
Do you know how valuable your body is? Raise these organs well and are worth millions1. One heart, 20 million 2. One lung, six or seven hundred thousand 3. One liver, at least 200,000 4. One kidney, more than 300,000 5. One bite of teeth, more than 200,000

author:Health Times

We always use our bodies desperately to make money, overdraft, lack of maintenance, but do not know that our body itself is the most valuable.

If we measure it in terms of a specific measurable cost of surgery or treatment, we can see how valuable the body is!

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Chutian Metropolis Daily reported in June 2019 that the cost of a heart transplant is about 280,000 yuan, plus the patient needs to take anti-rejection drugs for a long time after discharge, which is a big expense for most families. ①

Stressful smoking, drinking alcohol in the liquor bureau, busy work and casually eating some greasy high-salt diets... The money you desperately earn comes from an overdraft of your heart. All the functions of the body need the heart to pump blood to maintain, but once the heart goes wrong, hundreds of thousands of people are difficult to buy back their lifespan.

If you have heart failure due to coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, etc., you may face the problem of changing your heart, even if you are very rich, you may regret death because you can't wait for the heart supply.

Heart Care Tips:

Miao Guobin, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, said at a free clinic activity that to protect heart health, it is necessary to have healthy living habits.

(1) It is necessary to limit diet, avoid eating too much, limit the intake of fat and salt, increase dietary fiber and vitamins, and appropriate potassium supplementation.

(2) Proper exercise, walking, jogging, tai chi and other sports help to enhance heart function and prevent coronary heart disease;

(3) Quit smoking, smoking is not only harmful to yourself, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease after smoking second-hand smoke by relatives and friends. ②

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Smoking, oil smoke, long-term exposure to dust at work, etc. are all overdrawing the value of your lungs. In the medical documentary "Human Life 2", an old man was plagued by pneumoconiosis for 20 years and finally decided to have a lung transplant. Chen Jingyu, president of Wuxi People's Hospital, told the patient's family: the average cost of lung transplantation is 600,000-700,000, the mortality rate is 20%, even if the operation is smooth, it will pass the level of infection and rejection later, if everyone is very economically nervous, do not want patients to gamble to do lung transplantation. ③

Do you know how valuable your body is? Raise these organs well and are worth millions1. One heart, 20 million 2. One lung, six or seven hundred thousand 3. One liver, at least 200,000 4. One kidney, more than 300,000 5. One bite of teeth, more than 200,000

Image source: "The Human World 2"

Our lungs are very delicate organs, and once lung function is damaged, there is no good way to recover it!

Lung Protection Tips:

(1) Refuse to smoke: Healthy people's lungs are pink, but smokers' lungs are full of black substance, if the lungs can not breathe happily, how can people survive.

Do you know how valuable your body is? Raise these organs well and are worth millions1. One heart, 20 million 2. One lung, six or seven hundred thousand 3. One liver, at least 200,000 4. One kidney, more than 300,000 5. One bite of teeth, more than 200,000

(2) Haze protection: With the increase of PM2.5 value, there are more and more harmful dusts in the air that can be inhaled into the lungs. Pay attention to wearing a mask when going out on a polluted day, and you can use an air purifier at home.

(3) Stay away from the fumes: Look at the cover of the range hood at home, it is all condensed from the fumes, black and greasy, just imagine if your lungs are such a scene, then what is the health? Therefore, the stir-fry must be ventilated, and the range hood should be turned on before stir-frying.

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Yan Lunan, director of the Department of General Surgery at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, talked about the cost of liver transplantation nationwide in an interview with Red Star News in 2018, and now the minimum cost of living liver transplantation, including donors and recipients, is usually 200,000. In general, if it is high, the number in first- and second-tier cities is about 500,000 to 1 million. ④

Alcoholism, hepatitis... Too many people's livers are quietly hardening, and the liver is responsible for the body's metabolism, how important. Severe cirrhosis is difficult to reverse, and the cost of liver transplantation is not cheap for ordinary families.

Liver Protection Tips:

(1) Stay up late less: Wei Lai, director of the Department of Hepatology at Peking University People's Hospital, said in a 2014 video interview room with China Health Channel that once you stay up late, the liver load will increase. When people lie down and sit, the blood is not the same, after people lie down, the liver blood will increase by 40%, there are nutrients, it will work better. ⑤

(2) Do not use drugs indiscriminately: There is a disease in the field of hepatology called drug-induced liver injury, the definition of this word refers to liver damage caused by drugs and non-drug others, in addition to drugs, there are also some nutritional products, health care products.

