
Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

author:The Book of Creation

If you use a color to describe summer,

Many friends will definitely choose blue.

Through the sun, pure and fresh feeling,

It's like a touch of blue in your heart.

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

This Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the Creation Notebook Aesthetics Museum will take everyone to appreciate the charm of this "blue", everyone can pick up some leaves at will, or paint a painting by themselves, through the illumination of the sun, with an ancient blue sunning technique can retain your most beautiful patterns and beauty, and start a journey of classical art creation.

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

Blue sunning method is a process of imaging by sun exposure, using iron ions under ultraviolet radiation can generate the characteristics of Prussian blue tone substances, and the imaging process of sunning blue photos that can be stored for a long time is called "blue sunning method" (Cyanotype).

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

Invented by Sir John Herschel of the United Kingdom between 1841 and 1842, the blue-based process is the most widely used method of traditional iron salt printing, also known as ferrocyanate (iron-Prussian blue) printing method, and the photosensitizer is mainly exposed by ultraviolet light in the sun. The blue color in the photo is the result of the oxidation of divalent iron ions in the mixed solution of iron ammonium citrate and potassium ferrocyanide, resulting in a very unique Prussian blue tone of trivalent ferrocyanide salt, and this exposed and washed blue sun work can be stored for up to 100 years.

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

The photosensitive substances involved in the blue printing process are very safe, and the developer is the water we drink, and the process operation is simple, efficient and artistic. In addition, the blue sun works have various variable factors such as materials, shapes, paper, and daylight, which also cause your blue sun works to be unique in the world, and cannot be fully copied and fully reproduced.

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

In the contemporary industrial era, the retro tide is rising, this intoxicating and retro blue, as an ancient visual art, is loved by more and more friends. Whether you are picking the leaves of a plant, painting by yourself, or taking a photo negative, with inspiration through the combination and drying, to make your own work, reflecting the classical beauty that each friend yearns for the most.

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

On this hot summer day, your mood may calm down with this calm and pure Prussian blue, blowing as gently as the summer wind, bringing a touch of freshness, which is perhaps the most wonderful gift of the summer.

Now, bring your kids or friends to sign up for our event!

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

Welcome friends to experience the ancient skills, natural charm and handicraft fun of the blue sun art, the most beautiful moment of the plant or your favorite, left on the cloth, on the paper, forever preserving this natural beauty! There are also pottery, clay sculpture, purple sand, woodwork, fabric, leather goods, lithography and other handicraft experience and customized projects, come to the creation of the book to start your creation journey together!

Feel the summer colors of Creation - step into the wonderful world of blue sun

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