
Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

author:First trip
Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Bhutan ----- the land of thunder dragons, but if you want to add a title to Bhutan, then it should be the most Buddhist country, why say so, because more than 75% of the people in Bhutan are buddhist. And the state religion of Bhutan is Buddhism, and every village has at least one temple. It is not an exaggeration to say that Bhutan is the most Buddhist country.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

There may be some people who don't know where Bhutan is, or who haven't heard of the country. In fact, Bhutan is very close to China, one of China's neighbors, and also on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. It is also a small country, although China has not established diplomatic relations with Bhutan, the reason for not establishing diplomatic relations is mainly because of India, because Bhutan's foreign policy is guided by India, and the relations between China and India have not been very good, so India does not allow Bhutan to establish diplomatic relations with China. But historically, Bhutan's relationship with China has been inextricably linked. Dating back to the 7th century AD, Bhutan belonged to the Tubo Dynasty and became an independent kingdom by the 9th century. Then after a continuous civil war, and finally with the intervention of the Qing Dynasty, it was finally unified. Bhutan was then enthroned by the Qing Dynasty until the mid-19th century. Because then it was invaded by the British, and then waited until the end of World War II, only to ask for British domination, but it was related to India, but this time the relationship between the two countries was very harmonious. It can be said that the country with the best relations with India in the world is Bhutan.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Bhutan's pillar industry is agriculture, but the development of hydropower has also continued to drive Bhutan's economic growth. Therefore, although Bhutan is relatively isolated (due to geographical environment), they are not lagging behind, and the happiness index of the Bhutanese people is very high, because the indicator of Bhutan's economy is not what we often call GDP, but GNH, that is, the national happiness index.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

When it comes to Bhutan's tourism industry, there are still many amazing attractions, such as tiger's den temple, a temple built on a cliff face, known as one of the top ten super temples in the world. And I have to mention that Bhutan has a lot of luxury hotels, did not expect it, such as Six Senses, Aman, Uma, and more than one, such as Aman Hotel, there are only four in our country, but you dare to believe that there are actually 5 in Bhutan. So if you want to experience luxury hotels, coming to Bhutan is also a good choice, you can change a luxury hotel every day of the week, without any heavy samples.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Back to the capital of Bhutan, Thimphu. Located in the Wangqu River Valley, it is the political, military, religious and cultural center of Bhutan. Although it is the capital, there are no high-rise buildings, but a typical rural style, and the folk customs are simple. You will have a feeling of being in Tibet, after all, it is also a country of Tibetan Buddhism, so the architectural style is similar to That of Tibet. For many Bhutanese people, Tibet is regarded as a holy place and comes to make a pilgrimage every year.


Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Tiger's Den Temple

This is one of Bhutan's most famous attractions. It is located on the cliffs of more than 900 meters high in the Paro Valley, at an altitude of 3120 meters. Built in 1692, the temple is said to have been a place where the Indian monk Padmasambhava meditated and practiced, making it a great place for all Bhutanese devotees to worship. The hike up the mountain usually takes about 2 hours, but the scenery along the way, and the moment you see the Tiger's Den Temple, you will feel that everything is worth it.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Tarkin Zoo

Tarkin is an animal, the national beast of Bhutan, equivalent to the giant panda of our country. It is a sheep-headed and cattle-like animal that can only be seen in Bhutan. Legend has it that the Bhutanese sage Lama, Jukakula, created Tajin from the bones of sheep and cattle. Today, Thimphu Zoo is a great place to see Tarkin. In addition to antelope, there are also a number of deer species, including reindeer and mountain qiang.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Tashi Quzong Fort

The magnificent Tashi Quzong Fort stands to the north of Thimphu and blends with the gorge, which is the office of the current king, the seat of the interior and finance departments, and the religious center of Bhutan. The façade of Dzong Fort is a white double-storey structure with a prominent gold-roofed tower on each of the four corners.


Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Cheese chili

There is one ingredient in Bhutanese cuisine that is essential, and that is the chili pepper. Basically every meal will have chili peppers, and it is really spicy peppers, more than Sichuan cuisine. For example, this national dish, cheese chili pepper, is made by mixing cheese and chili peppers together.

Each country has its own capital, Bhutan

Butter tea

Similar to Tibetan butter tea, ghee extracted from milk or goat's milk, plus boiled brick tea or tuo tea, as well as salt, eggs, raisins and other ingredients, is the main drink for local fitness.