
Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

author:Kangaroo Settle I Xiao Ran School Real Estate
Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

The official title of this text is: 2021, Shanghai Legal Auction Mortgage Loan Guide

This text analyzes the state of 2021 in detail, and I personally believe that it is necessary for home buyers to understand it

Finally, with a case, explained in detail: 2021| Shanghai legal auction mortgage loan | mortgage loan 30% | From signing the contract to lending 5 working days, how do we do it, step by step to do a detailed explanation, for friends who want to mortgage to buy a house should have a good reference value, there is a customer's diary manuscript in the case, you can understand this case from multiple dimensions.


Article Introduction:

This article is a total of 5500 words, after reading this article, you can get the truth about mortgage loans in 2021, and really understand what mortgage loans should do in 2021 to borrow down, which is what you may gain after reading this article!!

It took me nearly 10 days to write this article, this is the 5th edition, and it is also the last revision of this edition, which is the simplest, clearest, most comprehensive, and most systematic 2021 mortgage practical guide I can write.

Personal ability is limited, please also ask readers to be more inclusive.

People who are reading this article, probably the most want to know:

◉ In 2021, the source of the down payment is very tight, so what should be done to avoid being rejected because of the down payment problem? What are the tips and precautions?

◉ Why did banks refuse to approve those cases in 2021, and what are the real reasons? Which banks are easier to approve?

◉ In 2021, what are the precautions and tips for successfully handling a mortgage loan?

These three questions, I know you want to know the clear answer, if there is, I also want to write, but unfortunately 2021 is really not.

In addition to the first question, how to pay the down payment and precautions have some commonalities, the other two questions, the answers are different from each month, especially in June, the beginning of the month and the end of the month are not the same.

For the same customer, the loan plan in May, the loan plan in early June, and the loan plan at the end of June, the selected bank, loan conditions, precautions, and implementation details are not the same.

That's where mortgages stand in 2021!

Kangaroo settlement has no way to give a clear answer, because the bank loans in 2021 are changing too quickly, but we have summarized a set of implementation ideas and strategies with a high probability of success, work steps, and the things and standards to be completed at each step.

At present, all our successful mortgage loans are implemented according to this standard, and the success rate so far is 100%.

The following is the content of this sharing, which is also the table of contents of this article:


Why is mortgage loan difficult in 2021?

In 2021, mortgage loans seem to be getting harder and harder

In 2021, what kind of people are more likely to do loans?

【Case-Practice Guide】30% mortgage loan, 5 working days from signing to lending, how to do it?

◉ Case background

◉ The difficulty of this case

◉ Specific implementation steps and precautions

◉ Case summary


Why is mortgage loan so difficult to borrow in 2021?

The most fundamental reason is because of this implementation notice - the "Notice on the Establishment of a Management System for the Concentration of Real Estate Loans of Banking Financial Institutions".

Yes, the most fundamental and original reason is the implementation of the Circular.

From January 1, 2021, the Notice on Establishing a Management System for the Concentration of Real Estate Loans of Banking Financial Institutions issued and required by the Chinese Min Min Bank and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for implementation has for the first time limited the mortgage loans of banks.

What are the consequences of this quota?

Directly let many banks have almost no amount to do mortgage loans, which is also the most real and direct reason for the rumors that many banks have "stopped lending"!

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?


Mortgage loans in 2021 are difficult to borrow, whether it is first-hand or legal mortgage loans, whether it is residential or commercial mortgage loans, and it seems to be getting more and more difficult.

In 2021, in the past six months, I believe you have heard, or participated in discussions, or experienced:

Early March

The CBRC strictly investigated, some loans that have been loaned are found to be non-compliant, and are required to repay immediately, except for some people who have been recruited by enterprise operating loans, mortgage loans are almost non-existent;

Starts in March

The source of each down payment of a mortgage loan will be strictly investigated, and some cases of rejection have been heard;


The pre-trial negotiated the mortgage loan that could be done, and in May, it was found that it could not be done, and it was necessary to find another bank, which became more frequent from May;


There are rumors of "suspension of loans" in second-hand mortgage loans, although this is not really a "suspension of loans", but the number of bank data that can indeed lend money is getting smaller and smaller, and it is becoming more and more difficult

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?


