
Xiangsheng Examination 107: Xuezhi, the king of the "high gate" of the xiangsheng family

author:Sincerely, the key

Xiangsheng Examination 107: Xuezhi, the king of the "high gate" of the xiangsheng family

Wang Xuezhi, born in Beijing in 1935, was originally named Wang Dezhi.

Wang Xuezhi has been poor since childhood, and began to run for life in his teens, often going to the Tianqiao area to deliver vegetables and sell vegetables. It may be for this reason that he has met many old artists.

In 1957, Beijing's Chaoyang District organized a rural literary and art performance, and Wang Xuezhi won the first prize with "Red Custody Successor".

In 1958, the 23-year-old Wang Xuezhi, introduced by Cao Baolu's apprentice Zhang Yulin, worshiped Gao Fengshan as his teacher, and changed his name to Wang Xuezhi according to gao Fengshan's apprentice "xue" character ranking. Among Gao Fengshan's many disciples, Wang Xuezhi may be the most special one, because he has always been a farmer. Also worshiping at that time were Wang Xueyi, Shi Fukuan, Liang Houmin, Li Shaojie, Cui Qi, Meng Xin, and LaibaoGang.

Wang Xuezhi was in the Gaobeidian Cultural and Labor Troupe in Chaoyang District, Beijing, and later the Peasant Quyi Troupe was established in Chaoyang District, and Wang Xuezhi became the captain. The mayor of Chaoyang District and the director of the Cultural Center jokingly said to Wang Xuezhi: "Hou Baolin of Chaoyang District is you."

In 1988, Bi Xuexiang began to resume pulling foreign films, and after Wang Xuezhi saw it, he found his brother and said to him: "Your taste, I still have a little difference in listening." Wang Xuezhi sang two pieces of the big gold tooth in front of Bi Xuexiang. One is the 26th year of Guangxu's rebellion against the Boxer Rebellion, the empress dowager fled west, and the other is the 19th year of Guangxu's entry into China through Goryeo. It turned out that Wang Xuezhi loved music and art, and stood behind the little gold tooth ass for three years. The experience of the two brothers learning to pull foreign films is highly similar. At the invitation of his brother many times, Wang Xuezhi sold fruits in the morning and went to Longtan Lake or Daguan Garden to perform foreign films in the afternoon.

Wang Xuezhi has an apprentice named Meng Yanan, who is a screenwriter who graduated from the China Academy of Performing Arts majoring in opera and opera performance. Meng Yanan studied with Wang Xuezhi and followed the old man to learn crosstalk, allegro, foreign films and Taiping lyrics art.

Wang Xuezhi's apprentices also include Li Youpeng, Chen Youquan, Bi Youde, Chen Youxin, Zhang Youcai, Liang Youming, and Meng Yousheng.

In 2007, Wang Xuezhi died of illness at the age of 72.

A post circulating on the Internet about Wang Xuezhi's acceptance of apprentices according to traditional rituals is very interesting and copied here:

On October 14, 1999, Wang Xuezhi, an old artist who combines cross-talk, counting nobles and Pulling Foreign films, held an apprenticeship ceremony at his home. During the ceremony, both the master and apprentice wore robes, and according to Wang Xuezhi and his friend Zhang Weidong, the ceremony was carried out in strict accordance with the pattern of the past.

Before worshiping the master, the photo of Wang Xuezhi's master Gao Fengshan (equivalent to the previous god code, but there was neither the tablet of the poor family's ancestor Fan Nie nor the tablet of King Zhou Zhuang) and offerings were placed on the table in the middle of the north wall of the Wang family's living room. Offerings include noodle offerings and fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, persimmons, etc., all of which take their auspicious meanings, such as "peace and security" and "more than enough in the world". But you must not use pears, pears are only the Mid-Autumn Festival can be used as offering fruit, then it is not called pears but "reunion fruit". Offerings are placed haphazardly, and there are no taboos for women.

1. At the beginning of the ceremony, the head of the ceremony sits down, and the host who is the oldest in the generation praises the speech: "The world passes on art and morality, the word virtue and art are difficult to separate, there is virtue and lack of art, it is difficult to make a living, and there are people who have no virtue laugh and blame." Virtue and art are both xin cheng jie jun, people in the jianghu but rare. The first teacher created the open mouth, and the apprentice passed on the art of retention. After that, Wang Xuezhi, who sat down first, performed a disciple salute to his master's tablet, and made it clear to his master that he was receiving disciples and passing on the art: "Teacher, the child Wang Xuezhi has incense to you." When you were alive, the child did not kowtow to you, and now he will make up for you. Then three prostrations.

