
Just because the old man saved it once on the balcony, the little magpie refused to leave the house again

author:Bright Net
Just because the old man saved it once on the balcony, the little magpie refused to leave the house again
Just because the old man saved it once on the balcony, the little magpie refused to leave the house again
Just because the old man saved it once on the balcony, the little magpie refused to leave the house again
Just because the old man saved it once on the balcony, the little magpie refused to leave the house again

"Chirping, chirping" A crisp bird song came into the ear, and looking at the sound, there was a magpie singing on the terrace on the 33rd floor of Uncle Zhao's house. In the middle of summer this year, a small magpie with an injury flew to the balcony, and after the careful care of Uncle Zhao and his wife, it recovered from its injuries and "camped" here. Since then, the beautiful picture of birds and people living in harmony because of mutual trust has slowly unfolded.

The little magpie injured leg "knocked on the window" for help

In the sweltering heat of Shencheng in July, a 33rd-floor terrace in the Vanke City community in Heping District exudes a joyful "little freshness" - a small magpie fell in love with the verdant balcony of trees and flowers, and made his home here.

"I was watching TV in the house that day when I suddenly noticed a magpie on the balcony, pecking at the window with its mouth, like someone knocking on the door." The owner of the house, 72-year-old Uncle Zhao, felt curious, and took a closer look, it turned out that this was a small magpie with a yellow mouth that had not yet faded, its legs were injured, and it was limping as if it was asking for help.

The black little brain melon has a faint blue tail and a blue-green luster on the wings on both sides. In Uncle Zhao's consciousness, the magpie entering the door is to send joy, which means auspicious. After seeing the little guy's foot injured, Uncle Zhao was very distressed, and he and his wife quickly brought vegetables and fruits to feed the little magpies.

Unexpectedly, this little magpie was not afraid of people at all, and after eating and drinking enough, he entered the house generously, looking left and right, as if to say: "Well, this is what my ideal home looks like!" ”

"Kinoro" likes to fall on people's shoulders and "spoil"

After the little magpie rested on the balcony for a few days, the injury to the leg improved significantly. Although the old couple was delighted to see the little magpie, they also knew that the magpie was going to return to nature after all, so when the little one wanted to probe into the house, they initially refused. Surprisingly, the magpie did not want to fly away at all, but instead liked this balcony full of sunshine and floral fragrance, where it "camped".

Uncle Zhao said: "This magpie is not afraid of people at all, seeing that our old two and family members are not timid, always staring at people up and down with black and slippery round eyes, and then slowly trying to get closer." It would often fly into the house for a while when we opened the door, and often flew to the shoulders and arms of my wife and me to 'coddle', and sometimes when I was resting on the balcony, it would land on my lap and 'ask for attention'. The last time the little grandson came to the house, he was obviously happier, and after entering the house, he jumped around the children, extremely excited. The little grandson also gave it a nice name, called 'Kinoro'. ”

It is understood that "Xi Zhilang" has lived on the balcony of Uncle Zhao's house for more than two months, often wandering around the balcony during the day and playing around, and flying to the drying rack to sleep at night.

My favorite food is meat, knowing how to hide food

For more than two months, the little magpie has grown into a big magpie, and it has long regarded the balcony on the 33rd floor as its home, and the old couple on the balcony has prepared plenty of water and food for it. On the day of the interview, "Xi Zhilang" also performed a performance to eat southern pears to the reporters of Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao. Uncle Zhao said: "It loves to eat everything, but its favorite is meat." Every day when I chop meat in the kitchen, it can hear the sound and then it chirps with joy. ”

As she was speaking, the eldest lady took out a piece of meat and put it in the palm of her hand, and the magpie who was having fun on the side suddenly crossed the air like an arrow, quickly pecked away the piece of meat, and grabbed it on the drying rack and feasted on it. "You see, this little guy is smart, not only loves meat, but every time there is something delicious, he always eats half of it and hides half of it." I've found food behind the pots, on the drying rack, in the small corners of the balcony. Uncle said with a smile.

Arrange free activities every day and "go home" when you hear the whistle.

Since the balcony on the 33rd floor is not closed, "Kinoro" arranges a "physical fitness class" for himself every day, and during the free time, he often flies out to play for a while, and each time it is only ten minutes. The most interesting thing is that Uncle Zhao has a small toy like a whistle, and sometimes he will whistle when he finds that "Kizhiro" is not on the balcony. The whistle sounded, and the little one would soon fly back.

To be able to associate with this magpie, Uncle Zhao and his wife were very happy. "It's getting cold and I'm getting ready to make a bird's nest to make a warm, decent home," he says. Lu Jia, director of the Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao' all-media director

Source: Shenyang Evening News

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