In 2021, what kind of people's loans are easy to do?

Absolutely rich people;

100% eligible for the loan and the right bank.

At present, only these two types of people are relatively good at lending, and the others are not very good loans.

➤ What is an absolute rich man?

Share with you a case ha ~ ~ you will understand

Last month, I also saw two mortgage loans for second-hand houses, which were disbursed within 3 days after the approval was approved, compared with the current three months and six months, as fast as a rocket!!

How much money did they borrow? Why are they able to lend so quickly?

One of the customers bought a house in the inner ring of 8000W and borrowed about 5000W, from signing the contract to lending for a week.

The main lender is the CEO of the listed company, the loan is 5000W, on the day of signing, directly let the company's finance open a company account in this branch, transfer nearly 300 million funds to this account, the company cash which bank is put, temporarily put this branch well ~ ~

Such a customer, any bank in Shanghai, the approval will pass, the amount of lending is absolutely fast, this is the bank begging him to do things, can not be fast!!

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

➤ What is a person who is 100% eligible for a loan and is looking for the right bank?

Such people need to meet the following 3 conditions:

◉ 2 times the bank flow coverage;

◉ More than 80% of the down payment sources meet the requirements; (the real requirements are more stringent than this)

◉ In the bank card of payment, more than 50W must not come from non-couple or parental accounts within 6 months. (Parents must be able to prove the relationship between father and son, and those who cannot prove it will also have the risk of rejection)

If you meet the above 3 conditions, then next, you only need to do one thing right, and the probability of your loan going well is very high.

That is to find the right bank, find the bank that currently has a loan amount, and apply to them.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

Of course, even if the above 3 conditions are met:

◉ How can I quickly find a bank with a loan line and sign a loan contract?

◉ If you want to buy a house or take a loan in the next six months, and then get the loan done properly, how should you lay the groundwork early?

◉ If the above 3 loan conditions are not met, is there no play for the loan?

All these problems, for the vast majority of home buyers, are confused and anxious!

You may wish to seek the help of professionals, maybe you can turn around the peak, willow dark flowers and bright villages!


Case-in-action guide

Mortgage loan 30%,

From signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

Mortgage loans in 2021 really need to be smoothly borrowed, you need to be familiar with the rapidly changing loan policy, have rich and stable channels and the latest and most timely information, and design a safe and fast personalized loan solution according to your family and capital status.

In 2021, either you are professional enough, or you find a professional enough team to assist you, in order to smoothly handle it and lend money in time.

Next, Kangaroo Anjia will share with you in the form of a case, how the professional players do it, and hope that it will be helpful to your family's loan application and lending.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

Case Background:

Two sets of mortgage loans, 30%, about 400W

Ms. Wu and her husband and wife are small business owners, with an annual income of about 100W, but the salary flow is only 5,000 yuan / month, and the personal flow book is messy, the income is unstable, and it is necessary to provide enterprise flow, which increases the approval work, time and difficulty;

This method of auctioning houses, from the date of winning the bid to the final day of a total of 15 days, but there is a May Day holiday + a weekend.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

The difficulty of this case

The short loan time is the biggest difficulty in this case -

From the bid to the final payment day is a total of 15 days, but also have to remove a weekend, a May Day holiday, and more importantly, two or three working days after May Day, some of the bank's staff may not have returned.

For example, the students in charge of lending will take a vacation until May 10, which means that it will take 7 days from signing the contract to lending, and we have to remove a weekend, leaving us only 5 working days!!!

High difficulty in approval: banks that are friendly to small business owners do not have a quota in April; if they have a quota to lend money in April, the review of small business owners is extremely strict, and it is difficult to pass the approval, but they have to overcome this difficulty!!

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

Specific implementation steps and precautions

In this case, what should the mortgage loan do to have a low probability of rejection, and can be loaned on April 30, only 5 working days from signing the contract to lending?

