
Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

author:Road through agriculture
Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

Purple velvet beetle

This time is the flowering period of Ziwei, it can be said that in the summer season of less flowers, Ziwei has become a beautiful landscape in the urban greening. Ziwei blossoms, clusters, rows, all of which show its enthusiasm.

However, recently many friends have reacted to me that the number of flowers in their construction sites or maintenance parks has decreased significantly, and it seems to be somewhat malnourished. Take a closer look, found that the leaves and branches are covered with a layer of black coal pollution, which greatly affects the landscape viewing effect, and there are many white dots on the branches, in fact, these small white dots are not a disease, but a very common pest on the ziwei tree - the ziwei velvet beetle.

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

First, the characteristics of the hazard

Purple velvet beetle mainly uses nymphs and female adults to gather at the base of the main vein of the leaflets and shoot axillary, young shoots or branches to suck sap, often causing the tree to weaken and grow poorly; and the large amount of honeydew secreted by it will induce serious coal pollution, which will cause the leaves and twigs to be black and lose their ornamental value. If the density of the insect mouth is too large, the branches and leaves will turn black, the leaves will fall early, the flowering will not be normal, and even the whole plant will die. Resulting in tree weakness, branches withering, its excrement can induce coal pollution, affect growth, lead to leaf fall, reduce ornamental value.

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

Second, the law of occurrence

The algebraic occurrence of the insect varies from region to region, occurring 2-4 generations a year; For example, 2 generations occur in Beijing a year, 3 generations occur in Shanghai a year, and 4 generations occur in Shandong a year. The overwintering insects of the velvetworm include fertilized females, 2nd instar nymphs or eggs, which vary from place to place; It usually overwinters within cracks in the branches. The first generation of nymphs can be found in areas such as Shanghai and Shandong, where 3-4 generations occur a year, such as shanghai and Shandong, where the first generation of nymphs occurs at the end of March and the beginning of April. The velvet beetle multiplies quickly in a warm and humid environment, and dry heat is not conducive to its development.

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

3. Comprehensive prevention and control

1. Strengthen quarantine, prevent the influx of pathogens, apply fertilizer reasonably, enhance the insect resistance of plants, maintain ventilation and light transmission, and avoid excessive plant density.

2. Combined with early spring or winter pruning, remove the branches with serious insect pests and the state of overwintering insects, and burn them in a concentrated manner. The number of worm mouths is small, and it can be manually scraped.

3. Pharmaceutical prevention and control: seize the critical period when the incubation heyday of the shell has not yet thickened, and the agent is easy to penetrate, use [Jingbo Swordsman]/[Quethion]/[Jingbo Ares] uniform spray prevention and control. The agent can be sprayed 2 to 3 times continuously, every 7 to 10 days.

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

【Kyobo Ares】

1. It has a good control effect on aphids

2. It has the dual effects of touch killing and gastric toxicity, stopping eating after 4-6 hours after contact; irreversible paralysis knockdown occurs within 6-12 hours; and peak death is reached in 24-36 hours.

3. Long effectiveness, good permeability on the surface of plants, good adhesion.

4. It is more resistant to rain washing, and after use, the agent effectively penetrates into the leaves of the plant to form a secondary insecticidal peak, and the insect eggs are killed at the same time.

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

【Kyobo Swordsman】

1. Unique mechanism of action: it is compounded from thiamethoxamine and prazidazone, which has gastric toxicity and touch killing effect on pests, and has strong systemic conduction activity.

2. Wide spectrum of insecticidal: it has excellent control effect on citrus psyllids and ticks, and at the same time prevents and controls stinging mouthpiece pests such as rice planthoppers, aphids, thrips, whitefly and rice rice planthoppers.

3. Excellent ratio: 1:1 ratio, higher co-toxicity coefficient, higher insecticidal activity, more advantages in quick efficacy and effectiveness.

4, high suspension rate: smaller particle size, high suspension rate, more resistant to rain erosion

Ziwei does not flower and the leaves wilt, which may be related to ziwei velvet

【Lianyou quinophos】

1. This product is organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide, which has gastric toxicity and touch killing effect.

2. It has good permeability and has a certain egg killing effect.

3. High safety and easy to decompose.

4, insecticidal spectrum is wide: aphids, aphids, whitefly, etc., the effect on underground pests is also very good.


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