2. The disciple of the new worshipper kneels down to listen to the proclamation, listens to the great righteousness of the family, reads it by the host, and recites four sentences on the incense. The general righteousness of the family door is as follows: "Drumming and preaching and setting up an altar of filial piety, talking about filial piety and persuading the world." Peng Zu Hongwu honored the ancestors, which have been passed down from generation to generation to this day. Cross-talk allegro jianghu art, survive the jianghu for hundreds of years. Xuezhi now accepts the apprenticeship, and the source teacher undertakes to talk about it first. Naishi bowed to Gao Deliang, and Master Cao was in front. Cross-talk allegro has two arts, and both learn Gao Fengshan. Gao Shi also received apprentices, Xuezhi Wang surnamed Yi Shuangquan, Foreign Film Xuezhi also practiced for a long time, cross-talk allegro and Foreign film. The master inherits the Gao clan apprentice to learn the characters, and then passes on the friends to take over the class. Today is the great day of learning and wisdom, and the ceremony of the discipleship is here. A worship service is held here, before the dedication of a devotee. ”

3. The disciple reads his own prayer to the Teacher. For example, Chen Youquan's worship post is: "Mr. Jiumu Xuezhi, proficient in the art of cross-talk allegro, student Chen Youquan is willing to worship under Mr. Chen's disciple to learn art, may Mr. Teach." During the period of study, everything was taught by mr. Li. If you are not inferior, please introduce the teachers to discipline. Empty words have no basis, and this is the basis for this. Disciple Chen Youquan was respectful. Except for the apprentices' respective names, the content is roughly the same.

4. Sign the pledge. The host recited the praise: "The big red worship master posted a piece, a pious heart to write the center, this dynasty to give me the righteousness of the rivers and lakes, Entong to recreate the heart atrium." "Then, please ask the master and apprentice to sign or stamp the private seal."

5. Give the stage name, and the apprentice prostrates to the master. The host read out the stage name given by Wang Xuezhi to the apprentice: "For the master to receive a post, the weight is as unusual as a thousand jun, Youxin Youquan and Youcai, breaking into the rivers and lakes and walking in all directions." Then, a solemn prostration begins. Each disciple held a stick/stick of incense, lit it, and knelt down side by side. The host praised, "A piece of incense is offered to the King of Ming, leaving the board for ten thousand years, the four ancestors of the Jiangnan River and the North, and the disciples should succeed the former sages." Then, the master took the incense from the apprentice's hand and inserted it in the incense burner, turned around and faced the apprentice. The apprentices kowtowed under the direction of the host. After the host finished singing "Peng Zushou has eight hundred springs, the second furnace of high incense is burning upwards, Zhu Zu is not afraid of being poor, and the draft does not forget to dig a well", the disciples prostrated their heads twice. The host praised "Three furnaces of gaoxiang Xie Shi Zun, Gao Men Zhen Passed on to the descendants." Thank you again to the teachers for introducing Baodai, and give more spring on the jianghu road" After the disciples prostrated their heads three times.

6. The third division of the introduction of the baodai is in place, and the apprentice prostrates to the yingbaodai master. The lead master spoke to the disciples separately, and the lead master Han Ping said, "Master taught you to study hard, otherwise I will be scolded in the future." Baoshi Enwentong said, "We must learn more from Master, respect Teacher, and cherish the opportunity to study well." Acting Teacher Liu Shujiang said: "Even if it is relatively simple to worship the teacher today, of course, it is also very solemn." When I pray to the teacher, it is much more complicated and serious than this, and it is a big post on the top of the head. Now that it is a new society, don't talk about any jianghu righteousness at every turn, don't easily use our 'spring ideas', useful to say, learning art is like climbing the ladder to the clouds, we must learn step by step, solid and down-to-earth. ”

7. Karma master Wang Xuezhi introduced his newly admitted apprentices to those present. After that, everyone gathered around to eat and talk. At this point, the worship ceremony is completed.