To handle it smoothly, you need to do the following 4 steps in turn:

◉ Step 1: Be very familiar with the loan policies of loanable banks, the approval requirements and conditions of each bank, customer type preferences, and the current lending time and amount;

◉ Step 2: According to the current situation of Ms. Wu's family and funds, combined with the bank's loan policy rules, design a safe, feasible and loanable personalized loan plan;

◉ Step 3: The work that must be completed before participating in the auction - use the real materials submitted by Ms. Wu's family to verify in detail with the approval teachers of the 2 to 3 banks that can borrow money, and how to lend money before the final payment date required by the court.

◉ Step 4: After winning the bid, determine the available amount and lending rules of the current bank with the bank teacher who has verified it before, and select the most suitable contract to approve the loan.

The picture below is Ms. Wu's own record of the purchase of a house, which details the entire process from the first meeting on April 7 to the loan on April 30.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

(Click on the image for a larger view)

Next, we will take Ms. Wu's record as an index and explain these 4 steps in detail.

◉ Step 1: Be very familiar with the loan policy of the loanable bank - the approval requirements and conditions of each bank, the customer type preferences, the current lending time and amount, etc.;

This step has no experience to share with you, in addition to professional, but also need to accumulate: information, resources, channels and the accumulation of contacts, in 2021 in addition to understanding, but also need to develop, to assist cooperative banks to creatively develop some suitable products, in order to adapt to the current market.

When did this step happen? What needs to be done?

What work needs to be done each day from April 7 to April 10, and what role does it play in smoothly handling mortgage loans?

April 7

The first online meeting between Kangaroo And Ms. Wu's home, the initial communication, there are 2 loan schemes:

• Plan 1: Loan 30% (preliminary judgment, 4 to 5 banks may be able to lend)

• Option 2: Loan 70% (for different purchasers, preliminary judgment, there may be 1 bank to lend)

These two schemes, whether they can be done specifically, need to see the real materials of Ms. Wu's home to accurately judge.

After the meeting, Kangaroo gave a list of materials required for pre-approval of the loan, which needed to be sorted out by Ms. Wu's family as soon as possible and given to the kangaroo settlement team.

April 9

The Kangaroo Settlement FundIng Group received the materials required for the preliminary review of ms. Wu's family's loan;

April 10

Kangaroo Settlement Capital Program Group analyzed Ms. Wu's family materials in detail, especially the details of credit information and half-year flow (personal flow + enterprise flow of multiple bank cards) and found that 2 of them would not accept loans from Ms. Wu's family, and after checking with these 2 banks, it also confirmed our analysis.

After repeated verification and communication, combined with the current status of the banks: the speed of approval, the current quota, the internal changes of the bank, etc., it was finally determined that 3 banks could handle Ms. Wu's home and lend money before the balance date of May 7.

There are two banks that can do 30% of the loan, and only one 70% of the loan, because the down payment funds have been in place more, ms. Wu's family finally chose to lend only 30% this time.

At this point, we have only completed all the work of the second step, clarifying the loan plan of Ms. Wu's family, the information is as follows:

• Ms. Wu's family determined that only 30% of the loan was granted, and the loan amount was about 400W;

• Ms. Wu's family loan, the current situation, there are two banks have a 400W line, one can lend on April 30, one family has no April limit, until May to have a quota, May 6 morning can be loaned.

If you think that the preparatory work before the auction can be here, after winning the bid, go to bank A or bank B to apply for a mortgage loan, then you can smoothly approve the approval, you can smoothly lend before the final payment date, that may not be Oh ~ ~

It is necessary to meticulously complete the third step of work in order to have 80% to 90% certainty.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

◉ Step 3: The work that must be completed before participating in the auction - use the real materials submitted by Ms. Wu's family to verify in detail with the approval teachers of the 2 banks that can borrow money, and how to lend money before the final payment date required by the court.

The working period for this step is from April 10 to April 15, and this part of the work is completed 7 days before the auction.

