
National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

author:Jiangyang Gu wine guest

The National Day holiday is coming, for you who are afraid of blocking and visiting friends, in fact, if you can quietly watch movies for a few days, in the world of light and shadow to run across, it is also a bit of enjoyment, and environmental protection and saving, why not enjoy it?

As a veteran movie-watching veteran of Jiangyanggu, here to recommend 7 Chinese and foreign classic trilogy movies, whether you have seen it or not, it is worth your good experience, believe me, missing which one is a pity for you. Well, there is not much gossip, straight to the point, the ranking is in no particular order, and the departments are very classic.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

NO1. The Terminator trilogy

Arnold. Before Schwarzenegger became governor, he began his second peak of life because of the Terminator, the first being the title of Mr. Olympia brought to him by bodybuilding.

James. Cameron is definitely a great director who has made countless classics, Alien 2, Titanic, True Lies, Avatar, the visual master deserves it, but Cameron is not only a technical player, but because his film content and rhythm are also very good.

For Terminator, he created a basis for the exchange of the future and the past, and he began to express early on the future of a world crisis that might erupt as a result of nuclear war, the confrontation between man and machine, like God's predetermined day of judgment.

The first Arnold was a humanoid robot who was cold-blooded and cruel, and gave nightmares to the people of his time. However, in the second part, Arnold gave the most exciting performance of his acting career, and the reversal of the human setting also made everyone breathtaking.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

The second part is too classic, if the first part is enlightenment, the second part is a leap, Arnold put on a leather coat with sunglasses of the freeze frame, in the hospital rose out of the fu gun, the setting of the liquid robot, don't care about the illogical, at the beginning I was completely shocked by this classic picture, the third part, Arnold has gone down the river, but still maintained a certain level, but without Cameron's control, only feelings are left.

It is recommended that friends who have not seen it, first look at the first part, and then look at the second part, when the wine seller saw the second part first in 1994, causing the surprise of not watching the first part in the order later, it is a pity.

I heard that the governor is going to continue to shoot terminator dark time with Cameron, whether it is true or not, although it is cheap and old, can it still eat? But I'm still looking forward to it.

NO2. The "Godfather" trilogy is an eternal classic

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

Unlike Once Upon a Time in America, I always thought that the Godfather classic wasn't about the history of the gang, but about the upbringing of the family and men. Although Mario Puzo's novel itself is not brilliant, at least not until francis Ford Coppola directed it, it does not have this height. Thanks to Coppola and Marlon Brando, El Pacino, for presenting us with this classic that is worth watching repeatedly, I think this movie should be a classic that men all over the world will praise.

Based on Mario Puzo's novel of the same name, the film tells the story of the development of a gangster family headed by Vito Don Collion and how Collion's youngest son, Mike, succeeded his father as gang leader. In 1973, the film won the 45th Academy Awards for Best Film, Best Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay. In 2007, it was selected by the Motion Picture Association of America as the "Second Best Film in the 100 Years".

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

Francis Ford Coppola is said to have not been the original candidate to direct The Godfather, and before he took the lead, the producer approached at least two directors, including the Italian director Sergio Leon, but Leon, who was not interested in mafia stories, declined the producer's invitation. Coppola was initially reluctant to direct the film, fearing that it would promote mafia and violence, thus damaging his Sicilian ancestry. Later, when Coppola discovered that the film could be a metaphor for American capitalism, she became enthusiastic about the film and agreed to direct it.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

"The Godfather" describes the family feuds in the heyday of the mafia in fine ink. Although the film's layout is huge, the plot is complex, and there are many characters, director Coppola has handled the whole film in an orderly, gripping manner, and shows superb professional skills.

Of course, the different styles of the two generations of godfathers also make us inseparable, and if you want, I recommend reviewing at least once a year the movies that this man should watch.

NO3. The Lord of the Rings trilogy of Western gods

"The Lord of the Rings" may be the trilogy of all the current trilogies from the beginning to the end of the trilogy without imbalance, Peter Jackson after a long time as a B-movie director, with this play he completely turned over, and later made a prequel to The Hobbit, but today I still want to talk about the greatness of "The Lord of the Rings".

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

"The Lord of the Rings" you must watch the director's cut version, Middle-earth, the greed of the human heart, is revealed, each nearly four-hour long, of course, is not suitable for the cinema, but when you are ready to spend a day on the journey to Middle-earth, you will find that this is a very meaningful day.

There is no one of the most shocking and grandiose magical masterpieces in the history of cinema. It is a perfect illustration of the Middle-earth world that Mr. Tolkien has devoted his life to, and it reflects the high respect for him everywhere. Regardless of the special effects, plot, details, are perfect, and I don't think there are other movies that can surpass the Lord of the Rings series. It is the pinnacle of magic cinema history.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

"The Lord of the Rings" is one of the rare series of several large-scale productions in the history of cinema, which requires the director very high, not only to coordinate the shooting schedule, plan the budget, grasp the quality of the film, but also to be ready to accept the torment of those interlocking nightmares, Peter Jackson can still maintain a clear mind and a clear mind in the extreme chaos, which is one of the reasons why the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is more successful than the other.

