
Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

author:Gluttony Dog Food Encyclopedia

The Rottweiler is a well-known guard dog with a long history, originating from Rottweil, Germany, which was previously used to drive wild animals. Now there are still people who raise them to visit the house, and the precautions for raising Rottweiler are put away!

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

Pay attention to nuisance issues

Rottweiler's barking is very loud, sometimes even barking in the middle of the night, so usually when the dog barks, if the owner does not stop it, it is easy for Rottweiler to develop random barking behavior, which will disturb the people and be complained about.

It is not recommended to keep large dogs in densely populated places, which is not only noisy but also easy to cause disgust among neighbors.

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

Training should be in place

Rottweiler belongs to the fierce dog, the aggression is certainly not weak, it is not strange to provoke it at will, and it is not strange to be bitten. If the owner usually neglects to train them, the Rottweiler is likely to develop a bad disease of being uninhabited and arrogant, so it is necessary to train from an early age.

It is recommended to use a positive reward method to train the dog, such as doing the right command, rewarding some snacks, which can play an incentive role.

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

Go out and get a rope

The appearance of adult Rottweiler is still quite scary, and there are many panic incidents caused by the random appearance of Rottweiler, so it is necessary to raise such large dogs with a leash, and they cannot be too indulgent in public.

You can go to some people who are less open, let go of the rope, and let the dog move on its own for a while.

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

Appropriate nutritional supplementation

Dogs with a relatively large amount of exercise like Rottweiler, in the growth period of nutrition to be in place, what vitamins, calcium tablets and the like, can be supplemented, otherwise the lack of calcium dogs have a great impact on the body.

Xiaobian here to recommend an article about pet multivitamins, which talks about the harm of cats and dogs lacking multivitamins, and recommends how you can buy high-quality pet multivitamins.

Click on the blue article to learn: "The role of pet multivitamins" and [brand recommendations]

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

The amount of food is relatively large

Rottweilers are large dogs, so they eat a lot of food, they are not picky eaters, basically feed what they eat, but for the sake of health, it is still necessary to ensure that the food is nutritionally balanced, to achieve meat and vegetarian collocation, regular feeding.

Adding meat supplements in moderation and giving them some bones can exercise their bite force. But remember that eating too much will add too much burden to their stomachs, which is not good for health.

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

For Rottweiler, it is best to choose a natural dog food that is low in fat and high in protein. Today to share here, owners interested in choosing high-quality dog food, you can click on the following blue article to understand:

Related information: It is recommended to collect the skills of "choosing high-quality dog food"

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away

Conclusion: Raising Rottweiler, do you have any experiences to share?

Precautions for raising Rottweiler, put away