The following figure is the relevant arrangement and summary of the communication with the approval teacher of one of the banks, which includes:

After reading the materials submitted by the customer, the bank teacher verifies the details in the materials and the family income, liabilities, assets, etc., finds all the problems that may affect the approval around April 28, and gives the response and the matters that should be prepared one by one;

Verify in detail the accounts of each bank card of the participant & main lender in the past six months, find the most suitable bank card to pay the down payment, and clearly tell the precautions before and after the payment of the down payment;

If the source of funds is not very compliant, the probability is not passed, even if it is compliant, if there are some errors in the account, the approval needs to be repeatedly verified, and a large number of proof materials are provided, which will waste a lot of time. This case from signing to lending only 5 working days, can not afford to waste, so the meeting will be detailed planning of each down payment of the accounting process and details, after the end of the meeting will be summarized into a text version to Ms. Wu's family, requiring Ms. Wu must follow the above process, there must be no flaws, otherwise the approval can not guarantee the smooth passage around April 28, and there is no guarantee that the loan can be made before the final payment date;

If there are important materials to be prepared or supplemented, and need to be prepared in advance to complete, after the meeting, Ms. Wu will also get a list of materials, each material will indicate the latest time to be submitted, as well as precautions and requirements.

To finish only one bank is over, both banks must meticulously complete this third step of the work, one more bank to do the alternative, one more guarantee, one more security, especially in 2021.

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

◉ Step 4: After winning the bid, then determine the available amount and lending rules of the current bank with the bank teacher who has verified it before, and select the most suitable contract to approve the loan.

At 11 a.m. on April 22, we got the bid!!!

After winning the bid, the first time to check with the two bank teachers again, the current bank's available amount, lending time, lending rules.

After receiving a clear answer, Ms. Wu's family chose a bank that could lend around April 30 to handle the mortgage loan.

The following figure is the more important and urgent communication content before the loan from April 22 to April 30, so that you can feel our rigor, system, meticulous working methods and attitudes, and the rigor of loan approval in 2021, many details will not be explained one by one.

The first three steps are in place, and the work of this one will be much simpler, otherwise it will be pressed at this step, and the time is so short, the probability of failure will be greater, especially in 2021.

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Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?
Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?
Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?
Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

Case summary

The most difficult and difficult part of Ms. Wu's family case is that the loan time is short, only 5 days, which is why the mortgage loan of the legal auction house is far more difficult than the mortgage loan of other types of houses.

Only 5 working days, it is necessary to complete the signing of the contract to approve the guaranteed loan, which is also difficult for a case that 100% fully meets the requirements of the bank mortgage loan;

Not to mention that Ms. Wu's family has no way to clearly explain that there is enough repayment ability because of personal flow, and it is also necessary to submit relevant information of the company to prove that it has sufficient income, if it is not the third step to make very meticulous and sufficient preparations, the verification time of this part alone will be more than 5 days;

Not to mention that they transferred 60W from their parents to a down payment card in February (they can't find a smaller amount, and they can't use a new card), and they can't find the materials that can directly prove the relationship between father and son, and they have to open certificates and so on, if they don't start to prepare in advance after getting customer materials, this thing alone is not 5 days to get it done, let alone a loan;

What's more, the loan policy in 2021 and the details that some banks will require when reviewing the plan are not needed at the beginning of April, but when the loan approval is done at the end of April, it is repeatedly checked and repeatedly communicated, from the fourth step of our dialogue with the bank, we know that before doing all the details to do full preparation, when the approval teacher asked, we can reply very timely and accurately, and it is impossible to complete the sign-in to lend within 5 days.

So at the beginning of the case sharing, I said:

The above is the kangaroo settled on 2021, how to do mortgage loans, in order to be rejected probability is low, the speed of lending is fast all the sharing, I hope to help friends in 2021 home loans.

Kangaroo settles home - Xiao Ran

Written on July 4, 2021 at 4:00 a.m. in Shanghai

Mortgage loan 30%, from signing to lending 5 working days, how to do it?

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