
Do you add MSG to the feed? Linghua Group breeds Russi cattle

author:Popular Daily

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As we all know, Linghua Group is a well-known msg manufacturer in China, but recently the group has quietly opened the road of ecological breeding of Ruxi cattle.

Do you add MSG to the feed? Linghua Group breeds Russi cattle

Jiang Baoan, chairman of Linghua Group, introduced that as a national circular economy demonstration pilot unit, the Group established Linghua Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. in Liangshan County, undertaking the task of breeding of Luxi cattle in Jining City, innovating the operation mode of "technology research + capital investment", and implementing the introduction, breeding, breeding, breeding, breeding, promotion and development of Luxi cattle.

Do you add MSG to the feed? Linghua Group breeds Russi cattle

On August 25, the reporter came to Linghua Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guanyi Town, Liangshan County to find out. When the reporter successively walked into the breeding shed, the cow shed, the fattening shed and other breeding sheds, the robust bulls, fat cows, and cute calves came into view one after another, but in the cowshed, they could not smell the smell of stinky baked cow dung, and cow dung was rarely seen on the ground of the breeding shed. Cui Guangjun, assistant general manager of Linghua Group and deputy general manager of agricultural business line, introduced that they relied on Liangshan County's high-quality edible mushroom waste fungus package to solve the problem of breeding manure treatment at zero cost.

He further explained: "The breeder lays 5 cm thick fungus bran in the cowshed every month, and at the same time sprays the decomposition agent to become an active fermentation bed, which can adsorb urine in time after in situ fermentation and decompose cow dung." Therefore, it is not unusual for there to be no odor in the cowshed, and each cow can also produce 1 ton of organic fertilizer, which can be described as a lot of work. ”

Do you add MSG to the feed? Linghua Group breeds Russi cattle

Luxi cattle are excellent livestock breeds in Shandong Province, with good meat production performance, uniform fat distribution, obvious marbling patterns after fattening, and fast growth and development, and tall individuals. However, in recent years, due to the popularization of agricultural mechanization, farmers have raised fewer and fewer cattle, and the efficiency of Ruxi cattle breeding is not as good as that of beef cattle such as Simmental, and the number of farmers has gradually decreased, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of Rusi cattle. In order to protect local excellent varieties, Linghua Group, which has the advantages of the agricultural recycling industry chain, undertakes the responsibility of breeding and breeding of Ruxi cattle.

Jiang Baoan introduced that the company implements biological cattle raising, antibiotic cattle raising and environmental protection cattle breeding for Luxi cattle, mechanized mixing, sowing, and manure cleaning to improve operational efficiency; more importantly, it is to carry out three-level management of core groups, breeding groups and commodity groups, and adopt the breeding of cattle archives, avoiding inbreeding and improving the genetic diversity of the population. At present, Linghua Animal Husbandry has 980 Ruxi cattle, including 1 special breeding bull, 19 first-class breeding bulls, 425 breeding cows, 269 reserve cows and 266 fattening male calves.

Do you add MSG to the feed? Linghua Group breeds Russi cattle

In the cowshed, the reporter saw that each cow had a label on its ear, recording in detail the population information of the Rusi cattle.

In the breeding of Ruxi cattle, Linghua Animal Husbandry also innovatively adopted the microbial fermentation straw quality improvement and efficiency improvement technology of Hebei Agricultural University, and carried out anaerobic fermentation of corn husks, bacterial body proteins, sugar residues and other resources. The fermented feed is easy to preserve and has a fragrant taste, and scalpers like to feed on it. Moreover, it can adjust the microbial flora of the cattle intestine, enhance the immunity of the cattle intestine, and achieve antibiotic-free feeding. "This bio-fermentation technology is equivalent to adding 'MONOS glutamate' to cattle feed." In the yellow storage feed yard, Cui Guangjun pointed to the feed introduction, the yellow storage fermentation technology can increase the crude protein content of straw from 5% to 12%, according to the addition of concentrate soybean meal calculation per cow to save 730 yuan per cow per year.

In the next step, Linghua Group will also develop Luxi cattle into high-end beef, and set up specialty stores in Jining and other places to deliver beef to the tables of citizens. Cui Guangjun introduced: "After the Ruxi cattle are slaughtered in pieces, a cow can be sold for 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, which is nearly double the value added of a simple beef cattle." "At present, the second phase of the farm project is under intensive construction, Linghua Group plans to build a special breeding industrial park with a scale of more than 10,000 heads within 3 years, introduce farmers and breeding professional cooperatives into the park, provide technology, calves, epidemic prevention, feed, environmental protection, market and other all-round services, promote the development of characteristic breeding to standardization and intensification, drive farmers to continue to increase income, and become a first-class high-end beef cattle industrial park in China."

(Reporting by Lu Guangshe, correspondent Tian Hui, client reporter of Dazhong Newspaper and Dazhong Daily)