(3) Do not drink alcohol: Cheng Jun, vice president of Beijing Ditan Hospital, reminded in an article published in the life edition of Health Times on February 22, 2018 that 90% to 98% of ethanol should be metabolized in the liver. The so-called good amount of alcohol only means that the alcohol tolerance is good, and the ability of ethanol to metabolize acetaldehyde is strong, which does not mean that the liver has a strong metabolism of alcohol, and the harm of alcohol to the human body will not be less. ⑥

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Huang Jiefu, chairman of the Chinese Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, said in an interview with China News Network on December 6, 2015 that a uremia patient needs about 1 million yuan for lifelong dialysis, although it can maintain life but the quality of life is not high, through kidney transplantation can allow patients to return to normal life, surgical treatment costs of about 300,000 yuan. ⑦

The kidneys are responsible for excreting toxins from our body, and it is necessary to protect the kidneys.

Kidney Protection Tips:

(1) Drink more water: water is the best kidney protector, one is to ensure adequate blood perfusion of the kidneys; the other is that urine is the carrier of kidney detoxification, and insufficient urine is also prone to kidney stones. It is recommended that the average daily water intake for children over 6 years old is 800-1400 ml, and adults are 1500-1700 ml. It is best to drink boiled water.

(2) Don't be too fat: Xu Meichang, director of the Department of Nephrology of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said in an interview with Health Times on May 16, 2013 that obesity is indeed an "accomplice" to kidney disease, for example, abdominal fat accumulation, the kidneys will be "wrapped" by more and more fat, and some fat may even penetrate and damage the kidneys. ⑧

(3) Eat less salt: Li Wenge, director of the Department of Nephrology of China And Japan Hospital, introduced in an interview with the People's Political Consultative Conference Network in 2015 that 95% of the salt in the diet is metabolized by the kidneys, and excessive salt intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, while the sodium in the salt will cause the body to be difficult to discharge, the volume load is too heavy, forming edema, and further increasing the burden on the kidneys. Poor kidney function does not exceed 4 grams of salt per day; ordinary people do not exceed 6 grams. ⑨

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Worm teeth, periodontitis... You may not feel how serious it is, but from a worm tooth that can be repaired for about 500 yuan, to a complete loss of teeth and re-implantation, it may cost at least tens of thousands.

In 2017, a Health Times reporter asked several stomatological hospitals in Beijing and found that planting a tooth was more than 10,000 yuan. A well-known private dental clinic offers between 15,000 yuan and 23,000 yuan, while good teeth cost tens of thousands of yuan. The starting price of a tooth in the Department of Oral Implantology of Peking University School of Stomatology is 17,000 yuan. Most of the other dental clinics and hospitals are priced between 10,000 and 20,000. It is according to the cheapest implant dental body, 28 teeth in one mouth, all planted down to 200,000, buy a car is no problem. ⑩

Dental Tips:

(1) 3 times: Brush your teeth 3 times a day

(2) 3 minutes: The time to brush your teeth should take at least 3 minutes to ensure that each tooth can be brushed.

(3) 6 months: Wash your teeth once every six months. When washing teeth, you can wash away stones, prevent plaque, and inhibit periodontal disease.

Your body is actually worth a lot!

Desperately trying to make money, exhausting the body,

In the end, you have to suffer and spend money to change "accessories".

It is better to raise the original "accessories",

The best is also best for you!

Editor of this article: Ren Xuan

Review Director: Yang Xiaoming

Please contact: 010-65363351

Complaint email: [email protected]

References for this article:

(1) 2019-06-12 Chutian Metropolis Daily "Experts Call for Heart Transplantation to Be Included in Medical Insurance as Soon as Possible"

(2) 2018-09-29 Health Times Network "Guarding Heart Health, We Can Still Do This" (Health Times Reporter Tian Ru Intern Reporter Li Chaoran)

(3) "The World on Earth 2" Episode 3: Breathing: Life and Death, Just For Free Breathing

(4) 2018-09-07 Red Star News "Interview with Yan Lunan, Winner of "Chinese Physician Award": Controlling liver transplant fees at about 100,000 yuan

(5) 2014-08-01 "Experts talk about liver protection: eat well, there is no need to eat any liver protection health products"

(6) 2018-02-22 Health Times Life Edition "White Wine and Red Wine Hurt liver"

(7) 2015-12-06 China News Network "Huang Jiefu Calls for Kidney Transplantation to Be Included in Medical Insurance for Serious Illness"

(8) 2013-05-16 Health Times Life Gender Edition "Kidney Early Weight Control"

(9) 2015-05-24 People's Political Consultative Conference Network "Eat no more than 4 grams of salt per day"

(10)2017-03-21 Health Times News Edition "Holding a tooth is equal to earning a car"

The head image of this article is from the "Healthy China Photography Contest" "Harvest of Joy" Deng Weijian / photo