
More than 99% of women do not understand HPV! HPV is the best choice for uterine cancer screening needs

author:Dr. Hua Ling

In gynecological clinics, there are often more patients over the age of twenty, and most of this group suffers from gynecological diseases such as vaginitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, adnexitis, etc., which are related to sexual life and women's personal hygiene when these diseases are unobstructed.

More than 99% of women do not understand HPV! HPV is the best choice for uterine cancer screening needs

Gynecological inflammation refers to the inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, common include pelvic inflammatory disease, vulvitis, cervicitis and vaginitis, etc., according to statistics, more than 70% of women have at least one gynecological inflammation in their lifetime, and some of them will also cause chronic gynecological inflammation due to improper treatment and other reasons, which poses a serious threat to women's reproductive health.

Adolescent girls get gynecological inflammation, and since adolescent women have not experienced sex, the incidence is not as high as that of adults. In fact, among the patients who receive treatment, adolescent women suffer from vaginitis or menstrual irregularities. Adolescent women will suffer from vaginitis, generally due to menstrual periods do not pay attention to hygiene, menstrual hygiene pads are not changed frequently, resulting in vulvovaginitis

More than 99% of women do not understand HPV! HPV is the best choice for uterine cancer screening needs

Human papillomavirus is a genus A of papilloma vacuolevirus belonging to the family Lactoclerophoridae, which is a spherical DNA virus that can cause squamous epithelial proliferation of human skin mucosa. Presents with symptoms such as common warts and genital warts (genital warts). With the rapid increase in the incidence of genital warts in STDs and the increase in cervical and anal cancers, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has attracted more and more attention.

On October 27, 2017, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a preliminary list of carcinogens, and the human papillomavirus types 6 and 11, human papillomavirus β genera (except types 5 and 8) and γ are in the list of 3 carcinogens.

More than 99% of women do not understand HPV! HPV is the best choice for uterine cancer screening needs

The following are the 5 major points about HPV, female friends must keep in mind, male friends must transfer to female friends around!

More than 99% of women do not understand HPV! HPV is the best choice for uterine cancer screening needs

#female##女性健康 #