
If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

author:Ball talk simulcast

This article is for entertainment only, sports competition pays attention to peace, fair competition. Friendship first, competition second.

On November 19, 2004, a player-fan scuffle broke out during a Pacers-Pistons game at the home of the Detroit Pistons.

The Pistons and Pacers met in the 2004 playoffs. At that time, the Pistons defeated the Pacers 4-2 and won the championship with a victory over the Los Angeles Lakers in the finals of that year. The reason why both sides are on fire is because it is seen as a reenactment of the 2004 East Conference Finals. One side wants to save face, the other side wants to hold the home field.

比赛到最后时刻,活塞队依旧落后15分,阿泰对大本‬来了个比较粗鲁的犯规。 可能是大本要输球心情不好,重重的推了阿‬泰‬一下,引发了双方球员的猛烈冲突。

If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

Artest was persuaded to return to the court and lie down in the referee's seat to calm down. 火气未消时,引发‬这次‬时事件‬的‬导火索‬也‬来发生了‬,一位‬激动‬的‬球迷泼‬饮料在了躺在裁判席上的阿泰身上,原本心情就不好,这一下举动‬完全‬激怒了阿泰,他‬立刻冲上观众席上打他们认为扔杯子的球迷(后被确认完全是无辜的),然后步行者队的其他球员冲上看台与现场球迷发生了大斗殴,主要是小‬奥尼尔和斯蒂芬·杰克逊帮阿泰打球迷, 尽管‬他们也被球迷围殴,还有冲上看台却被球迷一顿暴打的弗雷德·琼斯,结果导致场面极其混乱不堪。

If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?



If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

The president at the time, Stern, was furious and punished the incident with a fierce hand. Athai was banned for 73 games, suspended from all salaries and lost as much as $4.995 million. 杰克逊被禁赛30场,小‬奥尼尔‬被禁赛15场。 It was a devastating blow to the careers of Atai and Xiao'ao. The Pacers lost the playoffs in 2005 and Miller tearfully retired.


If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

The Pacers' good chance that year was a good result. Reggie Miller was also directly discouraged behind

The Pacers' roster is still good, but they have lost to the Pistons several times, but by then the Pistons have gradually fallen off the altar in the East, and without this bad event, the Pacers may have a chance to briefly rule the East before James makes a big deal of the Big Three!

If you go through this kind of thing today, the discussion may be more heated than any team winning the championship.

These teams in the league today, if this kind of thing happens again, which one can completely crush the opponent?


If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?


If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

The Pelicans also have James Johnson, a "fighting athlete", who punched Ibaka in the early years of the Heat, and was nicknamed "Wu Mamba", which has the style of the national team boxing champion Zhu Ba! Teammates just have to circle around, stand in the ring, and shout 666.

If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

The second team, of course, is the Washington Wizards, sitting on the league's number one iron-blooded tough guy, if there is a conflict in Westbrook, it is also a matter of course, playing the ball can fight until the injury "not in the line of fire", not to mention playing a group fight. Look at Wei Shao's eyes and ask if you are afraid or not.

If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

In addition, there are players like Yamura in the team. As we all know, Japan reveres the spirit of Bushido, and if the Okumoto Mountain Incident occurs, Hachimura, which is 2 meters 03, 105 kilograms, clicks up a karate, and other players will also stay away.

If the Auburn Hills incident were to be repeated, which team in the league would fight the most in groups now?

This article is more playful, or the old saying, to peace is precious, on the court, fair competition is the most important, fans play outside the ball should also respect the opponent, do not easily clash, I hope that there will never be another "Auburn Hill Incident".