liquid spray.

Marigold pot propagation and pest control cultivation technology

First heartbreak