
The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

author:Poison Bee Shadow Detective
The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

10, jaguar: Jaguar is the third largest existing cat, its bite force can reach 1250 pounds, the body is like a tiger, the tail is short, the body is thick, the muscles are plump, the pattern on the body is more beautiful, like to inhabit the densely wooded tropical rainforest and seasonal flooded swamp areas, and its nearby bushes and savannas, but it will always be close to the water source.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

9, polar bear: polar bear is the largest carnivore on land, a white fluff, extremely large, fierce, sensitive sense of smell, fast running speed. Due to the rise in global temperatures, polar bears' homes have been damaged to a certain extent, and there is a possibility of extinction, so people are in need of protection.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

8. Siberian tiger: Siberian tiger, also known as Siberian tiger, is the largest carnivorous cat in existence, distributed in Russia's Siberia region, North Korea and northeast China. The Siberian tiger, with pale yellow fur and black stripes, is known as the king of the forest, but rarely attacks humans.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

7, hyenas: hyenas are very brave carnivores, short hind limbs, short bodies, black stripes interspersed in the middle, running very fast, and very endurance, its bite force surpasses that of African lions.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

6, hippopotamus: many people think that the hippopotamus is just a stupid and clumsy animal, but it is also a large omnivorous mammal, most of the time in the water, the performance is relatively mild, but when frightened, it can bite the boat in half.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

5, bay crocodile: bay crocodile, also known as piranha crocodile, located at the highest level of the wetland food chain, is the largest existing crocodile species, the longest can exceed seven meters. Bay crocodile feeds on large fish, mud crabs, turtles, monitor lizards, birds, but also preys on wild deer, bison, wild boar, the bite force is super strong, can crush the turtle's hard armor and bison bones in one bite, is one of the world's largest existing bites of the organism.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

4, forest grasshopper: forest grasshopper is the world's largest snake, also become the "Amazon forest crab", living in South America, is the top of the South American food chain creatures, mainly turtles, water birds and caimans for food.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

3, Komodo dragon: Komodo dragon is the world's largest lizard, also known as "Komodo dragon", known for its ferocity, adult monitor lizards will eat the same kind of larvae. Today, komodo monitor lizards are on the brink of extinction, with only about 3,000 remaining in the wild.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

2, bald eagle: the big vulture, also known as the bald eagle, is the largest bird in the raptor class, known as the "king of birds". Adult condors can reach 1.5 meters long, spread their wings up to 4 meters, can fly at a height of 7500 meters, and their food is mostly dead animal carcasses.

The world's 10 most fierce animals, flat-headed brother at the top of the list, Siberian tiger on the list, are you afraid or not?

1, honey badger: when someone is fierce, the "flat-headed brother" has not yet served anyone, hanging hyenas, single-handed African leopards, preying on poisonous snakes, sharp claws destroy the hive, although the length does not exceed 1 meter, can not let it be afraid, by Guinness as the world's most daring animal.

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