
Zhao Fangjing's end of this song meaning, the end of Zhao Fangjing lossless download, Zhao Fangjing's personal profile

author:Strait Net

Zhao Fangjing ended the meaning of this song

Speaking of Internet singer Zhao Fangjing, many people may not be familiar with her, Zhao Fangjing, stage name Zhao Youjing, is a Network singer, began to become popular in 2012, often pay attention to the cover circle of netizens should be no stranger to Zhao Fangjing, about Zhao Fangjing's profile, after becoming popular has been exposed, a song "The End" let everyone look at Zhao Fangjing differently, then, what is the meaning behind the end of singer Zhao Fangjing?

The background of the story of "The End" is also a simplified version of the story of Yin Que Poetry listening to several other song works.

There used to be a woman, and there was a beautiful posture, and she couldn't be killed. "Red Wish"

Hope to be in love with heaven, the reincarnation of the third lifetime. "Three Notes"

In one life she was debauched and turned into an interesting demon. The End

In the second life, she repented deeply, but she was not human. "Flowers Are Not Flowers"

In the third life, she was fruitless and broke the red dust. Red Dust Cliff

The third reincarnation is broken, laughing at the Buddha's incense. "Green Lantern"

Zhao Fangjing's end of this song meaning, the end of Zhao Fangjing lossless download, Zhao Fangjing's personal profile

Time flies, boys can only see the girl happy, and the boy's only choice to make himself happy is material. A boy loves a girl very much, and he can't control his fate and can only be her good friend and try to make the girl happy. Whenever the girl asks the boy why he did not find his other half like himself, the boy can only pretend not to eat fireworks and show that he cannot make the girl have a trace of suspicion. Boys are like losing themselves and can only enjoy this heartache. This is like a kind of hypocritical spiritual sustenance (habit), which is an act that can only be said by any means to say whether it will hurt or hurt oneself because you still love girls. The boy's disguise during the day can even deceive himself, and when he loses sleep at night, he is in a trance and keeps thinking of his own pity. Suddenly, the action of caring for the girl is inappropriate (because of the fear of being known to the girl that she likes her). Suddenly, the girl gave herself the heat, and immediately made the boy realize that this was a misunderstanding, so the heat that appeared in the boy himself quickly dissipated, and the boy could only immediately return to his appearance of not eating fireworks. During the day, I can only become good friends with the girl, and at night, I love the girl herself deeply. Just like I sometimes can't say why I changed my identity. Like a funny demon torturing himself. It's a kind of loneliness, and there will be no results. And the boy loves the girl so much that no matter what happens, he can't let go.

This song really listens to the more flavorful, worth recalling If you only listen to it once, you may be moved by the melody of this song, and when you listen to it a second time, the content of the lyrics may give you to think, but the more you listen, the more you always feel that the meaning expressed in this song seems to have exceeded her original writing background. Later, it was found that this song was not used as a separate expression, but that these songs had a karmic connection, so I shared these songs with everyone.

Zhao Fangjing's end of this song meaning, the end of Zhao Fangjing lossless download, Zhao Fangjing's personal profile

Zhao Fangjing ended what MV said

"Spiritual hypocrisy, unscrupulous. The illusion of trance, overturned without thinking. This single "The End" released by Zhao Fangjing in 16 years, with a beautiful and moving melody and a never-forget singing voice, has long become a single loop classic in many people's players, and many netizens have also spontaneously produced a lot of rice MVs for this song. Now, after more than two years, Zhao Fangjing brought you the official version of the MV of "The End" in 19 years, which is also Zhao Fangjing's first appearance, which has brought a lot of surprises to fans.

Zhao Fangjing, who has a good appearance and a good singing voice, as a medical student, the cover song has become popular as a singer, and now she has her own classic original singing works, and the single "End" launched in 16 years is deeply loved by everyone. Today, the official MV of "The End", directed by Zhengzhou and produced and released by Thousand and Century, was finally officially launched under the expectations of countless fans and netizens.

Zhao Fangjing's end of this song meaning, the end of Zhao Fangjing lossless download, Zhao Fangjing's personal profile

In the MV, Zhao Fangjing has a long haircut, the styling of the literary and artistic style is eye-catching, the small fresh style of framing is also very pleasing to the eye, the lens structure is harmonious and beautiful, the most noteworthy thing is that although this is Zhao Fangjing's first appearance, it is generous and generous, not at all, the interpretation of various expressions, emotional pinching are very in place, let people see that she also contains talent in the performance.

The silent wind drifts silently, only the blank space in the scene echoes, at this lonely end, I forget who I am and where I am, grow up in the past, transform the present and the future, at the new end, I finally found a new self.

Zhao Fangjing, who continues to work hard for her musical dreams, may she find a new self at the end and bring more and better musical works to everyone.

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