Tolkien constructed a magnificent Middle-earth world in the original book, and although the Lord of the Rings trilogy made major changes to the original work, it still showed the magnificent and magnificent middle-earth world, the tranquility and cheerfulness of the Charles Manor, the beauty of the elven kingdom, the oppressive grayness of the Dark City, and the unique war scenes that dazzled the audience. Moreover, the high degree of compactness of the film's plot is considered by critics to be one of the most successful films adapted from literary masterpieces after Gone with the Wind. The success of these three fantasy masterpieces, in addition to the full preparation in the early stage and the efforts of all the shooting personnel, the high-tech post-special effects production is the biggest contributor that cannot be ignored.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was a major turning point for Peter Jackson and Weta Special Effects Studios, where the special effects technology was brought to the fullest extent in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, successfully making The Lord of the Rings one of the world's top stunt films, and for this reason won oscars in the special effects category.

The success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy pushed Peter Jackson, an already well-known director in the film industry, to an unprecedented level, and many magazines published stories about Peter Jackson and his films at length.

NO4. The Matrix trilogy is more exciting than Inception

In the 1999 film, the brain hole is more than a little bit or two. What's even more fun is that it seems like the whole world is going in that direction. After watching "A Brief History of the Future" in the past two days, I kept thinking about this movie, and I reviewed it again. It's really not contradictory, not at all like the movies of 20 years ago. Matrix's parent concept is better than that of the Inception cow.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

This film series, known as the Matrix Series, is essentially about the evolution of new intelligent life, about how humans are finally thrown into the trash of civilization, and how the last bit of utilization value is squeezed out.

The plot of The Matrix is more difficult to understand, and the film incorporates a lot of philosophical elements, such as existentialism, structuralism, fatalism, nihilism and so on. In fact, you don't have to be frightened by these profound things, watching the movie will first have a cool experience, and then dig deeper, "The Matrix" can definitely give you.

Today we look back at some of the prophecies in it, and maybe they are being verified by us one by one, which is the biggest charm of this movie.

NO5. "The True Colors of Heroes" trilogy, the counterattack of frustrated men

Xu Ke and Wu Yusen met at their best time, but it may also be the most embarrassing time, and Zhou Runfa was a cameo, Dillon had been lucky, his brother Zhang Guorong was always unpopular, the three of them were not box office elixirs at that time, I don't know if it was a backwater battle, but for Wu Yusen, he said with the help of the little ma brother played by Zhou Runfa: I am not trying to prove that I have a great deal, but what I lost must be taken back this line, It has become the slogan of how many people cheered up that year.

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

After the end of the first part, because of commercial considerations, the second part was born, although Xiao Ma Ge was already dead, making a younger brother or Zhou Runfa to perform, the audience was not disgusted, this time Zhang Guorong died.

The third Xu Ke and Wu Yusen completely fell out, so the prequel of Xiao Ma Ge joined the Vietnamese plot of Xu Laowei, but Mui Yanfang was more brilliant than Liang Jiahui and Zhou Runfa, and Xu Ke seemed to like to use a woman with a man's taste, a heroic feeling, so in many of his movies, female characters are more brilliant than men, but in their bones they are still men.

The interludes of the first "Love of the Year" and the last "Sunset Song" are very classic and still sung.

NO6. "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" trilogy, Hu Jinquan vs Xu Ke

In Jin Yong's works, I think the most successful adaptation is "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", although Hu Jinquan did not complete his long-cherished wish in the end, quit halfway, but the first part is still very hu Jinquan's personal characteristics, the jianghu's deceit, the prodigal son fell to Tuo, the dirty above the temple, in this play, there is no doubt that Xu Ke and Huang Zhun contributed the best "Laughing Proud of the Jianghu" song, a laugh in the sea, gushing cross-strait tides, who knows that this is the ideal of singing national reunification?

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

The second part of "Oriental Undefeated", a monster of power that is neither male nor female, was changed by Xu Ke to the most beautiful Oriental undefeated, although Mr. Jin Yong was very unhappy, but we were very fascinated. Jet Li and Xu Guanjie's Ling Hu Chong is also very distinctive, Xu Guanjie is most like the Ling Hu Chong in my mind, but Jet Li has played an unimaginable lone nine swords, and the Kung Fu Emperor is really not given in vain.

The third "Rise of the Storm" dog tail continues to sable, the East undefeated said that you have science, I have divine skills, I found that Xu Ke has been unable to hold back. However, these three are still classics. It's worth playing with over and over again.

NO7. The "Ghost of a Woman" trilogy is not in love

National Day is coming, and I recommend you seven classic trilogy movies that you can't miss

To tell the truth, Xu Ke's "Ghost of a Lady" has taken Wang Zuxian's female ghost temperament to the extreme, which is completely different from the classical painting of Chinese and Americans in Li Hanxiang's era. But Xu Ke's visual ability is the first in the Chinese film industry, of course, you can disagree. And Cheng Xiaodong can best match his imagination.

The last two parts are also very enduring, anyway, from Zhang Guorong to Liang Chaowei, and then to Jacky Cheung, these male stars in the afternoon horse will definitely impress you, and from Wang Zuxian to Li Zhi, there is no one who is not eye-catching. I was very envious of Xu Ke in their time, and the male and female movie stars were exquisite to the extreme.

After saying that the seven parts are actually unfinished, there are still many unspoken, limited to the length and national day holiday considerations, today I will write here, but Jiangyang Gu Winemaker will continue to recommend more wonderful trilogies and classic old films for everyone in the future, and present more behind-the-scenes footage that is not known to people.