
Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

author:Raising flowers

People who like to raise flowers have a common disease, see the night market selling 15 yuan a handful of flowers is a heart eye like, put at home is very pleasing to the eye, but to pay the vendor money will always have a voice in the heart, said: "this kind of flowers can not survive" "waste money", in fact, raising flowers need a little skill, especially flowers, flowers to teach everyone how to extend the flowering period after buying home in the night market.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

1. Ensure that the water quality is clear

Most people who buy flowers only care about a momentary pleasure, especially office workers do not have much time to take care of it, in fact, this is not right, we buy back the flowers must be changed frequently, do not wait until the water in the vase is muddy, only to think about changing the water, then it is too late, flowers need to change water a day, not necessarily pure water, tap water at home is also OK.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

2. The rhizome incision is 45°

Buy back the flowers, do not put directly into the vase, we have to repair the flowers again, use scissors to cut the roots of the flowers at 45 °, cut to the height of the vase, do not soak it in the water all the time, will make the water deteriorate, causing the flowers to fester, but also to reduce the excess leaves in the rhizome part, although the leaves are beautiful, it will absorb water, causing the flowers to be placed in the water for a few days to wither, remember that the leaves in the rhizome part must be repaired.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

3. Put in 84 disinfectant

When buying flowers, in order to make the flowers more durable, the boss will sell some preservatives by the way, let us carry out secondary consumption, in fact, we only need to drop two drops of 84 disinfectant on it, generally there will be 84 disinfectant at home, which can be used instead of preservatives, is not happy, 84 disinfectant does not sound friendly to flowers, but it can play a role in sterilization and disinfection, and the bacteria in the water will be killed, so that the flowers can survive longer.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

4. Control ethylene

Speaking of ethylene, many small whites who raise flowers do not know what it is, ethylene is a chemical substance, exists in a certain tissue of the plant, is converted by methionine from sufficient conditions for oxygen supply, to put it bluntly, it is oxygen supply, for flowers, the more ethylene, it will accelerate the decay of flowers, so if you want flowers to maintain a certain degree of freshness, we must put it in a ventilated place, avoid strong light, and do not place fruits around, resulting in an increase in ethylene.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

5. Dry into dried flowers

Although the flowers bought back by the night market are discounted, but also want to let it be stored for a longer time, in addition to being raised in the water, there is another way, that is, to dry it into dry flowers, so that the storage time is the longest, generally on the fifth day of buying back flowers, we can dry them into dried flowers, tie the roots of the flowers with a rope, hang in the shade, let it dry naturally, such as the balcony to the north, remember not to be exposed, about a month will be completely weathered, inserted in a dry vase, It becomes an ornament in the home.

Night market 15 yuan of flowers, how to keep the longest, try these five little tricks

Although the flowers bought back from the night market are very cheap, we also have to take care of it carefully, so that the flowers can be preserved for a longer time, I don't know the flowers and flowers, these five kinds of tricks to save flowers, have you learned?