
Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

author:Big picture of basketball


Jun Watanabe

Make headlines

James and many other bigwigs have forwarded it

Both became famous

A lot of people for the first time

It's not about lamenting Hanako's violence

and the grievances of Jun Watanabe

Instead, he shouted Ye Qinghui

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

From stance, angle and soaring height

All have similar places


Competitive sports are so cruel

People with backgrounds win cheers

The background panels are only sighing

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

In fact

The background boards all have their own basketball lives worth telling

Just like Jun Watanabe

We were impressed

Yamura Jun, who is in high rank, is certainly more popular in Japan

But it is not

Watanabe's jersey sales are the number one in Japan

He was followed by Curry and Westbrook

Eight villages are only ranked fourth

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

Here's why

Maybe for Japan

Watanabe gives them a sense of substitution

And contrast the background plate another bit

Sean Bradley

Known as a large bamboo pole

Because of the Maddy partition

He was remembered

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

However, maddy's center in the compartment is so hot

Why he is remembered

That's because of his own blocking prowess

2 meters 29 him

It is 3 centimeters taller than Yao Ming

The two stood together

Yao Ming was a little shorter

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated


He entered the industry in 1993

It is not the highest in the same session

The highest pick was George Murraysan with the 60th pick

He is 2.31 meters tall

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

Slender Bradley

It gives people the feeling of being weak and windless

In the 90s of the last century

That era of fierce confrontation

Bradley didn't seem to be able to survive

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

But not

Impressions flow badly

Bradley played for 12 years in his career

Arms outstretched

Shade the sky

He delivered 274 blocks in his second year

Broke Philadelphia's team record;

In 1997, he was also called the Mavericks' Lone Ranger

Career is picking up

Averaged 3.40 blocks per game

Take down the league block king

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

97-98 season

Continue to be in good shape

He averaged 3.34 blocks per game

Ranked 3rd in the NBA;

On April 7, 1998

He finished his fifth career triple-double

22 points, 22 rebounds and 13 assists

Know that this is obtained from the bench;

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

Career averaged nearly 3 blocks per game

Excellent basket protection capability

It is his ability to survive


This is also the reason why he is locked

What will be enjoyable

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

The partition buckle is famous

It's not just the people with the compartments that are capable

Popularity is high

Also that the background board is good enough

This is difficult

The partition fastener is also set off even more

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

Fast forward to 2005

Bradley at this time

Trapped by injuries

Careers are unsustainable

So he and the calf reached an agreement

The remaining 3 years of the contract were bought out

Announced retirement

Bradley off the pitch

Is an enthusiastic public welfare

And people who know how to enjoy life

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

When he was still playing in the NBA

From the 2000-01 season

He promised to send a cap every time

Will donate $25

Used to help children with AIDS

After decommissioning

He enjoys life

Wide range of hobbies

Enjoys baseball, paddling and horse riding

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

It is worth mentioning

In '96

He also starred in "Slam Dunk in the Air"

Play himself


Rocket Gordon played Jordan's son

Marcus Jordan

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

However, such interesting and friendly people

But it was suddenly ruined

Today's Lone Ranger releases a statement:

Former NBA player Sean Bradley, 48, revealed that he was in a car accident on January 20 this year, and a traumatic spinal cord injury left him paralyzed.

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated

January 20th local time

Bradley cycled near his home

Suddenly hit by a cyclist behind him

Sudden wreckage

Paralyzed bradley with traumatic spinal cord injury

After undergoing neck repair surgery

The last 8 weeks

Has been hospitalized

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated


When Bradley received strenuous physical therapy

Learn how to face paralysis

All this

All of them have put his faith to the test

After receiving a steady stream of blessings and support

Bradley rekindled hope

The future will be dedicated to rehabilitation

No further announcements are made


Bless him

Hopefully Bradley will be able to get back on his feet

Come on!!

Single game 22+22+13 blocks! The Cap King was suddenly devastated