
"Cat-Faced Old Lady" script kills the truth + review + story analysis + murderer hand analysis spoiler + clue analysis

author:Sweet script kill
"Cat-Faced Old Lady" script kills the truth + review + story analysis + murderer hand analysis spoiler + clue analysis

v: Sweet script kill

Script Kill: "The Cat-Faced Old Lady"

Content includes: "Cat-Faced Old Lady" Player Review Guide includes: complete host manual + xiong hand analysis spoiler + clue analysis + review

Number of people: 6, 3 women and 3 men

Type: Emotional / Fearful / Restorative

Game duration: About 4 hours


【Script Review:】

"The Cat-Faced Old Lady" as a horror book This is not a simple horror book, in the restoration story you will learn a lot of things you did not know. But the atmosphere of terror is also cleverly distributed in the overall situation. Friendly for newbies. Some of the smallest details that are ignored by the player may result in the inability to lock the murder or restore the story

【Story Background】

In the scenic Lingchang Village, there were rumors of a cat-faced old woman many years ago, and I don't know which old man sucked the cat gas

After the corpse, there were successive incidents of the death of the villagers, and the village chief invited the Taoist priest to open the altar to no avail.

When you were children, you all saw the horrible appearance of the old lady with the cat's face, or by the bedside, or in the cemetery, or in the woods..... essential

Anyone who has seen it will be infected with obscurity, either fever or unconsciousness. And then a few of you left the village,

This matter is gone...

Today, your group has embarked on the road back to your hometown for various reasons, but is this the way back home? Or Huangquan Road? Just back

On the first day of the township, some people died mysteriously. You woke up in the cat's cry and saw the terrible old lady with the cat's face, she was still here, waiting for you....

【Character Introduction】

[Yi Tianxing]: About 50 years old, unknown occupation, hunched over, a gloomy face.

[Yi Xiao]: About 30 years old, occupation unknown, a long black hair, dark skin, it seems that the mental state is not very good.

[Hao Wenbo]: About 30 years old, a policeman, with a strong body and firm eyes.

[Ge Jiajia]: About 30 years old, cleaner, short hair, petite figure, no words.

[Cai Xiaowen]: About 30 years old, unknown occupation, wearing glasses, wearing a famous brand, like an upstart.

[Ji Wei]: About 25 years old, a white-collar worker in the company, with tears in his eyes and a haggard look.

"Cat-Faced Old Lady" script kills the truth + review + story analysis + murderer hand analysis spoiler + clue analysis

V: Sweet script kill

【Script Review】

The story begins more than 30 years ago, When Xu Wanqiu, who was in the rebellious years of youth, liked outdoor adventures and often ignored the advice of her parents

Say, go out alone.

On this day, she came to Lingchang Village, and her tragic fate began.

Lingchang Village is not large, with only about twenty households. The hao, yi, ge, Cai, and Ji families lived in a large courtyard with them

Others are far apart. Because these five families were poor, and their parents died early, they could not find a wife at all, and when they saw Xu Wanqiu alone, they had a bad heart, turned her into a jian, and imprisoned her in a broken house as a tool for them to vent their yu and give birth to children.

The five told Xu Wanqiu that as long as she gave birth to a child for each child, she would let her go, and her desire to survive and her kind nature made Xu Wanqiu choose to give in. The first to get along with Xu Wanqiu was Hao Da, and when it was the turn of the fifth season, Yi Tianxing did not hold back and secretly came to chuang with her. Therefore, the youngest child, that is, Ji Wei, is actually Yi Tianxing's child.

Xu Wanqiu, who had given birth to five children, thought that they would keep their promise and let themselves go, but the five families repented. They were afraid that they would go to jail after the matter was revealed, so they wanted to burn Xu Wanqiu and the house. Eventually, the fire destroyed Xu Wanqiu's face, her face was burned, all folds, and the wood in the house exploded, breaking most of the teeth in her mouth, and even her lips were burned a little, causing her gums to appear and look like fangs. Thick smoke entered Xu Wanqiu's throat, so that she could no longer speak, and could only make a cat-like cry.

Fortunately, the water tank in the house and the next heavy rain saved Xu Wanqiu's life.

The burned Xu Wanqiu woke up in the middle of the night and crawled into the woods in severe pain, knowing that she wanted to live because he wanted revenge. Fortunately, God has mercy, she was not...


【For more review content, see the following figure】 ⬇️

"Cat-Faced Old Lady" script kills the truth + review + story analysis + murderer hand analysis spoiler + clue analysis

Sweet script kill

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