
What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

author:Outdoor horizons

There are many poisonous creatures in the ocean, and if humans or animals are accidentally exposed, they are poisoned at best and deadly at worst. So in the vast sea, do you know the poisonous creatures in the deep sea, the following small series takes you to understand the ten most poisonous creatures in the ocean.

Belcher Sea Snake

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

The Belcher sea snake ( Hydrophis belcheri ) is a venomous sea snake of the genus Sea Snake of the suborder Cobra family , and was once one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The venom released by the Belcher sea snake can paralyze prey and eventually lead to death in just a few seconds, and there is currently no serum to detoxify. Fortunately, the Sea Serpent is gentle and rarely attacks humans, and will bite unless treated with strong hostility.


What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Puffer fish mainly live in the sea and rivers, although the appearance is very cute, but the toxin can not be underestimated. Once infected, the toxin of the pufferfish can range from coma to death, and there is currently no cure. 1 gram of tetrodotoxin can kill 500 people, but "non-toxic and not delicious", puffer fish meat is tender and delicious, there have been "eat puffer fish, the taste is not fresh" and "desperately eat puffer fish" said. For people who lack cooking experience in puffer fish, but they can't eat it, eat puffer fish poisoning deaths, it is not uncommon at home and abroad, that is, Japanese people with rich experience in eating puffer fish, it is said that there are hundreds of people who die of poisoning every year.

Chicken heart snail

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Cone Snail, also known as "Taro Snail", mainly grows in tropical seas, generally living in warm seas, belongs to the mollusk phylum, gastropods, Taro snail family, is a beautiful snail living on coastal coral reefs and beaches. The shell of the chicken heart snail is sharp at the front and the rear end is thick, shaped like the heart or taro of a chicken. It has many varieties, in different colors and patterns, and is a highly poisonous marine creature, because its tip part hides a small opening with poisonous teeth that can shoot venom from here, enough to make the injured person scream for life.

Embroidered spine ripe crab

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

The embroidered ridge ripe crab, also known as the mosaic crab, is covered with red and white web patterns all over its body, which is very beautiful. The body length of the embroidered ridge ripe crab is about 4 cm and the body width is about 8 cm. The embroidered ridge ripe crab is the most poisonous crab known, and some of their bodies contain puffer fish poison, some contain paralytic shellfish poison, and some contain sea anemone poison. The toxins in an adult embroidered crab can poison 45,000 mice.


What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Suō yóu (scientific name: Pterois volitans), alias lionfish, firefish, etc., body length, 25-40 cm, common name for the genus Scorpene in the family Scorpene. This is a very dangerous fish, not only for small fish, but also for humans, and the spines on its dorsal fin are very toxic. When encountering an enemy, he sprints sideways with the spines of the dorsal fin. The fin spines have poisonous glands, and people are in severe pain after being stabbed, and in severe cases, it is difficult to breathe, and even fainting.

Stingray rays

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Stingray rays, commonly known as stingrays, are cartilaginous fish with flattened bodies and slender tails. At the end of its tail, the stinger has a serrated stinger with a serrated stinger at the end of its tail, which is the same as the substance that makes up shark scales. When a threat is sensed, the jagged stinger hardens like a sharp steak knife. Stingers release venom that can inflict fatal injuries on predators.

etc. refers to anemone

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Actinia equina (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of anemone in the genus Anemone in the family Anemoneaceae. The body color varies greatly, with the cylinders appearing dark milky yellow, dark red, reddish brown, or rose red. The tentacles have 6 turns and can reach 192. It is found in the Mediterranean, eastern Atlantic and northern Scotland at a depth of 2 metres. Its toxins can cause animals to drop blood pressure rapidly, slow down their heart rate, and suppress breathing, causing animal death. Therefore, its toxin can be used to make antihypertensive drugs.

Blue-ringed octopus

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

The blue-ringed octopus (scientific name: Hapalochlaen maculosa) is a very small species of octopus with an arm span of no more than 15 cm. It can feed small fish, crabs, shrimp and crustaceans, and paralyzes prey with a strong toxin (tetrodotoxin). In the ocean, the blue-ringed octopus is one of the most poisonous creatures, and a bite from this small octopus can kill people. But these octopuses don't actively attack humans unless they are greatly threatened.

Box jellyfish

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

Box jellyfish are also called cubic jellyfish, and their tentacles are highly toxic to the human body. The body is atopic velarium. The poison of a tank jellyfish is enough to poison 60 adults, if it is poisoned by a tank jellyfish, if it is not treated within 0 seconds to 4 minutes, it will die. And it is difficult to find in the water, swimming extremely fast (more than 4 km / h). If someone touches a tiny cell on a tank jellyfish, it can die quickly. On the coast of Queensland, Australia, about 60 people have died of poisoning from tank jellyfish in 25 years, but 13 people have died in shark belly at the same time.

Stone fish

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

The stone fish is a highly toxic fish in nature, and its "fatal sting" has been described as the most painful sting that gives humans the most pain. The stone fish is not amazing, only about 30 centimeters long, and likes to hide under the seabed or under the rock reef, disguising itself as an inconspicuous stone. If someone does not pay attention to it, it will unceremoniously and immediately counterattack, firing out deadly poison, and the 12 to 14 needle-like backstabs on its back will easily penetrate the soles of the shoes and pierce into the soles of the feet, causing people to be quickly poisoned and in severe pain until death.

What are some of the 10 most poisonous creatures in the ocean?

After reading it, I was surprised

Obviously, some creatures are cute and beautiful

It is highly toxic

So be careful when you go out

Don't touch these creatures

To avoid accidents